
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Eightball, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    [Sup]1[/sup] Congratulations! You managed to find the first Competitive Hidden Treasure! Make sure you give this amazing 2v2 map a try!

    Designed and Forged by: Eightball​

    AtlasIsShruggin: "Elysium boasts some of the best and balanced gameplay I have come across for 2v2 custom games. This map simply must be downloaded!"


    Looking for ugly coliseum walls? How about lights, that cause framerate lag? Well, how about framerate lag at all? Fortunately, there isn’t any of those things. That’s right, no lights, no framerate lag, no coliseum walls. I wanted to make a map that really didn’t consist of any of those things and I think I’ve done a pretty good job of omitting those things from this project.

    As many of you know, my maps are usually pretty aesthetically pleasing, but lack good gameplay and good map layout designs. Well, not anymore. I present, Elysium, my first 2v2 asymmetrical map built in the quarry. I was originally going to post this map on the 29th, but I decided to post it early because everyone said it was ready to be posted and they felt I had done a good job and shouldn’t wait any longer. So, here it is.


    The design of this map is quite complex, as I intended it to be. Not lazily thought out, not put together in twenty minutes like some maps of mine. Note, I’m talking about the design not the actual forging quality. I do in fact take my time on all of my maps with the uniqueness, originality and aesthetic appeal, but it has been noted that my maps lack a certain quality of a complex, well-though out map design and layout.

    So, therefore, I have taken the time the come up with a map that I feel I have perfected in every way. Well, at least I think I did. Prove me wrong, please.


    Elysium is basically a one month project that I started at the end of May and continued until the end of June. I spent countless weeks trying to perfect every aspect of this map from aesthetics, to sightlines, to flow, to balance, to even the smallest of changes such as the rotation of weapons and health packs around the map.

    Some of you may think that I really didn’t use that much time to perfect this map (Career), but in all honesty, I did. My good friend JGarb, AKA Jackson will tell you that I’ve been on that map day after day running test after test, just trying to do anything possible to make this map play like a charm. I spent countless hours figuring out ways to add more aesthetic appeal, more height variations, and any little thing that could make gameplay that much better.

    I had over 20 people play on this map and not 1 person had a complaint that gameplay was bad or unbalanced or had no flow. Of course, they had small suggestions about little things that could be improved or changed. So, I took everyone’s opinions and suggestions into consideration, improving the map even more.

    You might think that this map has no aesthetic appeal or very little at all, but it really was not meant to be my most aesthetically pleasing map. I did in fact base this map more off of gameplay rather than aesthetics, making more than one way into each area and making sure the height variations were not overpowering and too much of an easy control point.
    Final Notes
    Many people have told me they wanted to see me make a map that was open and ‘outside’. A map that had a more developed and well-thought out layout. So, I took my time with the map – not in any rush to post something I felt was unfinished and not proud of. I had a great time forging this map, discovering things about forge I never knew and really learning from other successful forgers. I’ve studied other techniques of popular forgers to just learn from them and take advice to improve this map. I think I’ve effectively changed my forging style and proved that I can really make a map that is something to be truly proud of.

    Now, I want to say the special thanks.

    Thanks to Jackson, because without him I would’ve never known my map was so easily breakable ;)

    Thanks to Tom. Tom always takes his time with his maps and is never in a rush taking months to perfect his maps. He has inspired me to do the same.

    Thanks to Stevo for giving me suggestions of weapon and health pack placement.

    Thanks to cookiebubba for giving suggestions to improve gameplay.

    Thanks to Rorak Kuroda for help with spawning. That is a very important aspect of this map that has been done to perfection thanks to him.

    Thanks to Rho, for helping with some little things that make a huge difference.

    Thanks to Nibs for suggestions to help improve the map while it was in its Beta stage.

    Thanks to Knight of Order for some help with an aesthetic piece.

    Thanks to Equinox for all of his advice and help with testing.

    A big thanks to EVERYONE who helped in the product of this map. If I did, in fact, forget to mention you, please don’t be afraid to yell at me.

    Testers (In no specific order.)

    Knight of Order
    Psycho Duck
    Flying Shoe ILR
    The Guam Guy
    Mastuur Cheef
    Rho Fs
    Rorak Kuroda
    Duck NG
    HMS Govier
    Download the Custom Elysium Gametype if you love DMRs'. (Nibs, lol)

    Custom gametype has you start off with DMRs' and the Sprint armor ability ONLY.


