Nintendo Wii U

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xun, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    The Dreamcast killed Sega's console market. :p

    I have faith that this is going to be Nintendos break back into more serious gaming and put them at the lead. Until the others bring out their next consoles, that is, but that wont be for a while yet and this is due next year.

    Its is unfortunate but true that a lot of people are going to see this as another kids and mini-games console, even when it obviously isnt intended to be. That is going to hurt their sales initially, but once third-party devs start releasing kick ass games Im confident that will change. The mini-games are supposed to draw in those that dont normally play games to open it up to a bigger market, hence more attention from everybody.

    I admit that Im going to sit back and see what Nintendo offer up for a while, but this is on my 'seriously considering to buy' list.
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i'll believe it when i see it.
    that's what they wanted us to believe last time.
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Alright, great. As far as I'm concerned, this is still a seventh generation console. It's not powerful enough to be a next generation console. This looks like another generic Nintendo console. This would be the equivalent of going from the 360 to the 360 slim, from what I see. The only difference is a couple more useless additions and more power not being put to good use. The controller looks stupid too. I'd be better off buying the original Wii. Despite Nintendo's claims, we're still in the seventh generation of consoles.
  4. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    I can just see myself throwing one of those controllers on accident like I do with the wii controllers now and having to shell out another $150 to buy a new controller because of a broken screen.
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Do you consider the wii to be a sixth generation console? Considering it isn't much more powerful than the Gamecube.
  6. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    No, but that's only because of the motion controls it introduced. Wii U doesn't change any of that. That's why I'm calling it a seventh generation console.
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    I dont understand where you're pulling this console generation jargin from, but its irrelevant. at least others in here are judging the console itself rather than whatever it is you are ahah

    Its a major performance and graphics improvement yet you'd rather buy a wii? why arent you still using a ps1? you should be with that logic.
    #27 CHUCK, Jun 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  8. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I thought it was confirmed that they upgraded their hardware to support games like that of the Xbox 360 and PS3. Actually, Nintendo claimed that it was even better than their competitors. I'm not completely sold on the Wii U but it seems like they're retaining the so-called "motion marketable" games whilst trying to revert back to the standard controller, as seen by the bulky controller. It's really not a question of the console itself for me, it's what games they'll put on it. So far, Zelda: Skyward Sword seems to be the main thing I'm looking at.
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I'd rather be using a true next-generation console instead of a console that uses a ridiculous controller (as if the default Wiimote wasn't bad enough) and barely beats out consoles of this generation. The Wii has a better selection of games and the classic controller, which, while not the best controller, is still a better alternative to the Wiimote. I'm saying I'd buy a Wii over a Wii U, but I'm not saying I would actually buy it. With Nintendo a generation behind in consoles, I fail to see how they are selling better. I'd assume overrated franchises like Mario, Metroid, and Zelda have something to do with that. Either way, I'm sticking with the 360 and waiting it out until Microsoft and Sony announce their next consoles. Nintendo, as always, isn't getting a penny out of me. Not until they can get some decent exclusives and a controller that doesn't look like a complete joke.
    #29 4shot, Jun 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  10. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    quick question, you wouldnt happen to have a 360 slim would you
  11. Security

    Security Ancient
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    It has already been confirmed that the Wii U will only ship with one of the big controllers, and that the "standard" controller would be the wii classic controller. As seen here.


    Or even the wiimote.
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    No, why?

    Still, it seems more like a current-gen console rather than a next-gen to me. It's a pass here. I'll wait to see what Microsoft and Sony have in store for us in the console market instead. I've never really been a big fan of Nintendo, if you can't already tell.
    #32 4shot, Jun 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  13. Security

    Security Ancient
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    This shows that the graphics capability for the Wii U might surprise us. You never know.
    #33 Security, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  14. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    For the record, I have never played a bad Legend of Zelda game, nor a bad Metroid game. It's Nintendo's signature games, similar to Halo and the xbox or Metal Gear Solid with the Playstation. There's always going to be those franchises, simply because they're classics.

