Check out my file share on halo reach. Gamertag is WhiteEhh and here a link to my file share on, : Reach : Player File Share Also check out the Halo Reach Sigs website that I helped create where you can request sigs and many other things. Halo Reach Sigs If you want a sig from me or other sig makers click on the Request a Sig link and go from there. And if you ever want to learn how to make them check out my youtube channel, YouTube - EhhStudios's Channel‏ which has the most and best Halo Reach Sig Lessons on youtube and many other things on there. Thanks, WhiteEhh~
Just for future traffic your website might's just awful. The color scheme is eye straining and all the links are confusing. It's a "halo sig" site so maybe some sample sigs of your best work should be front and center on the page.
Pac has a point. Probably the only case where judging by the cover is ok is with art of any kind. Your work in Halo is incredible, at least for forge images, so why not put some of that up there instead of walls of text.
I don't even know how their webmaster did that...the text overlaps on itself, that shouldn't do that on default.
I think you can have a negative line spacing value. I've actually done that before to make stuff that's really difficult to read on purpose. Blue on black is already hard enough to read. The text spacing just exacerbates it.