Does Forge offer any method of putting a weapon on the map that no player can pick up? It sounds ridiculous, but I really want to put a decorative sword on the wall that players cannot pick up.
If you put it behind glass or something far enough that players can't get close enough to pick it up then yes, but otherwise there's no way that I know of.
i saw it done in a featured map its like above the fireplace, i have no idea though, [br][/br]Edited by merge: look at the pictures, towards the bottom it says the sword is unplayable send this guy a message, he might not tel you how to do it though because its his signature.
I think you might be right. Fixed allows you to pick it up but makes it act weirdly when dropped, phased makings unusable im pretty sure.
I recall phased would disappear when dropped or something. I could be wrong as I haven't messed with this stuff since reach's release. Its possible weapons behind walls can't be picked up as the one in that map was behind glass but I remember weapons could be picked up through walls in Halo 3 and I think in Reach too.
I tried merging a sniper rifle a third into a WINDOW, DOUBLE. I could not pick it up, and when a BRAGE, LARGE was merged with the window, which was merged with the sniper rifle, it looked good, and I couldn't pick it up. Long story short, merge it with a wall.
Place it on the wall on phased add glass over so it's visible otherwise use a hard kill zone. Either should work
Theres a way to do it without merging it into walls or something, but I cant remember how exactly. It may have something to do with changing its properties in advanced. I dont have access to my Xbox and the moment, but Ill have a fiddle when I do and let you know.
If you make its physics phase, then it can be picked up only once. When it is let go, it will float and then it will not be possible to pick it up again. It will remain suspended and an obstacle to movement. The game type can be set to not pick up weapons (player trait, either all or some). In that case, a turret, for example, can be used, and taken off its tripod, but when let go it falls to the floor and cannot be picked up again. But the game type option effects all weapons, not just the sword. I would love to forge the map you saw this on.
Ive had a look around the internet, but I cant find what I was looking for. I swear Ive read a gametype help FAQ that mentioned something about changing the properties of certain weapons which can make them unable to be picked up, but I cant remember where it was. I think it was on ForgeCafe, but I cant get access to that site, for some reason. Sorry, redislove. Anyway, the guy that made Eroded put the sword behind a glass window. Kinda takes the magic out of it, doesnt it. *shrugs*
I saw a map with indestructible explosives before. The author used INVASION_OBJECTIVE and the spawn sequence was ridiculously high... Maybe this would also work as a weapon. I don't know, just an idea in my head... If that doesn't work, you could use a grid to phase a weapon into a wall. Grid>weapon>wall is how it would work. Otherwise, this might be impossible. Try to fool around with labels...
Actually if you look on the pic with the unplayable sword it is inside one if those triangle shaped barrier things. No quite sure on the object name.
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