COLD STORAGE Hello all welcome to a preview of a co forged project with dt192. This is a fairly accurate remake of the Halo 3 map, also known as chillout on Halo 2. Most of the aesthetics of the stage has been captured, and the layout is measured to give an accurate remake. Spawning, gametypes & weapon placement have been copied from the original map. Tests have gone well and feedback has been good, and this is almost ready for release. Weapons: 1 x sniper (120s + 1 clip) 1 x shotgun (120s + 1 clip) 1 x rocket (120s + 1 clip?) 1 x dmr (10s) 1 x assault rifle (10s) 1 x needler (60s + 1 clip) 2 x plasma rifle 6 x frag 4 x plasma 3 x health - (60s) 1 x bubble shield
This looks like a great remake of cold storage you added many of the details such as the canister to this map that many other remakes have simply seem to have forgotten about, also added the overlooking robotic "eye" in a very interesting way giving the feeling of actually being back in halo 3 wondering wtf it is haha, Im very impressed how you seem to have scaled it perfectly giant window and all, I do like the effect when someone adds custom powerups phased into the rocks to give more of a flood feeling but this is just awesome, I also love the weapons you selected to add to the map I cant wait for you to release this hit me up if you would like some help testing it some great job on this timmy hope to see another remake of this caliber from you I always enjoy your maps.
Well, it looks so good I have to assume it has some sort of framerate problem. Does it? Also, have you put in all of the jumps/ledges on the map? I remember ninjaing people like crazy with a bunch of different ledges/jumps and such. I would get an infraction for spam for that. -.-
Thank you all! This has been a great project to work on, as I work through remaking Halo maps. I first started out making narrows remake, and it is great now that I have improved my forging ability to take on the remakes with confidence. dt192 has been a great help and I have learnt a lot from his forging skills. I decided to make this in the colosseum as i felt it would fit well and save budget/improve framerate. Also I noticed when I looked at cold storage map that a lot of the items it was made out of were in halo reach's forge pallet. This has helped to create a fairly accurate remake. [br][/br]Edited by merge: This is just a preview... I liked the post. spam would be more classed for bumping on map posts in my opinion. also....Everything from the original has been measured and added. Thanks also the framerate assumption is uncalled for and wrong. frame rate is good. as I have said in comment from forging in colosseum
Agreed with Erupt... :/ Also, this looks fantastic. The detail is awesome. I've seen some cool chillout remakes but I'm loving the aesthetics. The glass wall with rocks look awesome. I like the flood containers too. Hopefully this plays well because it looks superb.
This looks fantastic! However Youre about a week late! We were looking for a really good remake of this map last week for our Classic themed customs night! You have my DL for sure when its up.
Thanks, I am looking forward to getting this out there. Me and a group of friends are also hosting classic customs. This has played well in tests. Thanks for the comments
Classic is the best! If you ever need an extra person let me know. Also you are more than welcome to join our customs. We run a custom night bi-weekly and a Testing night bi-weekly. So if youre looking for good customs or need something tested. Look for our thread in the custom lobby. It will be posted by either myself, Nutduster or Zell Grelyock.
Awesome, and one of the first to put in the super-monitor. If only you could find a way to freely rotate it. Really nice work on the details. (Chill Out was Halo:CE, not H2.) (Also, off-topic, do you of any Ice Fields/Standoff/Snowbound remakes? (Don't mean to thread-jack, sorry)).
Cool, more players will make the games better. We have a great pit remake forged by dt192 and rock, guardian, construct, isolation that I recently forged and this cold storage map... + other classic remakes to follow on. I will speak to the organiser and see if we can organise a day a week to run tournaments.
I thought it was. .. I was miss informed. Thanks I will update sort. Yeah snowbound was what I started to forge, but again it will be a challenging remake without snow. I would like to remake ghost town soon. There are great layouts and aesthetics on the halo seiries to forge, its a shame reach default forge maps have let the seiries down in my opinion. I haven't come across any of the remakes you asked of but if you enter the name as tag on bungie you should find some remakes.... I will check myself soon ha. [br][/br]Edited by merge: What did you have in mind? Edited... I will look into the ice map now, but I could see difficulties if there are pointy ice in the aesthetics as there are no suitable objects to forge well. I will check now. Thanks
The ones I mentioned, specifically Ice Fields. It has a pretty simple layout, just a matter of finding a decent place to forge it. The only other map I can think of that needs a remake is Waterworks, tho that would take a while. tl;dr: Ice Fields plx.
I will look into futher, but it definitly looks forgable although I couldn't find map layout only screenshots and I don't have a copy of Halo CE.... although I may get in the future. Thanks for all the comments. I am happy with the map, there are only a couple of minor adjustments and this should be ready to post. thanks
Wow this looks so awesome. I especially love the glass wall where you can look out into the flood infested area. Great work! Hows the lag though?
Seriously frame rate is good. You may think as there are so much as aesthetics that it will cause framerate issues. As the map is in different sections and you only see parts of the map at the same time. Also split screen gameplay was great and no framerate/lag. Thanks for the comments