    From the looks of it, you'll be waiting about 5 years just for the "next-gen" console. That's why Microsoft introduced the Xbox 360 Slim and Kinect. Similarly, that's why the PS3 introduced the whole Move system. Don't hold your breath 4shot.
  15. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Like I said before, I am going to wait and see what this ***** can do before go the whole hog and buy one. It will very much be based on what games get made for it. I highly doubt that there'll be many third part exclusives on this console, but Ill wait and see how the cookie crumbles.
    That image is classic. Its also a great outlook on how the game may develop, looks-wise. Personally, I dont really care what a game looks like, only if it plays well and runs well. Great graphics are just an added bonus.
  16. V

    V Ancient
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    Have you played Other M? I'm a fan of the Metroid series and that game was a disappointment for me. I agree with the Zelda though. Those games are classics.

    Also, I'm looking forward to the new Smash Bros and whatever new installment of the Mario Kart series we'll see in the future (3DS has one confirmed and apparently Wii U and 3DS are somehow compatible). Throw in a good Mario platformer (64, Sunshine, and Galaxy 1&2 have all been great games), a good Metroid game, some decent Pokemon game, a good Mario sports game (golf > baseball > soccer > tennis, but they're all good enough), and some solid third party games and I'd be very happy with the new console.
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    As a whole, I don't see the Wii U being as successful as the original Wii. Why you ask? I'll list them:

    1. The original Wii was a hit for an older generation of casual gamer. The system was simple and easy to use, because most of the control scheme didn't involve complex buttons or repetitive button mashing. The Wii U is going back to the controller scheme... which a lot of these casual gamers will avoid, like they did before the Wii. Besides, they still have their Wii, why would they need a new system with better graphics? Graphics were never important to these consumers in the first place.

    2. The Wii U is likely to cost around $300... the introductory price will likely be too steep for most people to take the leap. The original Wii was priced to sell compared to the expensive 360 and PS3 (which were priced respectively higher at the time). This time around, the 360 and PS3 will be cheaper, as well as having a more extensive library selection (and cheaper games).

    3. The controller is not going to lure in core gamers. The bulky controller is what scared away many gamers from the original xbox (Duke, anyone?). And if you drop and crack the screen of the Wii U, that's likely to be an expensive replacement.

    4. Games. Nintendo has been having a hard time getting third party developers to create games for the Wii. Now that the system is more controller friendly, we might see some games come back to the Wii U. Until the core gamer sees third party support, expect many to avoid the console.

    It may have been a mistake for Nintendo to release a new system as soon as they have, but they were forced into showing their hand thanks to the PS3 Move and the Xbox Kinect. The price point will put many people off from purchasing the console, and the cheaper alternative options Sony and MS will have to offer at that point may siphon some of the holiday sales as well.

    Personally, I never bought a Wii because I thought the controller was a bit gimmicky. I'll be passing on the Wii U as well.
    #37 Draw the Line, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  18. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Thats kind of a reason why I havent jumped on the Kinect train yet. It just seems like too much of a gimmick for me to take seriously. The other reason being that Im not a mini game person and that seems to be what about 90% of Kinects purpose is.

    On the other hand, I never bought a Wii because of the game selection (or lack thereof). I very nearly bought one when the prices dropped at the end of last year when DK came out, but never ended up getting one because... well, I guess I just wasnt bothered. I was actually going to buy it for my missus for Xmas, as she doesnt play games and I thought this would be a good way for her to share in my passion, as its a simple device to pick up and play. My nan plays Wii Bowling at my parents, and she had never played a videogame in her life beforehand, so if she can, my girl can.

    If the Wii U shows the same ease of use and approachability of the Wii, then it may be back on the Xmas list for a certain someone next year. Oh, and my girlfriend will like it, too. (cwutididthar?)

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