The Japanese attacked because the Americans were already responding to Japans attacks with trade embargo's, which left Japan in a desperate situation. And i don't care what anybody thinks about Iraq war, it was 7 years ago and you still haven't grasped onto the point. It wasn't about trying to tear-down (or rather b52 bomb) corruption, and it wasn't necessarily about oil. Not Iraqs oil anyway. Sure that was a good reason to go now, while the timing was right (dictatorship ready to be pushed over), but the real goal for the US with the war on Iraq was to get a flag in the middle-east. They desire control of as many untapped or tapped oil reserves in Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia, and as long as they are there, they can materialize whatever motives they need. As soon as the **** hit the fan and people wanted Bush and Blair convicted for war crimes, people high up in the US started to realize that they had created a mess, and the media began looking for ulterior motives. America signed a deal not long after Saddam was killed, that would allow Iraq to begin their own democratic government, however in the terms, America would receive control of Iraq's major oil fields. And the rest is oil company legend.
World War 1 millions die, 25 years later World War 2 millions die (11 million European civilians murdered not counting the millions of Chinese murdered by the Japanese Empire during the war), America becomes world police, 65 years since last world war, but there is a continuing intervention to prevent communism around the world. During World War 2, the holodomor, 7 million Russians murdered by Stalin, Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Communism in China: "direct cause of the death of some 30 million Chinese peasants between 1959 and 1962 and about the same number of births were lost or postponed." Mao Zedong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia America America..... Its the only country that will rebuild you after wiping out your infrastructure in order to free you of oppressors. THE ONLY
Yet over 30 million of their citizens rely on food stamps and more than 40 million Americans cannot afford healthcare. Plus out of the G8 nations, America has the highest infant mortality rate, one of the lowest life expectancies, the highest obesity rate, % of people w/ diabetes and % of people w/ heart disease. Plus, the labour of Mexican aliens is the backbone of America, putting millions of Americans out of jobs. Why? Cuz the Mexicans will actually do the jobs and not complain. Way to solve problems within your borders. And about internationally, America hasn't even scheduled a date to achieve the standard for allocation of foreign aid. Way to help countries that need help. Oh wait, you guys are busy fighting another pointless war arent you? Way to be world power, way to be