Keller's Foriginals Podcast

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Col Keller, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    Keller's Foriginals Podcast
    "A collaborative effort to help forgers with original designs."


    This is to give honest feedback on maps and produce better maps in the community as a result. I will be choosing maps (or authors can submit) and we will run games on that map over the course of a few days. Testing out a few game types, looking for flaws, TRYING to break the map.

    When you test with me you will randomly assigned a numeric value that I only know. This is so that your feedback will remain anonymous when I receive it. "But wont people know who's feedback is who's when we talk about the game after in the post game lobby?" you might ask. Well No. This is why I have my participants who contact me over AIM/ MLG id. So the only person who knows who's feedback is who's is me. And I will not release the author of the feedback.

    This is done to make sure to get the best possible feedback about the map without anyone hurting anyone's feelings. As we all know in this forum people have said, "this map is great, Good job bro!" But on xbox live they have repeatedly bashed the map.

    I will hold no bias against any author who submits a map for testing. I will only try to give feedback that is useful and in a constructive manner. So you may wonder "Will Col. Keller make the changes then for me?" That answer is no. I may make changes in/on the map and test those. But I WILL NOT release, condone releasing, or let people steal ideas. If the author likes the changes I have made or wants to talk to me to have a follow up recap secession, I am more than happy to work with them. The original Author has to make the changes and release them on there own will.

    Warning to anyone who submits a map for my review. You may not like what you hear. The feedback will not all be praise, but I will try to give the feedback in the most productive way possible and present it in a professional manor. It is up to you if you want to listen to what I have to say. You do not need to make any changes I (or my body of reviewers) suggest.

    What my podcast will hopefully show:

    • How I personally break down gameplay.
    • How I review and study map design.
    • Useful hints on how to study gameplay.
    • Dive into my mind as I go to school for Game design.
    • Learn industry secrets with me.
    • Learn from my mistakes and redesigns so you don't have to.

    How its going to be formatted

    I will use a combination of Google Sketchup, Gameplay, and Forge to hopefully show you how to better yourselves as designers and as forgers. Even if you are a casual forger I'm sure that you can pick up something from my podcast that could help you in the long run. Maybe even spark some ideas. My goal is to help the population at MLG create some of the best maps in the industry. I am not going to settle for sub par when I know we have the best designers right here. Some of you are just starting out and this will be an excellent starting point for you to springboard to success.

    How often is the podcast going to be released?

    To start each map is going to take approximately two weeks for me to review, study, and make changes/ Sketchups to do. So realistically this podcast will be probably twice a month. I am hoping to push for more podcasts a month but with schooling and work on my pallet we will see. Depending on turn out and the audience reaction to feedback i will continue doing episodes.

    IF you are interested in helping me test maps and helping the general audience please contact me at:

    MLG: via private message/ friend request
    GT: Col Keller

    IF submitting a map for Episode 2 Testing contact me at with the title as "Episode 2- Map Submission (maps name, Author)

    If you have an idea for a new show submit them at with the title as Show idea (your name/username). and then use the message to fully explain what the show is or should be about. I will give a shout out for the person who gave me the idea.

    EPISODE 1 is going to go live at 6pm eastern Sunday June 12th . Its my first podcast, so I may be a little shaky but as it goes along i will probably calm down and start making more sense.

    TO watch episodes go toForiginals on

    Archive videos will be posted on youtube for people to watch later on. Please give me up to 64 hours to get past episodes up.

    Current dates for air:
    June 12th @ 6pm eastern
    June 26th @ 6pm eastern
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Get a nice mic dude.

    I love this idea and have supported it since the beginning but get a better mic.

  3. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just a better webcam in general
  4. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Blue snowball. Or turtle beaches if you have those already. Then record with audacity.

    Audio probelmo fixed.

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