    DMR x4
    Magnum x1
    Sniper Rifle x1 (Respawn: 90) (Spare clips:1) Place at start: No
    Needler x1 (Respawn: 60) (Spare clips:1)
    Plasma Rifle x1
    Health Pack x3
    Grenade Launcher x1 (Respawn: 90) (spare clips:2) Place at start: No​


    Blue Spawn.
    Red Spawn.
    Overview of the bridge.
    Sniper spawn.
    Grenade Launcher spawn.


    Thanks for checking out my map and I hope you all enjoy it and leave me some feedback. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

    Here's the download link if you missed it.
    #1 Eightball, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2012
  2. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Needs moar aesthetics 2.5/10


    Just kidding, Eightball, this map looks fantastic! I particularly like the sniper spawn. The Quarry is my favorite Forging spot, so I'm very glad to see you put it to good use! While it isn't perfectly flat, it just adds so much more life to a map as opposed to if it were built in the Coliseum (I have a feud with the lighting in that place...)

    As you mentioned in the post, the design does indeed look very well thought-out. Not only the flow, but the sight lines as well. I have a lot of trouble getting my own maps to have a balanced amount of openness/cover, and the map's layout and elevation changes really help create interesting sight lines.

    On the topic of cover, you do an excellent job integrating the cover with the actual geometry of the map. Most times Forgers throw in cover as an afterthought, whereas here the map provides its own cover, so good job on that.

    You took a different design approach and it definitely paid off. As always, asymmetrical is difficult to do well. Also, I'm happy to see you've done away with coliseum walls. :) Great job on the map, and good luck with the rest of your projects!
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Wow man, you finally posted this. After putting me through so much pain and unpatientness its finally here. Im glad you posted this for multiple reasons. Now the aesthetics are great, gameplay amazing and overall presentaion was flawless. Great job EightBall, I now get to download the final version.
  4. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    What a nice little surprise. Wasn't expecting to see this up. Glad you finally did though.

    While it was a little rough around the edges when I played, the base gameplay was solid. I'm certain you fixed some of the minor issues we encountered. Thanks for the special thanks (lol?) even though I really didn't do much.

    Hopefully this doesn't go unnoticed.
  5. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Finally this map is up! First off, This map is amazing. The height variations, the sightlines, the careful placement of each healthpack and weapon, are all just astounding. When you first showed me this way back, me and my friend next to me were blown away. Aesthetics wise... its not that bad. The colors are great, and those support beam thingys look really cool. Im sad i couldnt get into testing, but me and my friends will definetley play a few games on this. I can already tell the gameplay will be flawless, just by the shape of the map. Eightball this deserves a feature, hands down. Good job!
  6. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good lord, you have been busy.

    I was working on a similar map in the same place for that £5000 budget contest, so it's lovely to see how you've used the playspace and objects. I'll give this a download or kidnap you and force a custom on it. :)
  7. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sweet map man, I remember liking playing on this, it was a fun match that did not in fact turn out to be on a pirate ship. Still don't know why I saw that. I commend you for your choice not to use coliseum walls, though they are essential for me to build BTB maps. Oh well though, great job on this, I see it has changed since my test so I need to play it again!
  8. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map dude. I liked what i saw when you were showing me a while back. Its a shame I wasnt present for any play testing but im sure I will get a game or two on it soon. Nice name too man.
  9. Matt Master1

    Matt Master1 Forerunner

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    Great map eightball, I love how you were able to integrate the architecture with the natural grass and rocks. It looks like the map was meant to be there, not just forged there. Since i am new to forgehub, I am always impressed with how fast some of you guys are able to create great maps!
  10. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have to be honest with you, and I agree with some of the stuff you said in your post, your maps prior to this were to me, solely based on aesthetic appeal. They looked great, but with each one that I downloaded I felt that it lacked any complexity and thought put into the design. I'm glad you realized that because this map is many steps ahead of your previous maps!

