Create an Armor Ability

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cookies4you, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. cannibalghoul

    cannibalghoul Forerunner

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    Target Designator- A sexy wrist mounted laser pointer that creates waypoints

    Allows you to mark a player, structure, or small region of the map using a targeting laser (like the one that the Target Locater uses). When used against a player, it creates a waypoint over their head that is visible to everyone on your team. When used to target a region of the map, it highlights the area or structure surrounding the waypoint.

    Only one target can be selected at a time, and waypoints placed on top of objective carriers have a limited duration. Also, if a marked target uses the Hologram ability, it will generate an additional waypoint for the hologram itself.

    In a nutshell, the purpose is to improve communication within a team, and to mark particularly important/dangerous enemies and hazards such as flag carriers, campers, snipers, vehicles, and whatnot. It also provides extra utility for the underpowered Hologram ability.
  2. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    sorry, i had a really good idea for a armor ability, so i HAD to post it :)

    NAME: Eagle Eye
    MECHANICS: Would only be select-able in games that host motion detector. Would disable motion detector with a camera view behind the spartan. Would have the use and recharge time of active camo.
    COUNTER: Even when not actively USING the ability (while recharging or while fully charged, but not in use), the motion detector will not be visible, and the reverse camera screen would appear clouded in static, similar to radar jamming in CoD games.
  3. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Son of a *****, I went all the way through this thread with that idea, and you had to say it right at the last few posts, didnt you? :p

    Well, mine was going to be...

    Sweep: Combat. Basically puts a radar sweep across the entire map, placing waypoint markers above enemies heads, allowing you to see their every movement.

    Mechanics: Like said before, it places waypoints above the enemies heads so you can see where they are, for 30 seconds. Recharge time is 60 seconds. When playing team games, your team mates can also see the waypoint markers. If youre killed, the effect lasts until the 30 seconds is up.

    Counter: Your radar is inoperable so you cant see if anyone is sneaking up on you, and you yourself get a waypoint marker placed above your head.

    Another, original idea I had...

    Showstopper: Defense/Combat. Stop yourself from being assassinated. Several times while playing Ive been assassinated and thought, 'man, I wish I could interrupt that animation'.

    Mechanics: While someone is performing an assassination animation on you, activate this AA and you can counter their assassination, killing them in return. But you must be quick, you only have until the animation is complete to activate it. 2 charges, 30 second cooldown.

    Counters: You have a very small window of opportunity to activate this AA. Your shields also get depleted, and you have a 1 second stumble period afterwards where you are extremely vulnerable to attack (as you have no shields, duh).
    #83 Xun, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  4. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Flare- Out of the AA that the player wield on his back, some red smoke(for Spartans) or blue smoke(for Elites) when they want to communicate something to their team, it goes up pretty high but doesn't really block vision or something. This can be holded to spray more and the use time wolud be a bit lower than Active Camo but would take the same time to recharge. This could be pretty useful in Invasion or Infection.

    Edited by merge:

    Those would really slow down gameplay IMO. They're comparable to Armor Lock and Active Camo.
    #84 artifact123, Jan 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2012

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Chameleon - Your Waypoint remains red to the enemy, but your Armor color changes to that of the enemy team.
  6. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This entire thread is disgusting. :|
  7. MSniperX

    MSniperX Promethean

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    The thread itself or the posts? Because really, the only good one is the Target Designator=. Very cool concept and would improve communications a lot.
  8. Zaharias

    Zaharias Forerunner

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    Tac Nuke: Combat ability
    Ability: auto kills every player in the game and gives your team an auto win.
    Counter: If enemy player is in armor lock, they survive and their team wins. Given at 25 kills.
    #88 Zaharias, Jan 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2012
  9. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    Infedil-drops a live grenade on command that kills yourself but potentially kills another.
  10. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    These are NOT my ideas, but I felt they were worth posting here.

    -Bomb (class-detenator): Two ideas: 1)Place bomb on on most any surface and detinatates only when user pushes botton in wrist or when shot. A red glowing buttin shows if bomb is active, and beep light with ring of light circleing the botton shows it's about to blow, and no light means it's dead. The bomb dies when user dies. One bomb per life unless if you have the ability, one can deactivate it and take it as their own only if they hae the same class. 2)One built into chest and spartan goes cama-causy. Blast should be bigger. No points lost if bomb kills someone; in fact it counts as a kill, not a suicide.

    -Tool Backpack (class-mechanic): Name gives it away, fixes any vehicle not destroyed up to better working condictions. Maybe inprove vechicle to act faster or stronger. Carries a bag on your back with tools. No recharge rate, but takes awhile to opperate.

    -Armor Cloak(class-cloaker): changes your armor's color to enemy's color. On radar you show as enemy. last as long as hologram but recharges as fast as drop shield.

