
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Dirt Jockey, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Forerunner

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    MONOPOLY Trailer

    First of all, special thanks to DIEabolicalD for his help with my Dice System and his general encouragement along the way!

    Id also like to thank all of the people that downloaded the original-
    -you know who you are!

    Many of you may remember this classic recreation from Halo 3. Although similar in appearance, Halo: Reach's more powerful Forge has enabled me to bring this concept much closer to the gameplay of the original Boardgame.
    The most notable change this time around is the addition of Currency; being able to Buy/Sell, Rent and Mortgage Properties as well as the ability to Buy/Sell Houses and Hotels is an important feature that shamefully I had to omit in Halo 3.
    However, now it is all possible.
    Other important changes include the addition of REAL DICE, and extra Teleporters from Halo 3's engine, all the more increasing the randomization of this game.

    This is how it is possible-

    The most important fact to note is that this Map is NOT played in Custom Games.

    It is played in Forge Mode.
    (Many of you may be wondering why this map claims to play slayer, that is because Forgehub by default does not have an option for 'Forge Mode'- It does not play slayer, I was forced to choose something or I would not be able to post it)

    If you arent familiar with Forge Mode, well, you might have some problems...
    Common tasks include moving objects and setting object Shape Values found in the 'Object Properties' menu. If you aren't fluent with Forge Mode I recommend having someone who is, participate in your game and be designated in charge of this task.
    Which incidentally brings me to my next point: Play this with a group of friends you can trust. Not unlike the original Board game, this game CAN be cheated. So playing with a mature party is definitely recommended.

    So, for those of you who are familiar with Forge Mode, Ill explain the game mechanics further...

    The actual backbone of this revitalization lies in the 'Shape' attached to certain objects. You can find its 'Shape' in the 'Properties' Menu for each object. This is how one records value, sort of like a Pocket Book.
    I used Objects Shapes to determine things like Value, Price, Rent, Mortgage/Unmortgage and ultimately, Bankruptcy.
    But how?
    Well, lets break it down:
    All the shapes are Circles, each circle has 3 values: 'Top', 'Bottom' and 'Radius'

    • 'Top' symbolizes price or 'Value', for example if that shape has a height of '2.2', that is to symbolize its value of $220.00

    • 'Bottom' symbolizes 'Rent', for example, if that property you landed on does not belong to you, and its 'Bottom' value is '0.6', that symbolizes its cost to you of $60.

    • 'Radius' symbolizes the status of 'Mortgage', by default all radius's are set to '.1', However if you wish to 'Mortgage' your property you must set its radius value to '0.0'

    Several objects use these shapes including 'Initial Spawns' (Player/Players Avatar), Respawn Points (Properties & Get out of Jail Free Cards), Safe Zones (Go, Chance, Community Chest) and Kill Zones (Taxes, Chance and Community Chest)

    Wait? What?

    In the middle of the Board you will find 8 Initial Spawns, each one representing a Player by color. For example: If you are red team, the Red Initial Spawn is yours.
    All these Initial Spawns start out at a Top Value of '15.0' or $1500
    These Initial Spawns in the center are your 'Avatars' so-to-speak. They represent your total value in a physical form so you can see at a glance how rich or poor you are without having to count money.
    Another set of Initial Spawns can be found on 'GO'. These are the pieces you actually move. They have no attached shape as they only represent your Avatar in the center.
    Why two sets?
    Well, I chose to do it like this so that everyone can see everyone elses current value at a glance. It is much harder to tamper with your value when it is in the center of the board where everyone is looking, thereby discouraging cheaters.
    Its also more organized, making transactions easier and that helps because Im sure you are confused already.


    Around the outside of the Board you will find several Respawn Points. Each one of these is a 'Deed'. These record all the property information prior to loading the game, so Its all there for you.
    Every Property that can be owned has one, In it you will find its Value, its Rent, and you can see if it is Mortgaged or not and quickly see who owns it, all at a glance in the Objects 'Properties'.