    Even though I played only one or two games on this, I could tell it had much more depth than anything I'd seen from you before. Nothing was too overpowering and I could tell that you put thought into the weapons you placed, instead of just placing a sword in the middle because it looked pretty. Oh and mind you, this map definitely isn't ugly. I think I'm one of the few people who actually prefers a cleanly built and simple-looking map, and this map definitely does that.

    Great job on this EightBall, I can't wait to see what you'll cook up next!
  11. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow. Yet another amazing map posted by you, eightball. I especially love the sniper spawn. I'm going to download this like I do with all amazing maps and do a run through. I feel that you wanted to back away from the aesthetics and work on the gameplay, which is a great idea, but it seems you were able to focus on both! Yet another amazing map! Keep up the good work.
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh wow, so many comments. I'd be here for a day if I had to answer everyone ;)
    Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm so glad to see that you all enjoyed it and I hope to maybe get some more gams on this with you in the future. Message me if you're up for it. Thanks again guys.
  13. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a massive leap in the right direction, it really is. Testing was a blast, and every issue that was addressed seems to have been fixed. Glad I could help with that spawning. I'll be playing this map in my 2v2 rotations for quite some time. :p

    Now here's what I want to see from you in the future. You seem to have a much greater understanding of balance, and I've seen your aesthetic prowess, so I want you to combine those skills. What I want to see from you, is something truly.... original, in terms of both gameplay and appearance. That's what I want to see.
  14. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Nice to see this posted, or at least that you are still active! Also, no Special Mention!? I am offended.

    Anyway, awesome job with aesthetics and gameplay. Mind I take heavy inspiration of this for a future map? DL'd
  15. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Eightball, I had never played on any of your maps before this. This is largely because I had no desire to play any of them based on screenshots I had seen and things I had heard about their gameplay. However, I was very pleasantly surprised with Elysium. The map had some great flow and design, with some good aesthetics and clean forging. I noticed a few minor issues while testing, but you took my feedback into account (and that of many others as well, it seems) and quickly fixed them. It really looks like you've improved every aspect of your forging style with this one, I look forward to seeing more maps like this from you in the future.
  16. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I will try my hardest to come up with a map that combines those two qualities. Kind of like your map, which I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about or not? :p We played on it and I was amazed. Anyways, thanks for the comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Edited by merge:

    Why is it you always want a 'special mention'? I don't remember you doing much other than playing on it. Please tell me what you did, I forgot and I really don't want to leave you out like that. Thanks for the help and comments.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks man, I'm really glad that you like this map as I tried to show everyone that I can do much more than what I have previously forged. Your help was much appreciated.
    #16 Eightball, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
  17. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello ! Checked this out earlier, recommended and I wish you every success with this map. I don't agree with how you have put your older maps down. They were all well forged and had your individual style. This doesn't feel your style, first thing I noticed was no steps, as many of your maps previously featured stairs and a central piece. Also I didn't notice any central piece. I like the ways around drops in elevation, use of structure and land. The outer wall out of bridges looks unique. Personally I don't like your weapons list. Sniper has only a genade launcher to combat and that is my least favourite power weapon, and very difficult to land accuratly. This is only my opinion as a player, and a weaker player at that... but I would be destroyed on this style of map. But we all have different styles. I would have liked to see a short range weapon personally. But this is only my preference. Frame rate would definitly be good. Layout and each teams position seemed perfect distance away.
    I hope you don't take my feedback harshly, I am just being honest in my opinion.
  18. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I think you really only commented on the fact that you didn't like the style of the map and not the gameplay itself. Try getting some games on it then come back and give me some real feedback.

    I tried a shotgun on the map, but it was ineffective and un-used. Please don't judge the map solely on your style of gameplay alone..

    Anyways, thanks for the comment and recommendation. I appreciate it.
    #18 Eightball, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
  19. ShadoWxmasSacrE

    ShadoWxmasSacrE Forerunner

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    Hey...i went through a buttload of things but i can finally post comments and stuff.....and by the way,I LOVED testing the map perfect cover,EVERYTHING perfect man...congrats
  20. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Im pretty sure I tested this almost as much as you did, helped break the map, and offered my valuable opinion ;P.

    Why is it that I sense a tone of anger/ frustration/ annoyance in your voice? Are we growing *gasp* apart?

    Also: Do I have that permission to make a highly inspired map off of this one? Ill call it 'Livewire'.

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