The Divide

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rorak Kuroda, May 18, 2011.

  1. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    HAHA i need to work on mine too, maybe u can join my game sometime and help me get past my sudden forge block :/
    But dont worry, u only have to help me with a third of the map o_O :)
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    I believe I helped you with this when you had a very different concept in mind.
    It has evolved so much since then and since I had relatively nothing to do with it since then I feel comfortable in saying this map is awesome, testing was great (despite playing it any time you weren't on my team), and thanks for mentioning me in the special thanks =D
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I feel like I was unloved :(
  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Cool to see other people do rough sketches the same way, I've got one right here with me I'm working on! This looks really good, I'm excited to take a fly through soon! Also, a good method for overhead shots on enclosed maps is to either set the roof pieces to not appear for 30 seconds so you can pause at the start and take the pic or to delete the roof and save it as a different map that you can delete afterward. Really cool design!
  5. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You should edit everyone else's names with the appropriate colors. ;D


    Every testing session counted, it really did. I appreciate any help I can get. Thanks man.


    Totally man, I'll see if I can help sometime.


    I figure I should do an overview, I might plan on doing that tomorrow. Thanks man!
  6. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    The Divide on the 6th page? I think not. This map is incredible and the world needs to know about it (like, right now). I was happy to be apart of the constant testing and tweaking this map had to endure, because in the end, it turned out to be a super sexy pile of awesome sauce.

    The only thing left to be said need to finish maps faster YOU *****.
  7. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    The problem is not finishing them, it's taking pictures and releasing them. Most of the one's on his sig list are mostly done. Next release to be Opal. Opal to be FHF. <3 rorak. <3 rorak's maps.

    <3 rho

    Also, good call on this needing to be front page comp. maps. This should not have disappeared as quickly as it did. This is a vicious section of the forum. Anyways. I've enjoyed testing this as much as we did. Tis an awesome map
  8. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Im really liking it dude, im currently working on a map now, and hoping i can get you to take a look at it, theres a piece in the upper loft that you used for support beams, it looks like bridge small/mediums yet it has that coloring in the middle, may i ask what you used, cuz it it very instresting, the gameplay looks like it would flow nicely, and i think that the idea of lots of rooms leading to the lift allows its flow to speed up making that area a very good control assuming that theres a hill there or something, anyways cleanly forged and looking forward to the next one
  9. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    Jesus By Goly Lord Almighty Savior! [this is reserved only for the absolute best].
    This map is amazing, there isn't one bad thing I can say. One thing for constructive criticism is that the High bridge area need a covenant circle thingy. and i know that this is made only for Team slayer but i think that you should set the map up for Stockpile or CTF. Maybe for a version 2.0. I here by force you to produce mare amazing gasm maps. +20,000,000 million internet points and +1 Download. :):) cookie for you.
  10. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man, that means a lot. You were a massive help during testing, and I think you were even in the final testing session right before release. <3's for you.


    Hey man, Aerocrest isn't done, it needs to be remade. Opal needs tweaking, I'm just not totally happy with it yet. Denizen is currently... nonexistent. lol. Once we come up with a name for our map, it'll be added down there.


    If you're wondering about any piece usage, just download and see for yourself! Thanks for the feedback!


    I'm a lazy-ass. However, summer has arrived, and with summer comes plenty of free time. My RH days have just begun.


    That's a mouthful, haha. What are you talking about, "covenant circle thingy?" Also, I'll probably be updating this map in the future, with more gametypes included. How soon that is though, I'm not sure.
  11. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    That's a mouthful, haha. What are you talking about, "covenant circle thingy?" Also, I'll probably be updating this map in the future, with more gametypes included. How soon that is though, I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]

    I figured out that the "covenant circle thingy" is a portable shield... What a fail on my part. Just add the shields to the High Bridge area because when i was playing 2 v 2 SWAT with my friends the bridge often gave easy cross bridge kills with out any engagement for the other player.
  12. r21

    r21 Forerunner

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    I have a small suggestion. It seems like the beams connecting the bridge to the ceiling would look better if they where farther apart from eachother (in the direction of the bridge.) Other than that the map looks nice.
  13. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    great aesthetics. i especially love the slanted support beams on the center bridge. it gives it character.

    However, you might wanna add a little more cover in some areas.

    Great job by the ways. looks good
  14. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    This map looks fantastic all over. Nearly all of the objects are cleverly used and it generaly looks beautiful. Great map!
  15. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, there's your problem, you were playing Swat. The bridge needs to be as open as it is in order to be balanced properly, so I definitely won't be adding any sort of lazy cover around the map like that, especially the portable shields, those things look so tacky. Thanks for the comment, though, always appreciated.

    I experimented with the beams for a while, those locations seem to provide the best cover for someone that's at the center of the bridge who's defending himself from the landing. I can't imagine it would look terribly different, though, with the columns moved. Thanks for the comment, though.

    Play the map before you say there isn't enough cover, because although it is very open, it also isn't difficult to traverse the map unseen if you understand it well enough. The escape routes and cover that already exist are more than enough.

    Thanks man, that's much appreciated.
  16. MUDNUB

    MUDNUB Forerunner

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    Hey Rorak, just wanted to say I was forging my latest project and I literally quit and then went to look around forge to see what pieces you used for this, and I wouldn't say that about many maps. Everyone who I've played this with who doesn't know much about forge has just assumed it was some official map that came with the game (I have some slightly innattentive friends who don't wonder why their Reach disc doesn't have this map but there you have it.)

    Anyway I love this and I'm still waiting on Opal or whatever you release next.

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