Map Title: Dosado - (DOE-say-DOE) is a basic dance step in several dances including square dance. The term is a corruption of the original French term dos-à-dos for the dance move, which means "back to back". Download map Description: Don't forget your dancing shoes... Dosado is a medium sized 4-way rotationally symmetrical map with 3 levels. There are color coded bases in each of the 4 corners of the map which are connected by a series of walkways and a central atrium. It mixes long lines of sight with close quarters combat and numerous routes of access to all parts of the map including several creative sprint jumps. It was designed with slayer (including elite slayer) gametypes in mind, in particular (4 team) multi-team slayer, but supports KotH and Oddball gametypes as well. Default and DMR starts work fine and it is compatible with all armor ability loadouts (in particular, it is incredibly balanced with the jetpack unlike most user created maps). 4-16 players recommended, its been tested with up to 4 teams of 3 and played beautifully. I've also play 1v1 games on it, though slow, they were not unbearable. Weapons: 1 Sniper Rifle (one spare clip, 150 respawn) 4 Grenade Launchers (5 spare rounds each, 120 respawn) 4 Concussion Rifles (one spare clip each, 120 respawn) 4 Human Turrets (180 respawn) 4 Needlers (60 respawn) 4 Needle Rifles (30 respawn) 4 Plasma Pistols (60 respawn) 4 Magnum Pistols (15 respawn) 4 Assault Rifles (15 respawn) 8 DMRs (15 respawn) 4 Health Packs (20 respawn) 8 total Plasma grenades (20 respawn) 16 total Frag grenades (20-30 respawn) Original concept sketch (I always sketch all my designs before I start building in forge) Green base - each of the 4 symmetrical bases are color coded, but the natural light goes a long way to compliment the colors, I was VERY pleased with how the lighting turned out. The red/orange juncture, several advanced jumps waiting to be discovered from this spot. looking back the other way at the same juncture (remember everything is 4 way rotationally symmetrical) view from green turret, notice both walkways visible, its a nice position, but balanced by its exposure. demonstrating that openness, sniping from top orange to red turret The central atrium, a view from the top, sniper spawns in the middle central atrium showing all three levels top hall that encircles the top floor around the atrium Download map [br][/br]Edited by merge: This map is worth your download, I swear.
Interesting map. I love how, in the central atrium picture, you managed to capture the multilevel structure of the map. One concern I have is that the symmetry of the map might detract from player orientation, despite the fact that you have the bases color-coded. I would run through it in a Forge session or something, but the download link seems to be nonexistent.
Thanks for the heads up about the broken link, the one at the top was working, but not the other two (plus Bungie's site seems to be on the fritz right now as well). All links should be working now. As far as player navigation goes, it can be a little confusing at first, but the natural lighting in concert with the color coded bases really help orient the players, plus it isn't actually as complicated as it looks from the pictures since its the same motif repeated 4 times. Everyone I've had play it got the hang of it within the first game.
And I thought it was just me. Anyway, I'll give it a runthrough in Forge when I get on today. Downloaded.
Although this map looks like a typical slayer map, it is not. Most competitive maps arent made with Elite slayer in mind making this quite refreshing to get a game on. The doorways are extra tall and the jumps are a little longer, giving this map sort of a super-sized feeling in such a small layout. Besides the custom tailoring to Elites, the map has alot of other great qualities. I especially like how you emphasized the location of power weapons, allowing new players to quickly learn the map. Another thing I appreciate is the amount of weapons that you placed- theres alot, and I like this because it allows everyone a chance to get some easy kills. I didnt get a chance to play this with 16 players, but I am sure it is absolutely BEAST considering the multiple angles you used around the map, and the heavy placement of Grenades and explosive weapons. To be constructive, the only thing I dont like about this map is the name itself, I forgot it almost instantly and had a ***** of a time finding it on the HD. -In retrospect, maybe something a little more relevant would be suiting, But besides that minor criticism, everything else is great. This map is built very well and your post is also very good. Im truly surprised at how little attention it has gathered. Regardless, Im still determined to get a 16 player lobby to play this. Thanks for the download!
Thanks for the feedback, I agree there is something oversized about the feeling of this map, but once you fill it with players, you'll be glad for that feeling. As for the name, Dosado - (DOE-say-DOE) is a basic dance step in several dances including square dance. My first thought when I was looking at the concept sketch and thinking about a name was "square dance". I didn't think that sounded particularly "cool", so working off that theme I came up with Dosado. I thought if people got the reference, it would be amusing given the layout, if not, it didn't sound as square (pun intended) as "square dance".