Remake Reach Out (lockout)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by pajama dad, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    I think every forger should do a remake of Lockout. So I did one

    Designed for classic settings. Spawns are mostly taken from H3's Blackout. Weapons are mostly the same as the original except I used spikers instead of SMG's and a needle rifle instead of one of the needlers.

    Plays well split screen even with effects on. I was going for simplicity and cleanliness while trying to maintain accuracy to the orginal and I think that paid off. I orginally had a window in the center platform but think it was giving me some screen lag and so took it out.

    EDIT: Made some minor changes to gametypes and structures, updated link.



    #1 pajama dad, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  2. BlondishFiber

    BlondishFiber Forerunner

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    Well i love this map at halo2 but i have tryed it at reach and.. no..+there is missing stuffs like weapons, coils and picks but i like your forge work!
  3. owlguy17

    owlguy17 Forerunner

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    Well its a lot prettier than the matchmaking one but Eclipse is still more fun to play. Great job though.
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Quite honestly, remakes are getting old. I could see if you made an inspirational remake and added in some unique touches and featutes of your own, but this isn't really creative. I also haaaate lockout, it's seriously cramped, boring, and lacks flow. I do however like that you put some color into it. That's one feature that Eclipse lacked. Also, fusion coils at the top of the sniper spawn.

    Who puts a sniper in a sniper tower on halo reach? That's just rediculous. I'd like to see some of your creativity by making your own ideas. I think you have a lot of potential to make a great map, you just need to really take your time.

    Nothing I have said is meant to offend you, so don't take it the wrong way. Besides, that's just my opinion. Goodluck on future forges.
  5. Nokterne

    Nokterne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The name "sniper tower" has nothing to do with how good a spot it is for sniping. It was given that name because that's where the sniper spawns. If you know how to play Lockout, you know that you don't stay there to snipe. You get slaughtered if you don't move quickly.

    Back on topic.

    I like how you moved the map away from that waterfall, I hate that area of Forgeworld. This map looks much more aesthetically pleasing than most Lockout remakes, which is nice. I'll test it out and see if it holds up framerate wise.

    Nice job, you obviously put a lot of work into this, remakes are a great way to get started before forging your own designs.
  6. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    Whats missing? Did you download and run through it or are you basing that on the pics? The pics are all from in game action where many of the weapons and coils have been picked up or blown. So I wouldn't base any judgements on placement on the pics. Rather I'd go off of what i've said in the OP- that weapons and spawns are fundamentally the same- unless you actually download and go through

    @Eightball- I completely agree with the remakes being overdone. But lockout is one of the most loved maps despite your opinion of it, and given that Bungies given us so much of the map prefab, its a great place to start forging- I just didn't happen to start there and came late to the lockout remake party. I felt it appropriate to share it though. Every lockout I've downloaded has had its own quirks and everyone will like one more than another. For example- most don't allow you to drop down the lift from above because of placement of a grav-lift at the the top meant to propel you forward when coming up. I've place the grav-lift such that it will propel you forward only when coming from the bottom- you're free to drop down from the top like you were in halo 2. For this reason I prefer mine over many of the other quality remakes I've found.... Also, I'm a little confused about why you would have issue with the location of the Sniper Rifle.

    @owlguy17- I thought eclipse was terrible. though I'm not sure if it was the settings the classic list was running at the time or if its the map.

    @Nokterne- I've no issues yet with framerate, even with the FX. But if you do have problems I'd love to know where.
    #6 pajama dad, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
  7. Nokterne

    Nokterne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The first thing I did after downloading your map was go into forge and delete the visual effects, I've never been a fan of them, hurts the eyes.

    The map seemed accurate, I've seen other versions that have a more freakish attention to detail but yours is very clean and I didn't notice any glaring inaccuracies so great job there.

    I did notice some small framerate issues while I was walking around the map on my own (the walkway between snipe tower and under glass), which is to be expected considering basically every Lockout remake ever created has framerate problems. Deleting that green light will likely help.

    Anyway, Good job on the map, I still have yet to choose the Lockout I use in customs and I'll be testing this out once I get that green light out of there.
  8. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    Thanks. I was going for a balance of accuracy and cleanliness of forging. I've seen a lot of lockouts that felt haphazard with their piece usage in the sniper tower and lift rooms. I'm curious if you've done comparisons with the Actual Halo 2 map or are going off of memory. I'm a bit removed from the experience now, but I did a lot of back and forth between the two looking for little details in the architecture that I could try to replicate. For example, the ramps from the center platform leading to the two prefabricated sets of rooms are slightly inclined up as you move away from the center platform (at least as far as I could tell). I'd never seen a remake that bothered with that.

    Funny though that I'm the exaxt opposite on the FX. Whenever I'm on a map that has no natural landscape I want FX to add color and more depth to the values of the lights and darks. But those are cosmetic and easily dealt with.

    Let me know if you run into anything. I tested game types and spawns as best I could, but there's always a chance I forgot something.

    And good luck on finding the pefect lockout remake.
    #8 pajama dad, Jun 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011

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