Updates since 12/24/2011 Include: • Glass cover\bridge supports • More cover on sides of bridge ramps • Can't hide under ramps anymore • More cover added to central columns • Rocket spawns\ammo more appropriate Keeping the water clean for millennium since their creators extinction these filtration centers still run smoothly. Weapons: DMR x2 Shotgun x2 Rocket Launcher x2
I Tried to download this but the bungie.net link didn't work for me. The map it's self looks well forged with some interesting aesthetics.
Great layout, but while the waterway is the main feature, i feel as if the rest of the map is fairly bland. And the dish peice doesnt really belong on this map imo. while the map has a great layout, its just to bland. You should add like a reservoir on a side or something, becase the dish peices are just ugly. but good job on the middle, it looks amazing, the rest of the map is just not up to par
Thank for the critiques, however I don't see how the rest of the map is bland.. The skylights running the length of the roof, the glass bridges over the stream, the shield doors with platform y trimmings, the double large platforms by rockets? Without the dishes water could not be on this map in those areas. I was giving the illusion that the water coming in on those dishes was being pumped up by the incline rounded smalls as pipes and then being pumped back out into the stream through the water fall.
I don't how this map is bland either. From the video everything seems to have color which is a hard thing to do. I love the water fountain in the map, but I think you should credit the creator of the idea. Also, in the video I was curious, if you left the opening underneath the bridges on purpose. I will download this map, and check it out. Then I will post about the gameplay of the map. My fear about the map right now, is that it is too open. Let us see if that fear is proven wrong.
Haha, I knew you'd come up with a great looking map. Now, it's time to see how it plays out. Also, how's FRL looking across the map? I like the water spout with the little water gap below, it's very aesthetically pleasing and creative. I can see you took the time to come up with a map that had a good layout and some nice aesthetics. I also really like the skylight roof. We should play this sometime. Great work man.
Who? I thought the water fall was an original idea Thanks, I thought you might like this one, and yea man hit me up on XBL: ASSASSINinWH1TE
Okay, whoever created the water fountain thing is amazing! I will have to look into that at future reference. I like the glass roof the river of water. You took attention coloring of items, which not many people do well. Maybe adding an FX or two could make it even more colorful?
When I played on this map I found that it was way too open. I could spawn kill the other players with my DMR. The spawn times on the Rocket Launcher seemed to be questionable. It seemed to always be in the battle which got quite annoying at times. The aesthetics were great on this map, but I knew this before I downloaded the map. I hope that you take my feedback and use it to craft a better gameplay experience.
Thanks for the critiques man I agree with the rocket launcher spawns I'm working on that one, and yes the DMR does have a lot of open room to work with.. Have any reccomendations for cover?
The overall layout is interesting. I see that you've used a lot of upside down ramp bridges. XL ramps will accomplice the same thing that those structures will and are even 50% wider so that you can cover up some of those weird hiding areas. Right now people can hide under the ramps, which I think just slows down gameplay and is annoying and unprofessional in map design. I like the idea of having two contested Rocket Launchers with less ammo on the map, though sometimes it can make it so that they appear in combat situations more than one Rocket Launcer on the map would. I've seen BTB maps use two Rocket Launcers, except on those maps they are given for each team. I'd like to see how this power weapon set up works on your map. I dislike how powerful the DMR is on this map. I feel that the map could use more line of sight blockers. Obstructions coming down from the ceiling might decrease the effectiveness of precision weapons. If the weapons that you listed are the only weapons on the map, then there needs to be more weapons, especially more precision weapons. Precision weapons are staying power in games that you do not spawn with them. If you only have two, then the people with them will be able to survive a lot longer than those who have died and those that are spawning. They will not really be able to compete with the people with the precision weapons unless they can pick up their own precision weapon. EDIT: I forgot to say this before, but with maps that are designed wider than they are long can make objective games like CTF and Assault easier and harder to tell where the flag carrier would be or how to intercept him.
Interesting, I never thought about people going under the ramps, I'll give that some consideration. I agree with the cover I'm working on that too, another good idea about more DMRs. Thanks for your critiques man.
The video does not work and from the pics the map looks really clean and the aesthetics look really well also.
Man this is a classic but your website is down but i might can help you whit that just send me a message!