RTS elements and RPG elements IN GAME would destroy Halo. Like I said, the FPS itself should remain the same. However, I think that RPG and RTS elements outside of FPS battle would be an incredible addition. Besides that, the notion that they're illogical is completely nonsensical, and isn't based on anything other than the fact that you personally disagree with my idea; which is completely fine. Everyone has their own personal beliefs. Mine just tend to include the fact that I don't want to pay another 60$ for the exact same game.
RPG would be great for a new mode like Star Wars Battlefront's Conquest mode. I think that some new gound vehicles should be added to the UNSC. The only addition to the UNSC ground force was the Mongoose and different Hog variants. I would also like to see a Covanent, Human, Forunner, and a normal Forge map.
DONT f***** GENKZ IT MAN! *"my precious" voice:* everything can change at the last moment... even for 343 studios
That's what I thoughtthe Reach space battle was going to be like when I first heard of it. I was extremely dissapointed. Maybe a Halo: Battlefront should be made. This wouldn't be like SW Battlefront (thought that would be epic aswell), but you play as a Spartan (or maybe marine) and fight in a bunch of battles from the war. There could be Space battles, air battles, land battles, and water battles. They could introduce some new vehicles and bring back older ones including some from Halo Wars. The campaign would be you moving from planet to planet in the order they are taken over to fight back. I think fighting as a marine or ODST would be best.
here are a few ideas first person vehicles optional more weapons costomisable weapons (not like cod more like brink) custom campaign missions custom firefight maps forgable ai unlimited forge budget custom vehicles better graphics more objects larger multiplayer bigger maps
Wow, I thought this thread had died out and been forgotten. Apparantly not. I have compiled a huge list of almost every community suggestion I could find, and even included a few of my own. I have posted it in 343's feedback thread that is monitored by bs angel, I will continue to add new suggestions to the thread. It has most likely already been looked over by her. Here's a link to that post: http://halo.xbox.com/forums/general/f/14/p/4707/49239.aspx#49239 In that feedback thread someone who talked as if they were an employee (though I'm not too sure if they actually are, maybe somebody could clear that up for me) acknowledged a few of those suggestions and answered to others over the course of a few posts, here's the link to that: http://halo.xbox.com/forums/general/f/14/p/4707/49574.aspx#49574 Also, Halo: CE Remake has been confirmed by 343i. Halo 4 has also been indirectly confirmed, 343i has job positions available. The descriptions state that they need people to help create a new Halo experience, even new characters. I highly doubt this could be the CE remake.
Considering 343i was created for the sole purpose of making more Halo games, its pretty obvious that they are going to make a Halo 4.
I think we're forgetting one, very important thing that should, nay, must be included in Halo 4, or Halo: CE2 or whatever its called. And that one thing is SPI armour. I want it. It looks bad-ass and I cried salty tears of rage and stabiness when I didnt see it in Reach. That is all. For now.......
I would jizz my pants if Halo 4 ended up being a 3rd person, cover-based shooter like GoW. Guns like the DMR would go to first person when aiming down the sights/scope like the Hammerburst. I have to say though, the screenshot looks kinda fake..I mean, I don't think that's even Master Chief.
In the aspect of forge i would like too see like double boxes from foundry come back, and other pieces from sandbox, such as movable and breakable objects. I was pretty content with the halo reach online and wouldn't mind if it was quite similar.
I WANT A FLOOD ONSLAUGHT MODE!!!!!!! Like firefight only with those goupy spore thingys trying to absolutly destroy you ^^ you can completly customize just like now and the waves can be changed to all spores, jugernauts, egg carrier things and what not. Possibly with an objective like turn on the power for light, open up an armoury for weapons, close certain "floodgates" or doors, and/or plant a bomb on the major metiors that spawn them.
Talons013, you just gave me an awesome idea. A gametype, like Firefight. 2 teams of 2-4 players. One team Spartans, the other, Elites. They have to fight against each other, but the main objective is to survive against waves of Flood. You get points for killing members on the opposite team, but you get a lot more for focusing on the Flood. Or maybe, you dont get points for killing members of the opposite team, but each kill you make adds up to fill a gauge that unlocks new weapon loadouts to use against the Flood. The game ends when either the time runs out, point limit is reached, or a combination of the two. If lives are implemented then they would be infinite against enemy players, but finite against Flood. I know this probably wouldnt work as an eight player game online, because of all the reasons why Firefight online doesnt work for four people sometimes, but it still seems like an interesting concept. To me, anyway.
The list would be pretty long. Let's start off with forge pieces that don't completely **** on Xbox hardware.
That's one of the most obvious photoshopped images I've ever seen. How can people even fall for that?