    If you land on a Property that is not owned, you may buy it. To do this, subtract the 'Top Value' of the Property you wish to buy, from YOUR 'Top Value'
    Now that you paid for the property, change its color to your teams color.
    Its that simple.
    If you land on a Property that is owned by someone else, you must subtract the 'Bottom Value' of the Property you are renting from YOUR 'Top Value'. The amount you subtracted gets ADDED to the players 'Top Value' from whom you are renting.
    Please note: The only settings you will modify in a Respawn Point are its 'Radius' and its 'Color', everything else stays the same.

    You will notice a few of these during your game. Each has a 'Top Value' and if you land on its applicable space, you must SUBTRACT this amount from your 'Top Value'
    This is to simulate paying money for services like 'Luxury Tax' and other things.

    You will gladly anticipate these once you start to play Monopoly as each symbollizes getting paid. One can be found at 'GO' and the other is part of 'Chance and Community Chest' .
    Each has a 'Top Value' and you must ADD this amout to your 'Top Value' should you land on its applicable space.


    If you land on one of these properties and it is unowned, you may buy it. Otherwise you must pay the owner 6x the amount you rolled (or 10x if he owns both).
    For example, you rolled a 12 and landed on a Utility that is owned by someone who owns both Utilities. 12x10=120, therefore you would pay $120 or '1.2'
    You may not place Houses/Hotels on Utilities.

    If you land on one of these properties and it is unowned, you may buy it.
    If someone owns all 4 of these properties the rent is $200 or '2.0', owns 3 the rent is $150 or '1.5', owns just 2 the rent is $100 or '1.0', and if someone owns only 1 Railroad, the rent is $50 or '0.5'
    You may not place Houses/Hotels on Railroads.

    Go To Jail:
    Go to Jail !

    Pay $50 '0.5' or wait 3 turns. Each turn you are allowed to roll, but only rolling 'Doubles' will allow you to leave before your 3 turns are up.
    The 'Get out of Jail Free Card' lets you continue your next turn without paying, should you decide to use it.
    Spent 'Get Out Of Jail Free Cards' shall be returned to the color 'Neutral' or 'Team Color' to indicate it is again up for grabs.

    Go is marked with a 'Safe Zone' including a 'Top Value' of '2.0' or $200 signalling you to add this amount to your 'Top Value' should you pass GO.

    Free Parking:
    Free Parking is a grey area, play however you want. Some players like a prize of money if they land on it, some players are simply happy with a rent free spot.
    You decide!
    I play like this: If you land on Free Parking, you get to drive around the board in a Warthog instead. (SO BOSS)

    Two spots on the board have a 'Kill Zone' on them symbollizing these spaces. Attached is a 'Top Value' of '2.0' or $200 indicating you must SUBTRACT this amount from your 'Top Value' if you land on it.

    Chance and Community Chest:

    These spaces are marked with a 'Hill Marker' showing a Blue Arrow. If you land on this space you MUST enter the Teleporter attached.
    From there you will be lead to one of multiple locations including, JAIL, GO, Specific Properties, other Community Chest/Chance spaces or one of the 4 Random Platforms I made to represent (Getting paid, Losing money, or acquiring a Get Out Of Jail Free Card)
    In the center of the Board you will see these 4 Platforms, all linked via Teleporter.
    These platforms represent the elements of 'Chance' and 'Community Chest' and their random outcomes including Get out of Jail Free Cards, getting money and losing money.
    Two of the platforms have Respawn Points, these symbolize ownership of the 'Get Out Of Jail Free' Cards.
    If you are Teleported to this platform, you may call yourself the owner of this card unless it is already owned.
    On the other Two Platforms linked via Teleporter you will notice a 'Kill Zone' on one, and a 'Safe Zone' on the other. Each has a 'Top Value'.
    If you land on the one with the 'Safe Zone' you ADD its 'Top Value' to your ' Top Value'
    If you land on the one with the 'Kill Zone' you SUBTRACT its 'Top Value' from your 'Top Value'

    YOU CANNOT FINISH YOUR TURN ON ONE OF THESE PLATFORMS, upon being teleported to one- you conduct your business and return to the Teleporter.
    If you land on another platform (which is unlikely) you still return to the Teleporter until you are ported back to the Game Board itself.


