COLD STORAGE YouTube - Cold Storage Remake on Reach Forge World aka Chill Out‏ Hello all welcome to a co forged project with dt192. There is now a final version out, in this version we have both delt with framerate issues removing lights and the round block pattern. The original version with lights is still on my fileshare and in my opinion works fine. But for the more framerate orientated players the new version will be prefered. COLD STORAGE 1 X 1 Spoiler This is a fairly accurate remake of the Halo 3 Cold Storage map, also known as Chillout on Halo CE. map/weapon placement Spoiler Forged in the colosseum, as I felt this was the best location to capture right lighting & to have a nice looking floor, walls & also the sides of the colosseum, saving budget for the project & increasing frame rate. Most of the aesthetics of the stage has been captured, the correct looking pieces have been used throughout, giving a nice cleanly forged look that is very simmilar to the original. The layout is measured to give an accurate remake. Spawning, gametypes & weapon placement/respawn times & ammo count have been copied from the original map. Also added a few trick jumps that I felt important to gameplay. Tests have gone well and feedback has been great! Note this map requires 75% gravity 110% jump to play correctly as intended. Some people may argue that its 125% and no changes to gravity, but me and dt192 both agreed it felt very accurate as we have set this up. All the gametypes have been copied exactly the same as the original version, this with the same spawn and initial spawn locations really captures the feeling of playing the original. New gametypes have been added including headhunter, stockpile and speedpile....all tested and were great fun, and working perfectly. All fairly spaced at a timed equil distance away. Weapons: 1 x sniper (120s + 1 clip) 1 x shotgun (120s + 1 clip) 1 x rocket (120s + 1 clip) 1 x dmr (10s) 1 x assault rifle (10s) 1 x needler (60s + 1 clip) 2 x plasma rifle 4 x frag 4 x plasma 2 x health - (60s) 1 x camo 1 x overshield 1 x bubble shield Updated version, z fighting fixed, rocks reforged, items removed...improved framerate Download Thanks to everyone involved in this project! Thanks for looking
Omg Timmy this is amazing. My bro tried to remake this map a few times, but failed hard at it lol. The shape of it looks near flawless, and you really went all out with the aesthetics. Everything looks pretty exact to me, and i think its the best yet! Im a bit worried but the Framerate, but i think it should be fine. Defintly getting a game on this cause it looks awesome. Keep remaking maps dude, your really good at them. Can;t wait for more!
Thanks! Appreciated feedback. Yeah a lot will have the assumption of poor framerate, but I haven't experienced any in testing, any problem areas have been re forged. Also I held back on the aesthetics. As a lot of expensive pieces have been used, also problem pieces have been avoided where possible. minimal object overlap and the lines are smooth, this also improves framerate. I am pleased with the end result and look forward to hearing opinions. Thanks
Thank you, yeah dt192 has been great in this co forge, and between the both of us we have gone over and over this project untill we were both happy. Many classic map forgers have been on and have given good opinions and apraisals in this project too.
wow timmy youve done it again and again. everything looks so classy. you said you have no framerate issues and i believe you because you always make your maps on the highes calibre but i was wondering how it worked in split screen. seeing as each room is small im sure its fine, it just looks like you used alot of pieces and i didnt know if you were reaching the limit of 100 pieces for one person and 50 for split screen. I just love your taste in pieces. KEEP IT UP!
Thanks for the feedback. And a good question regarding split screen. In setting up there was a minor flicker in flood room in split screen. Not serious, but I haven't played full game 4 v 4 split screen, so I will have to get back to you on that. Thanks
Er, this is hands down one of the best remakes of cold storage I've seen yet. I have to agree with Tom on the subject of your use of objects. You definetly know how to make some interesting and unique desings with forge pieces and that makes your forging style much more interesting than most peoples'. My only complaint is that you didn't fix the glass wall. While I know you were trying to make it accurate and different from other glass walls, I feel you could have just straightened it out. It would look much better IMO. How many lights did you use? And is there any FRL? I like that you are remaking maps that most people don't remake and you always do a nice job on them. I would really like to get a game on this. I never really played it in halo 3, mostly because I never had XBL. Anyways, hit me up. Great work Timmeh. EDIT: You made a typo... "New gametypes have been added including headhunter, stockpile and speedpile....all tested and were great fun, and working perfectly. All fairly spaced at a timed equil distance away." It's 'Equal'.
