Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    says ignorant person... :/

    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't selling
  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I basically said the same thing, only Shield World, and before him. :p He agreed with me and said Dyson Sphere, but I thought he was disagreeing with me and correcting me. Meh, point is, everyones right. *shrugs*
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    So by your logic, games like CoD and Mario are superior to games like Quake and Half-Life, just because they sell well. I don't follow that logic, and it's completely invalid to do so, as this is a subject of the quality of said product, and not of the quantity. Those are two completely different things. There are many more factors to take into consideration here than sales numbers. Consider that in your future posts. You're looking to be the truly ignorant one here.
    #183 4shot, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  4. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    You missed the point by so far, you look like an ass.

    You're arguing opinion. Kinect will expand the life of the 360, it's opened it up to a completely new audience.

    And, in some peoples opinion, games like Mario and CoD might be better than Half Life or Quake. I loved Quake, but I didn't really like Half Life. It was great when modded, but I didn't like the core story or gameplay all that much.

    Mario CHANGED gaming, It's a huge game. So of course.

    You just argued opinion. Again, just because you weren't a fan of it doesn't mean it hasn't done something.

    And if something doesn't have that level of quality, why would it sell? CoD is a quality game, hence it sells. It's got a huge fanbase. Mario even more so.

    Your argument is invalid, simply because you used logic with opinion.
    #184 Neoshadow, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    ^ And he sounded like an trolling ass while spouting pure nonsense.

    I was saying nothing of the quality of current software for it, (its only been less than a year for it so relax) but the fact that it is prolonging the life of the 360, which is not opinion, its sales number fact. So before you go joining a conversation which is not your own please understand what is being said first.

    The quality of kinnect games are not what's up for discussion in this thread nor is the quality vs quantity discussion. (Though usually quality equates to quantity)
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Whilst I agree with the majority of your post and discussion on this issue, I can't agree with the above. Even though you allowed for exceptions by saying 'usually', I feel this is a generous statement. In the case of shifting quantity, I feel that you in turn are not taking enough factors in to account, the main one being marketing strength. If any given recent iteration of CoD was the exact same game, but wasn't marketed to high heaven like it is, it would not sell nearly as well.

    Saying that quality is what equals sales is a very superficial and uninformed view, even past the pure numbers like marketing budgets which often dictate large proportions of sales figures. Beyond this, the 'quality' of a game has many elements of subjectivity to it as well, so saying that something subjective (quality) equates to something objective (sales quantity) is a flawed idea in itself.

    I do of course admit that an awful game which has millions spent on marketing still probably won't sell that well. Marketing alone cannot make an awful game a best seller, but it would still sell better than it would have on merit alone. Also, once a game is of a certain palatable quality, marketing goes a long way towards defining its success. Not all the way, but a long way.
    #186 Pegasi, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  7. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    /sigh...what did I just say about this not being a discussion on that...Also as you said, usually allows for exceptions to which there are many but as my point has nothing to do with that discussion I didn't go into it. Instead I used a blanket statement that is true more often then not true. Rest assured I am well aware of how marketing, name recognition, and demographics play into it as I have written numerous papers on the business of video games. Please don't mistake my decision to not engage in a discussion not becoming of this thread title for lack of knowledge on the issue.
    #187 PacMonster1, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Considering this topic is so broad that you have two new upcoming games to discuss and you're all arguing about the effects of kinect, which if I'm not mistaken is completely irrelevant to this thread anyway...

    Please get back on topic to either one of the two games and take the arguments either to PM or an appropriate thread of discussion. Like the points were raised, you're all arguing opinion, which is something I do in the lolbox... but that's there for spam -.-
  9. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Stevo, further explanation on the Terminals. Go Go Go
  10. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Guys, this has nothing to do with the thread. Get back on topic; I'm surprised there are no infractions yet.

    On another note, can't wait for CEA. Looks sick. Not so sure about H:4 though.
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Trivial...not only did Stevo already address it but posting a massive quote wall is spam in itself. Adding 6 words after spam to act like you're on topic is still spam.

  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I totally did NOT link to that same theory in the RH thread that YOU are keeping tabs on...

    Also, telling someone that they are spamming is considered spam, because it offers no relevance to anything.
    #192 Jex Yoyo, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  13. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well if the Forerunner are alive...do you think they would be hostile. Of course the intelligent Forerunner's that set up the arks and such won't be be, but what about the Forerunner who have pretty much been living in the shadows on these shield worlds, how do you think they'll react to an 'extraterrestrial force' considering they lost knowledge of the universe and such. I don't know man, good **** though lol.
  14. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    you know what i'd like to see, if it was filled with elites that still belive in the prophets fighting against brutes, who accidentaly release the flood, whitch causes the sentiels to break loose, (including the big sentiels from halo 2) to awaken, leading to epic four way war.
  15. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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  16. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    All three stories are connected, and tell of the downfall of the Forerunners at the mercy of the Flood. The ordering, chronologically is actually:

    with interweaving among all three, the most important being the first story, as it directly affects Halo 3's overall narrative.