    -(Just a fun idea)Teleporter (class-Scienctist): Teleports one to random place on map. Unpredictable. Maybe somewhere worst, maybe somewhere better. Charge rate is as fast 15 sec. LOoks like how spark teleported chief in Halo CE.
  11. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Indeed. Utterly dreadful.

    Teleport - moves you eight meters in the direction you're moving. Using it while crouching makes you go donwards. You can only teleport into playable areas, but through walls, floors and cielings. allows for advanced strategies.

    Resurrect - resurrects teammates in a small radius. uses up half of your essence and once you have used it and resurected someone or a couple of people, your essence doesn't recharge until all of the resurected die. If your resurrector dies, you start to slowly bleed out.

    Tree of life - I think you get the picture. Shadowrun is superior to Halo.
  12. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Overarmor - While on, you only take 75% damage.

    Leech - While on, 25% of the health you take from enemies is added to your own.

    Bullseye - While on, 50% reticle bloom.
    #92 jameslieb1, Jan 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2012
  13. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Ubergrade: You press the armour ability button and the current weapon your holding has its ammo halfed and it is upgraded. For example, the DMR gets a sniper scope. Or the Magnum becomes fully automatic. This armour ability can only be used once per life.
  14. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    Predator- You get a really good camp, stronger health and shields, faster and jump higher, and melees are one hit kills.
    Downside is you can only use for 45 seconds and you can only use it once per game.
  15. Gosgo

    Gosgo Promethean

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    Mark Target: places a tag or mark that oulines an enemy body for you entire team to see through walls, it will mark and disable invisibilty.
    Mechanics: The user places a lazer (heat) signature on an enemy body that can be seen on other allies' visors or helmets, the user must have the target near hos reticle for the tag to work.
    Counters: since it places a signature on the enemy, it is actually transfering part of it's shield's energy to the target, so 50% of shield is lost when used.
  16. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Promethean

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    Cleanse: Removes all armor abilities from all players, including itself, for the rest of the game. Every player gets a 25% boost in speed and 10% increase in jump height for the rest of the game as well, having shed the extra weight that their AA put on.

    Counters: None.

  17. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I kind of like the idea but instead of being perhaps for the full game how about for 30 secs to 1 min.
  18. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    2 minutes at least. I like the speed and jump enhancement idea.
  19. WhackyGordon

    WhackyGordon Forerunner

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    First idea:
    I wouldn't mind if they had one that just applies the custom power-up effects to you constantly. No idea what to call it though. Then you could adjust it so you have the option of effectively spawning with no AA and whatever physics settings you please. In MM it could be set to 110-120% speed, 125% jump height, and 110% damage, with something like 90% damage resistance, 90% shields, unlimited ammo and weapon pick-up disabled. Then if you just want to DMR/AR and be able to move normally, you have the option. Or you can limp around with AL strapped to your back.

    Second idea:
    Basically the same as the first with less gear and no health reduction. Essentially, have the option of spawning with CEA Classic physics settings, a 3-4sk magnum (no secondary, no grenades), and weapon pick-up disabled. Premise being that you opt to take minimal gear from spawn, and don't have the capacity to carry grenades, secondary, AA, etc. so you get an above average mid-range gun and slightly improved movement traits.

    Third idea:
    Again, a custom power-up constant effect style - call it Zombie or Ninja or something - damage modifier 0%, melee modifier 200%, speed 125% (or higher), no shields
    ^probably best as an option in Action Sack lol

    Fourth idea:
    A stripped down alternative to AL would be cool too. Say activating it sets your movement speed to 0%, disables scoping, and give you an overshield. Call it hotshot or something. Alternatively you could even have it throw a waypoint over your head and give you a damage modifier boost instead of the overshield.

    Last idea:
    Counter - strips your shields upon activation, nullifies any incoming melee attack (ala sword block) and one-shots the players delivering it. Only damages other player when you're actually being melee'd, but always strips your shields.
  20. XXWeaponXX7

    XXWeaponXX7 Promethean

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    What I've been waiting for, is for Armour Abilities to have a tangible disadvantage, such as Cloaking does. I mean, Jetpack and Sprint have no tangible disadvantage, other than, "They run out if you use them too long." I'd much rather prefer if there was an exploitable, (though not necessarily in a bad way!) disadvantage to every armor ability. Imagine if --

    *While one sprints, your shields wouldn't recover.

    *While one is in the air, he is unable to preform a major function, such as reload, use radar, or recover shields.

    *While one uses armor lock, he or she is susceptible to physics, as grenades and rockets are able to move him or her around with slight difficulty.

    *While one uses the medic AA, that shield is susceptible to a specific weapon, an EMP blast, maybe... or shows a distracting healing effect when used.

    *And, well, yeah. I'd imagine that people would not want to use these abilities at one point or another, and therefore, there could be an option for NO armour abilities.

    Well, what do you think?


    The player is able to see a far distance ahead, or is able to see an enemy's loadout upon sight, if only for a short period of time.
    #100 XXWeaponXX7, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012

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