Thanks man! Appreciated.... er I fixed the glass in flood room . If it was straight it wouldn't look the same as original. Granted its not exactly the same, but the inclined glass was accessible and played a part in trick jumps too. I have seen versions with glass straight but if you go onto halo 3 cold storage you should notice the glass is as close in angles as possible. Thanks also will edit typo... bad selling sorry lol. Thanks 2 lights used and all man canons . Fr has been good and no complaints in tests and none experienced personally.
Hows the framerate in split screen? This is important b/c other than that I don't see why I should not support this map and pass it onto the cartographers for Team Classic.
I experienced minor flicker in flood room with glass chamber in forge, need to test further in 4 v 4 to be able to say none with confidence in split screen. I will update post tomorrow. Thanks
Wow... I've seen some good remakes, aesthetically twisted remakes, and just strange remakes and by far this is the best one I've seen in a very long time. It seems like it has the cold storage feel to it. My only problem with the map would be the gold flood examination room with the giant glass walls, but who am I to say hat since I doubt anyone could do an even slightly better job with that part. I do understand that it is extremely hard to build, so now is one of those times I curse Bungie for not giving us just pure glass. Curse you Bungie!!!!! Great remake! I'd give it a 10/10! Great remake on it
I've got to say that this is the work of a forge god. Not only have made a ridiculously accurate and asthetic remake, you've managed to break almost all the rules of good frame rate and somehow avoided any major problems! Minor gripes: The curved walkway near the teleporter sender (node 2 I think), flickers to the point of reducing the overall quality of the game experience. Also, the decorative star thing you've used as red teams flag point seems surpless to requirements. It has no effect in the game, causing bad flicker and makes the room slightly over-fussy. I dare say losing it would sharpen frame rate too. Without those two points, I'd have given this map 10/10, but at the moment I'd give it a mere 9/10 Good job
@Xx Overkill VR Glad you enjoyed it, I'm sure if need be we could come up with a slightly cut down version for quad split screen, we will try to get a good session in today to test and tweak for quad split @Gazzaverage Thanks for the kind comments, in all the times we forged/playtested the map i never saw any z-fighting in the hall but we can double check that today, I've noticed the flicker on the 2 round stumps, that was fixed but seems to have unfixed its self so we will sort that out @All: I'm glad your all enjoying the map, all comments/suggestions are welcome, so keep the comments coming
very nicely done timmy, i see that you had enough glass pieces to cover up that one hole in the glass room, but where did you get those pieces from? and did you add the jump in on the ramp?
Thanks zatherla, great advice with the couple of hints you gave.... the extra glass band from your suggestion. And we also added a few of the trick jumps. I checked videos after we spoke and added a few that I felt were important. Also interesting idea for next forge project as its definitly on my list of maps I would like to remake soon. Thanks
Oh my! I will be downloading this map. Everything looks faithful, not only in gameplay, but in Aesthetics to the original. AND you said there's no framerate issues? I bow to you, sir. The way you've used your double windows, in particular, to show off the rocks in yellow room is just fantastic! Great job! Continue the work!
Hello, ok I have ran a few more tests go split screen, and no frame rate problems. I haven't tried 4 wayway split screen yet. But I remain optimistic . Will update once tested further. Thanks
Some of the things in this map don't feel right like the lights and some of the structures and there are some little corners that aren't in Cold Storage but overall, still the best remake i've ever seen. Good job!
Thanks, which corners do you mean? The map dimensions were all measured. the lights are the right colours in the right places. 1 yellow light as the glass capsule, I know this really lights the whole room even though it is hidden in capsule. The yellow light go rock glass flood room is also in best position to light the rocks and room ... this is as close to the map as we could make.... I think. We both want this to be the most accurate remake made to date, if you could say which extra corners are in this map that are not in original and I will take a look . Thanks for the feedback. Looking though screenshots, I can see the glass chamber room is definitly more yellow in this version, perhaps it can be sunk further in. I would have liked to added the aesthetics to roof but there isn't enough budget. But I haven't a clue which structures you describe as not looking right. I know there were things I couldn't add. But I feel we have captured the dimensions almost perfectly. ( some slight adjustments were made to make all look right too)
You guys did a very nice job remaking this map. I was happy to see the design and architecture captured accurately. All game-types are set up correctly, very nice look, and in a good location. The only things I would recommend changing/fixing would be to fix some of the z-fighting in Yellow room and with teleporters. Jumps should maybe be a little more doable with the Classic Setting by Bungie, it would be only minor height adjustments in a few spots. People are more likely the have the Bungie settings. My only other concern would be frame-rate, it played nice for me with six people but split screen always changes that. I think that even if it were a problem, a few compromises in the yellow light room would help. Overall love the map guys and thank you for providing me with a awesome new remake of Cold Storage. Nice Work! HCTF Reaper