    Houses and Hotels are symbollized by Loadoat Cameras found in the center of the board. (Green ones are Houses, Red are Hotels)
    At any time during your turn (providing you own all the Properties in one given set) You may Buy/Sell Houses or Hotels to upgrade your Properties Rent.
    Well, its not exactly like the Original Board Game wherein a House or Hotel effectively multiplied your Properties Rent. This would be unfeesible given the 'Shape System' im using for currency.
    So heres how it works:
    Houses cost $100 or '1.0' each and increase your properties 'Rent' by '0.5'
    Houses sell for $50 or '0.5'
    Hotels cost $500 or '5.0' each and increase your Properties 'Rent' by '2.5'
    Hotels sell for $250 or '2.5'
    For example, if you land on a Property that another Player owns, and it is NOT mortgaged. You will pay the 'Rent' of that Property plus the 'Rent' of each House on that property. So a Property with a rent of '0.4' and 2 houses would cost '1.4'.
    You may only have 1 Hotel per Property
    You may have a maximum of 4 Houses per Property
    You may NOT have a House and a Hotel on the same Property.

    At any time during your turn you may Mortgage or Unmortgage any property that you own.
    To mortgage a property, change your properties 'Radius' to '0.0' and you reimburse yourself HALF of its 'Top Value'.
    For example you are mortgaging a Property with a 'Top Value' of '2.4' or $240, you set its radius to '0.0' and add '1.2' or $120 to your 'Top Value'
    To unmortgage a property you set its radius back to '0.1' and you SUBTRACT the FULL amount of the properties 'Top Value' from your 'Top Value'
    Therefore it is unadvisable to mortgage unless you have no other options.


    If you roll 'Doubles' 3 times in a row, You go to Jail.
    If a player cannot afford to purhcase a Property that they are placed on, this property goes to Auction with a starting bid of its original price. *optional
    Highest Roll, rolls first!
    If a Die does not land face down, both Dice shall be rerolled (Mulligan)

    That pretty much covers everything involved with playing Monopoly on Halo: Reach. I know this may seem like alot to absorb, but once you actually play it for yourself and understand the basics of the Currency System, it should be fairly simple and fast paced.

    I know its not perfect, and it isnt quite as fluent as the Original boardgame itself, but this is leaps and bounds more advanced than the Halo 3 version, and thousands of people enjoyed that!
    Anyways, at least they gave me dice this time- :D

















    Thanks for taking a look and I really hope you all enjoy it!

    #1 Dirt Jockey, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2011
  2. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well done.
    I'm curious to see how this could work out. But if you knew me, im a little impatient when it comes to this.
    im sure id would be willing to give it a go

    I dont think ive ever seen anything this complex yet.
    #2 RoboArtist, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  3. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Wow man. This is DEFINITELY the most complex/complicated map i've ever seen in Halo.. but its so intriguing because i love the boardgame and the way you've set this up! Genious! You sir, have my gratitude. Im logging in and playing this the next time i go into reach :D
  4. Spartan L01

    Spartan L01 Forerunner

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    I never finish games of Monopoly. They just seem to last too long. Yet, I do wander around in Forge doing almost nothing quite often and seem happy enough.

    I wander if combining those removes the irritation of Monopoly...I'm willing to give this a go at some point. :D
  5. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Forerunner

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    You know, the thread may seem a little 'much' but the concept is actually quite simple. You roll, you buy, you sell. Dont go bankrupt. The only real complex part is instead of using fake money, you are using respawn zones.

    Thanks alot man, I hope you enjoy it!

    By far the best part of playing Monopoly in Halo: Reach, is if the game lasts too long- you can save it! Pick up right where you left off by loading the most recent version. Its that simple- Thanks for checking it out and I hope you do eventually 'give it a go'

    Edited by merge:

    *Updated the thread with a video to better show how it plays
    #5 Dirt Jockey, Jun 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2011
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Great work, you have really captured the game on forge world. Everything has been included. The aesthetics are amazing. And best of all , no need to tidy up after game....and no standing on houses days later .
  7. Classy Midget

    Classy Midget Forerunner

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    Dude this is god damn amazing I never would have thought of even making this let alone the perfect currency measure.

    I would say Bungie should give you an All Star nameplate or blue flaming helmet but those aren't very rare any more. So I say if they make something for the fans to win in future competitions you should be the first to win it! Because you deserve a prize for this incredible innovation .
  8. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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