If you're worried (as I am) that this site might be logging the email addresses searched for malicious purposes, you can search part of an email and it comes up. I search ladn for example.
Search the same database up on Gizmodo. They're very trustworthy and that's where I checked my emails. Luckily, I'm not one of them.
Honestly, I can't treat "organizations" that launch DDoS attacks seriously. It's so easy to do now that a caveman could do it. 60,000 hacked accounts is still impressive. I assume that they weren't manually hacked though but rather tricked into filling out a form online.
Same, lol - these hackings are just getting ridiculous now... and why doesnt anyone ever try to back hack them?
I think one of my friends got hacked by this. Got her facebook, changed her email pw, and yeah. Nothing major yet.
w00t! Neither of my emails were obtained. Lucky me. Seriously, these dickheads need to be made an example of. If theyve got nothing better to do than act like a bunch of juveniles by hacking all these websites, then they must be very sad people indeed. I would enjoy it very much if Lulz was found, prosecuted, and sent to jail. Good luck executing a firewall that could halt the forced insertion of Big Daves trojan into your backdoor.
I'll guarantee that's how it's done. So many stupid kids out there tricked by the promise of Microsoft Points or whatever gimmick is out there. I know Recon was one gimmick used to get kids to provide their emails and passwords. God only knows how many kids on my friends list got their accounts hacked trying to get Recon one way or another. It was at the point I was filing complaints against my friends for being stupid.
There's only one other person who held the world hostage by threatening to release information... He ended up getting tracked down and arrested by British Police... I hope the same happens to these guys... But, in the meantime, just make sure you're logging into the right site, not following spam emails, etc.