Hey my gamertag on xbl is WhiteEhh and I'm a sig maker. I started this thread because I am in need of some1 who has a jtag and would be willing to mod a signature map for me with lots of small railings, 1x1 blocks, 1x2 blocks, 2x1 blocks flat, 1x1 inclines, 2x1 inclines, antenna smalls, glass sails, covers, wall curves and wall coliseums. If you have any other questions you can respond on here or preferably message me on xbl. Myself and I'm sure many other sig makers would be willing to make you a sig if you could help me/us out. Any sort of shout out we can do on my youtube channel or the signature website we run. If you don't want that we might be able to sort out some other sort of deal. YouTube - EhhStudios's Channel‏ Halo Reach Sigs Thanks, WhiteEhh
Modding is frowned upon on Forgehub. If you're a sig maker, why not just photoshop the extra railings and stuff in?
Hey, sorry to tell you this but as an affiliate of Bungie, and transitively a supporter of both their code of conduct and Microsofts, we cannot endorse mods on this site. A simple google search should find you the best modding site to help with this; I can't tell you what it is, but when you see 7's, you know you are in the right place. This thread will be locked. If you have any specific questions about the rules (or you can't find the site,) PM me and I'll help you as best as I can. -All the best, Reflex Ion.