New Xbox console rumored for 2012 reveal

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Draw the Line, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Guerrilla Games and Naughty Dog are both studios acquired/owned by Sony.

    Whereas Bioware (Electronic Arts) and Insomniac are third party developers.

    #21 DunkinMyCookies, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2011
  2. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ...Disagree with what parts? Motion gaming...Kinect wasn't an experiment or a failed peripheral like the eye pet, Microsoft is seriously invested in it so any new console will have it either built in or continue support for the existing peripheral.

    Cloud gaming? That's already being substantiated piece by piece. What do you think the games on demand feature is? That's a cloud service.

    Flash storage? Industry experts agree that flash storage is much cheaper and at current tech specs flash memory can store almost as much as high end optical storage and in a few years probably more so.

    And Dunkin, Bungie was once owned by Microsoft, they are now working on a multi-platform title as a partner to EA. Point is, exclusives don't say excusive forever.
  3. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    The exclusive titles developed under Bungie are owned/published by Microsoft. Stating that they are now a third-party developer and developing a multi-platform title doesn't change that fact.

    With that said, those exclusives will undoubtedly stay exclusive forever.
  4. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    It's a matter of jumping into those technologies too early. You don't want to embrace a fad and run with it before it's ready to be practical.
    Cloud gaming is probably the worst though. It's fine as an additional option on the side, but he makes it sound as though it will be the primary means of gaming. I know it's obviously much cheaper than hard copies, but I'm not ok with just borrowing everything I play.
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    My guess is that Microsoft might develop their own storage device instead of using Blu-Ray, similar to what the Wii U is rumored to be doing.

    Activision-Blizzard, actually.
  6. Berb

    Berb Ancient
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    Sir, I acknowledge your statement and completely agree. Crash team racing was such a good game. Unfortunately, after about a year I could never replay story mode cuz the tiki mask guy always glitches out during the opening cutscene.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I feel for all you people asking for backwards compatibility, but at this point I'm doubting it. The compatibility with the original Xbox is measly, and Sony already discontinued backwards compatible PS3s. The fact is, the tech behind it just isn't worth their money, but I'd still love for it to happen.

    Consoles need more RAM and better CPUs, obviously. I'd really love for every game that comes out be able to be downloaded on the day of release.
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Blu-ray players can play normal DVDs, and Microsoft doesn't have some special proprietary dvd like Nintendo so there is no reason a future console wouldn't be able to play 360 games. The 360 stopped being compatible with xbox games because network codecs completely changed as did the harddrive functionality. If all that changes with a new console is graphic fidelity, storage space, and software than backward compatibility is easy.
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    That's why I said I'm doubtful it will happen in my original post. Games like Gears of War and Uncharted would be great to experience on different consoles and expanding your fronts is always good to do, but some studios are just too ignorant about that and want to stay exclusive. They could earn a whole lot more money by going multi-platform.

    I disagreed with all except for the last two in that article. The rest of it involves technology that hasn't been perfected yet. Maybe a few of those could work for 9th gen consoles, but not this generation.
    #29 4shot, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
  10. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    As long as this new console is just shown next year, and not released next year, I will be happy. I would be even more happy if they waited til the beginning of 2014 to release their next console, as Im not done with my 360, and theres nothing wrong with it, so I dont want to replace it just yet.

    Another reason why I think MS wont be releasing a new console for at least a few years is the fact that theyre integrating the disc update over Live soon (or already), so they wouldnt go to the trouble of doing this, only to have a a few devs make a couple of games for it using this new update. Seems kinda pointless, dont it?
  11. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    yea, that makes sense with the disc update they are going through- hadnt thought about that point yet...
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Disc update? I have yet to hear of this. Link?
  13. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    this is the only link i could find on a whim, and its not a good one- lol: Rumor: 360 Disc Format Adds 1GB To 360 DVDs -

    but microsoft confirmed it since on multiple occasions. basically there is space on the discs currently reserved for something useless, so MS is updating the consoles' software so they can read the extra space & current game discs can store more space...
    #33 Apollo Creed 01, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
  14. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Interesting...I think Microsoft should release their system in 2014/2015 then. It would make no sense to update the disc space if they couldn't use that disc space for more games.

    Well, at least the testers got their moneys worth on Reach. Hopefully we'll get more details on this update soon.
  15. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    last time i heard all the games being released in the near future on the xbox will be utilizing the extra disc space, our xbox's have already been updated for it too (i think thats what i read from major nelson) - i dont really think its going to affect gamers a whole lot though, just allows developers to put more data on the games...
  16. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I agree. It probably won't affect gamers a lot, but it will be nice for developers. So will games like Skyrim have it, or only games that have started development after the update?
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    It only affects the final disk packaging. So if the game hasn't come out yet then it can be stored on a single disk at any time. 1gb isn't a lot of space when developers plan on having 2 plus disks anyway.
  18. Apollo Creed 01

    Apollo Creed 01 Ancient
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    or 3 like final fantasy XIII... lmao
  19. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    That is very true, which would make more sense for an update to BRD. However, I bring back my original point as to why go through the whole shabang just to make it obsolete within a year? 1GB isnt that much in regards to game making, but it may allow for some devs to add some kind of extras, like screenies, 'making of' vids or higher res texturing, which may not have been feasible with the GB of less space.

    For example, Oblivion on 360 is 5.8GB. A standard 360 disc size is limited to 6.8. They had a whole GB of storage space that they didnt use. Could have been to cut down on load times, or maybe they just have really, really good compression techniques. Either way, Oblivion is a massive game, and if they had that much more disc space, imagine what they could have done with it. Id bet dollars to dimes that Skyrim is going to implement this new tech, as the game looks amazing and will probably run better. Skyrims world is apparently roughly the same size as Oblivions, but since it looks better Id say that extra space is going into more detailed textures and, hopefully, more voicework.

    If massive games like Skyrim and Oblivion can still get onto one DVD, given they have the bare minimum of FMVs, other games should revel in the extra storage. Screw FF games though, 30 minute FMVs every 2 minutes are ridiculous. Correct me if Im wrong though, but didnt one of their games recently have 2 discs, one having the game, the other having the cutscenes which had to be installed on your HDD? Or was that another game?

    EDIT: Also worth looking at are these links where I first heard of these updates.
    #39 Xun, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  20. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    I'd still like to know what games will be using it, if they aren't already. My box is very old, and there's a slim chance I might be affected.

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