    Mendicant Bias

    Medicant Bias was a supremely advanced Forerunner AI, much like 343 Guilty Spark, constructed for the sole purpose of amassing a defense against the Flood. Like Cortana, he seemed to be completely sentient and succumbed to the Gravemind's influence.

    At some point, he was sent to find the Gravemind's weakness, and attempted to do so by talking to him for an extended period of time. Over the course of that dialogue, the Gravemind convinced Mendicant that the flood was the next rung of the evolutionary ladder (essentially arguing that a hive mind, or a physical manifestation of Carl Jung's "collective consciousness" was the most efficient means of sentience). As a result, Mendicant reached rampancy, and went out to carry out the Gravemind's plans by wiping out a ton of Forerunners.

    As a result, Offensive Bias, another extremely advanced AI, was created to slow Mendicant's advance (as the latter had an intricate knowledge of the Forerunner defense) and their meeting was a massive battle. If I'm not mistaken, the purpose of this was to give the Forerunner scientists time to save certain species (such as humanity, will return to this later) and give them time to activate the Halo array.

    Forerunner Fleet vs The Flood

    Offensive and Mendicant Bias faced off with their respective fleets. Mendicant was outmaneuvered despite Offensive being massively outnumbered as he was unaware that the Forerunners would produce another AI, and the latter was created specifically for being methodical and calculating. As I recall, Offensive Bias sent a bunch of ships straight to their death to cause more casualties on the other side. Don't know if the ships were filled or not.

    Offensive cut Mendicant's being into various parts to keep him from rising up again, and intended on studying the AI's rampancy. We'll get back to this later.

    Didact and the Librarian

    Didact was a Forerunner warrior and was the Librarian's lover. He was directly opposed to activating the Halo array, and ultimately was the one that activated it.

    The terminals are recorded writings of Didact attempting to convince his lover to stop cataloging (read: saving) sentient life like Humans and return him where it was implied to be safe (probably a Dyson Sphere). She ultimately ended up living on Earth for the rest of her days whereas Didact's ultimate fate hasn't been clarified.

    Back to Mendicant

    His compound mind having been divided up among various ships, Mendicant has affected the Halo stories directly. One part ultimately ended up in the fanatical hands of the Covenant and interrogated about the Forerunners. He revealed that they had based their entire religion on a mistranslation, that the humans were the Reclaimers, or the relics the aliens sought on the Great Journey. Said revelation being the foundation of the Heretics and the Arbiter joining Master Chief's cause. This AI was also the "powerful AI" in Halo 2 that Cortana battles to delay the covenant ship from taking off so Master Chief could board it and wreck the prophet of truth? regret? I don't remember.

    The main part, and the part that recorded all this through the terminals, was brought to the Ark, and was reunited with the piece the covenant had. Now fully cognizant and able to reflect upon his actions, he sought redemption for betraying his original masters, by actively betraying what he referred to as his current master (the Gravemind), it was poetic, really. As such, it is his "voice" (so to speak) through which all the terminal information is recorded, as he is speaking directly to Master Chief and claiming he would help him on his quest (an example of his new-found atonement).

    I personally like to believe he sent MC into the great unknown to visit the last surviving Forerunners in a shield world, but there's no indication towards this, or anything that Mendicant actually did. I also think it's a pretty safe bet the enemies in Halo 4 (not necessarily the sequels) will be "rampant" Forerunners, as mentioned here by someone as, from a storytelling perspective, it would take less time to explain than introducing an entire new subset of enemies.
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Just a thought;

    Every Halo game starts you off in friendly territory. You are always with the good guys for something begins to stir.

    Perhaps the Forerunner at the start aren't the enemy?

    Either way, without the Covenant there has to be another new enemy. 3 and 4 way battles are a signature Halo experience.
  18. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    Another possible enemy could be other aliens the Forerunners had saved yet never gotten back to their own planets. A fight through a zoo ship filled with god knows what could be made pretty intense.

    Also a trope in Science Fiction stories is a race of aliens that is unable to reproduce for some reason (like the daleks in some situations, or the Orions in Stargate). It could be revealed that the Forerunners left humanity because they figured thay could use them to save themselves somehow (probably in a way that hurts/destroys humanity so you have a reason to fight them) and the Chief could have to fight Forerunners who have woken up from some type of stasis who are trying to save their own race at humanities expense.

    There are a lot of potential plots here.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    Kind of a random thought here but, though the covies are gone, could we see the arbiter or the elites that were on our side (heretics?) in H4? I'm really wondering more from a multiplayer standpoint than a campaign one. Because if there's no elites in the campaign, then how would they justify being an elite in multiplayer? And if no elites, then only Spartans or could we be a different race like forerunners?

    So many questions, so little information...
    #199 CAPNxXxCANT, Jun 11, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2011
  20. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    ... We are in a different galaxy. I don't think we will be returning to Earth too soon. Earth destroyed the Halo narrative.

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