I WILL NOT BUY HALO 4 IF IT DOES NOT INCLUDE FORGE -Petition- As many of you out there already know, Halo 4 is in production but under a different banner, this time 343. This may lead to many discrepancies from the original franchise, but the only one I truly care about is the inclusion of FORGE MODE. Let it be known, they have not confirmed or denied Forge Mode in Halo 4. So lets make sure it comes back! If you support this petition, POST BELOW!
dude...too soon. The game's coming out over a year from now...they just released a teaser trailer at E3.
Might I ask why you made this thread? The game is coming out in almost 2 years. What, are you going to petition multiplayer too? Perhaps campaign? Firefight? Nothing has been confirmed or denied at this point.
I made the thread to ensure Forge Mode is included. Thought that was obvious. and No, Im not going to petition Multiplayer, nor Firefight or Campaign, please save me your sarcasm. You are right, This is early as this game is in the design stages. But if they dont include Forge now, they never will. Timing is very important as you cant add something as Resourceful as Forge last minute.
He does raise a good point. If they weren't planning on including forge, we would want them to take notice that ASAP to ensure that we get it.
...of course they're including Forge. Among other community leaders 343 invited to have dinner with them at PAX East (on them, as well) was myself, why would they bother if they had no intention of including Forge? Just sayin.
...But that's not how these petitions work. You can't petition something you don't know anything about. Like 4shot said, we could petition the lack of a campaign because at this point we don't know there will be one. And on top of that...it's extremely pointless for it to be here as even if 100 people on this forum "sign" that still means jack to 343 and the millions who buy Halo games.
That makes no sense. As soon as we know either way it'll be too late. They're not going to announce no forge then change their minds, petitions like this have to be done in the early development stage when decisions are still being made. In fact, this specifically IS how petitions like this work, at least if they want to go anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I personally think it's a given that they'll include forge or something similar, it's become a defining part of Halo, thus this petition seems somewhat redundant to me, but tbh signing it won't do any harm. However, if you're gonna criticise his logic in starting a petition this early, then I do disagree with that.
personally, i would petition for a better forge than reach, but i would say it's still too early, give it a year and i think the time would be right. but then again its just choice, if you feel that strongly i suggest you go ahead and sign this petition, but if not, give it some time.
Doubt that this petition would raise concern from anybody who matters. Just sayin. And if anything, I'd be asking for a full-fledged level creation tool, not a level editor.
Whatev, Pegasi. I suppose it doesn't hurt. I'm just not used to seeing a petition to a problem that hasn't happened yet and probably won't happen.
Yeah, tbh my point in this was pretty self defeating in the practical sense. The first part I bolded is why I think petitions like this are essential to do early, but the second part I bolded is why I think this particular one is probably redundant. You know me, I like to point out bits of people's logic that I disagree with even if I end up agreeing with their final conclusion .
Of course they will include forge, or somthing similar. It would be ridiculous not to. 343 has regularly recognised forge as one of the main aspects of Halo these days. As a company who have alot to prove to a loyal (mostly) community they wouldnt even think of getting rid of something as big as forge!
The "loyal" Bungie fans probably don't even realize that forge is older than Halo itself. I agree though. 343 wouldn't remove such an important feature, unless they were to do so in favor of something even better.
...because you are friends with most of them and known by the rest, and were invited at a time when you weren't a community leader? But yeah, it seems like a completely hair-brained idea for them not to include it. Halo Reach has been ALL ABOUT those terrible maps that random people make, and its a good part of the community that either is actively involved in or toys with forge.