What the hell is the point of these videos? Watch people get drunk and make outragous foods? Some of the stuff they say is funny, but thats just because they are just drunk. YouTube - Fast Food Lasagna - Epic Meal Time‏ YouTube - Candy BBQ - Epic Meal Time‏ YouTube - 10 Minutes of Gay Bacon Strips‏ Gay bacon strips.
Dude. I recently found out about this from a friend. I like this video a lot. YouTube - 84 Egg Sandwich - Epic Meal Time‏
These guys are just genuinely funny. Just the way they describe the cooking process is hilarious. They have so many vids, Imma be busy for a while with these guys. lol Great find
Really just now discovering EMT? I've been keeping up with them regularly and so far the only video that had me disgusted was the turtle soup. Bleh.
BACON STRIPS AND BACON STRIPS AND BACON STRIPS. They're really funny in how they just describe what they're doing. I love the guy that's always stoned and wearing sunglasses. He usually just eats the stuff like a champ.