appears that my full rock pictures didn't show up on my recent screens. oh well. enjoy camo rock. If you haven't figured it out by now, there is an invisible rock on this map. The map creator is a forging god. The map is Cavalier created by cory021.
Ive got a few of those invisible objects in a few of my maps, I showed Tz. They are pretty cool guys.
Haha oh wow. I spent most of that game not knowing where any of Red Team was. Were you all seriously just inspecting the rock for the entire time? xD
Yeah, but your teammates kept coming by trying to kill all of us at once. All we wanted to do was to look at the Camo-Rock...
lol i was in a party chat with kuroda jumping around on the map, next thing i know a rock i was landing on disappears. i yell "WTF MATE!" and he's like "whoa cool i guess, im leaving now" and we all hop on the levitating warthog. Pretty Interesting stuff
thatd be awesome if it happened in matchmaking, you could hide behind it and the enemy would keep shooting at you with confusion bc nothing would happen >_<
Nah, you can shoot through the rock... but ONLY if you cannot see it. If it is visible on your screen, you can't shoot through it; hitscan for ya'