Fort McHenry is based off of a fort up here in Maine, called Fort Knox, and no it's not that fort with all the gold, I'm talking about the other fort Knox. This map is designed for slayer/team slayer and infection matches, and is also designed with the goal of proving that you don't need to interlock to make a good map. I did need to interlock a couple parts though to make the idea stay together.... Most of the combat happens in the basement area, in narrow hallways so be very careful when down there, if you live you might not only get bragging rights, but probably some impressive kills along the way. The fort's balanced in weapons, the only power weapon being the spartan laser, which is hard to get to, and you'll probably die trying. This is version 1.0 so mistakes may still be on the map, though I fixed most problems. Enjoy! p.s. my first description was better, but I accidentally hit refresh and had to type it all over again........ Weapons/equipment on map: 1x Spartan Laser 2x SMG 1x Magnum 2x Carbines 1x Spiker 1x Mauler 1x Shotgun 1x Energy Sword 4x BR's 1x Flamethrower 1x Sent. Beam 1x Grav Lift 1x Energy Drain 1x Health Regen 1x Overshield 1x Deployable Cover 1x Active Camo Download the map here - Download the Infection gametype here - Slayer and team slayer games use the normal variants Heres some pics for you all: Overviews of fort: With floor removed so you can see the "maze" hallways down below: Action shots: Hm, I smell roast Spartan for dinner Doubt that will work.... Or...... maybe it will.......... The testers I managed to birng in loved the map - hopefully you will to!
cool map. nice maze underground thing. but how do you get the laser? do u shoot it with the turret or what? anyway, i'll give it a 4 out of 5.
Looks like a great infection map, and the sections you interlocked look neat. I do have a couple of questions before I dl though. What is the purpose of the teleporter nodes on the bridges? And how exactly are players supposed to reach the Spartan Laser? I love the maze underneath the overturned bridges made into a trench, but they could use some interlocking as well. All in all, a good map. Please get back to me on my questions and ill be sure to dl and give you a second review. Good job!
Steps to get the laserfigured id be nice) 1. Grab the grav lift in the basement 2. get back to top floor below spartlan laser in 1 peice 3. Deploy the grav lift under the laser 4. Jump up and grab the laser The hard part is in getting the grav lift to the top to get to the laser, its placed just to far away from all side so you can't grab it by jumping, just casue I'm so evil EDIT - to the part about the nodes, those are 2 way nodes that are actually below there, I just made them float so you can't block them in infection game and be safe from the zombie, you can walk right through them without any bumbing or anything though, so they just look good up top, tried to cover them up, but it messes the map up to much
The turret honestly was not as powerful as I had thought at first, if you got a buddy near you you can get up around the turret,a nd in infection, the zombie still can get close real easy.... Hence how me and my friend in the pictures got killed by an assult by 2 zombies at once
Well, it does look like a great Infection map. I love the idea of having a concealed maze underneath a main structure, the way you have shown it makes it look very cool.
Looking good with this map. I like the fact that you successfully combined ideas of close-quarter combat with the option of battling out in the open. You haven't listed the all the weapons on the map besides a Spartan laser. It might be a good idea to add few extra power weapons for some variety in slayer games. It might be a good idea to add some more cover in places. It could use a bit along the outside of the fort so a human who spawns or falls outside of the fort has a chance to live and get back up to the fort safely. Also, the very top of the fort could use some more items and cover, maybe a couple signs sticking out of the wall. You did a great job with this map. I hope to see a v2 sometime soon.
Thanks, I was hoping somebody might say they wanted a v2, and I had no ideas for it, so that helps alot, my only problem I will have to fix is lack of money, this is the one map I didn't use the money glitch.... I'll work it out though EDIT: I will update my first post to include all weapons and equipment on the map
this is one of the coolest ideas ever. only question is how do they get to the top floor? i'm guessing by teleporter? this looks really fun great idea i think this will be enjoyed by many.
the map is in the shape of a "U" with multiple open boxed to get to the top middle part, and ramps to get to that part, you can see it between the pics in the overview if you look carefully