YouTube - Nintendo Wii U - E3 2011: Announcement Trailer‏ Im not a big Nintendo fan, but this actually looks pretty good. I was considering getting a Wii when they became cheap last year, because I dig Donkey Kong a lot, but never ended up getting one. This may be worth waiting til next year for, as, apparently, its more powerful than the PS3 and 360. I may end up getting one of these if I see more promising things. Ive heard Batman: AC and a few other non-usual suspects in the form of third-party developers are being considered for this platform, which is unusual for Nintendo, as theyre usually very strict about who they let make games for their console. I just hope that if I end up buying one, that it doesnt become a mini-game-athon. Some of the mini games look pretty good so far (the golf thing), but Im not much of a party game type of guy. Control looks a little clunky too, but people at E3 have said its easy to hold and very light for its size. I also like the idea of being able to stream games onto the mini screen. If your missus wants to watch some boring musical-drama crap (*coughGLEEcough), then I can keep playing my game if I so wished. Very interesting concept, indeed.
Firstly, big square controller=No thanks. Secondly, It really doesn't look like this has much hardware. So the majority of games will probably be boring mini games, and the console might die a couple of years later, wii style. I really doubt it's going to be more powerful than the 360 or PS3. Highly. But I could be mistaken.
Thats why Im going to wait for it to see what happens in regards to the games. It may be worth picking up if it eventually opens itself up to more gaming opportunities, not just sticking to a strict Nintendo diet, ala the Wii1.
For a game such as Zelda, in which you use the controller's screen to look at your inventory, it seems like a cool idea, but it just seems like it would be very awkward switching your view from the controller to the tv, and I'd just prefer playing it the traditional way. Also, Wii U Wii U Wii U. Come up with a better name Nintendo, seriously.
cool technology and innovative new ideas from Nintendo, as usual. they will always be genius and ahead of the pack in that regard. but, imo, they really need to get their heads out of their ass with this minigame crap. even if it is more powerful than PS3 and 360, i could still see the games just looking really simple and boring, like they always do, just more polished and shiny this time. i know its a new market theyre trying to tap into, and doing a decent job i suppose, but oldschool gamers dont want all this stupid gimmicky minigame bullshit. we just want oldschool nintendo glorious fantasticness, without all the silly "look how we made it so your mom can play too!" bullshit. as if anyone ever wants to play games with their mom, what the ****.
It's a giant game boy advance with a touch screen and joysticks that plugs into a more capable home console from what I've come to understand. And somehow the games on the Wii U will have some compatibility with 3DS games. I'm just excited for the Wii U/3DS Smash Bros. This guy now has full reason to finally upgrade his age old bulky first generation DS.
Its a little bit like a big screen version of the DS, with the lower touch screen in your hands and the upper screen being the TV. It really isnt that much of a new idea when you think about it, just a very cleverly re-skinned and larger more clumsy version of the DS.
This is a product that my approval really depends on the price. I would be willing to pay maybe around $60 max for it (which probably won't happen). The only thing that appealed to me was Zelda; other than that, the rest of the games look like how the Wii has been for quite a long time: a bunch of incredibly simplistic or dull games. In the last few years, the only games that I have recognized were Mario Galaxy (1&2), Super Smash Bros and Twilight Princess. Most games between that are Wii Fit (I don't need my TV to work out...), Cooking Mama (...I'd rather cook in the kitchen 15ft away from me + get the benefits...), etc... The way that I sum these games up in title form is "Manual Labor 4" (promised MORE labor since the last one!). I know that there are several good games that I left out, but it seems that Nintendo just gave up on making the games that they were famous for to be the home of a ton of casual, poorly made games that appeal to an incredibly specific audience.
I know that this will be a huge platform for Nintendo to launch more of their minigame crap from, but Im really hopeful that there will be more decent games coming out on it. Donkey Kong for the original Wii will be a must buy for me, Smash Bros will also probably be on my list, but Im looking for some other exclusives that will really utilize the technology in ways Nintendo never envisaged when they came up with the idea. I also think they could have come up with a better name. The Wii U is rather unimaginative. I was actually honestly expecting them to name it the Super Wii, but I thought they'd at least come up with something different from the Wii. I also heard speculation that you may only be able to use one tablet controller per console, which may sour some people on the concept altogether. But its not set in stone, apparently; theyre "doing research" on finding ways for more than one to work on a console at any one time. Its compatible with all previous controls from the GCN onward, but would this stop anyone from buying one if you could only use one tablet?
I watched their coverage at e3 and lost count how many times they contradicted themselves. The beginning was all about new games and new experiences and try to get the hard core gamer's interest peaked. I'd say at least 80 of the 90 minutes at their conference was spent talking about Mario, Zelda, crappy games to put your mii into, and other random uninteresting crap. They even went off on a tangent about a remastered ExciteBike. They need to step away from thinking that Nintendo is Mario, that Nintendo is Zelda, if they would just make and support those games that would be fine, but no, they make a system that is practically only capable of supporting those games. At this point it seems their so attached to those titles that they are actually just a logo for Nintendo, rather than a quality game. "What kind of game can we make and throw Mario into this year?". Don't get me wrong, I love Zelda, probably my favorite adventure style game, and I would honestly consider buying the new system to play through it, (then promptly sell it back) but seriously. They're just now landing some decent third party contracts. The Wii really set Nintendo back. The way I see it, this new Wii U console is catching up to the current standard for hardware, with an awkward transitional gimmick. Six years too late Nintendo, probably won't be too incredibly long until there are next gen consoles by Sony and Microsoft and you're behind on your game again. They were so far ahead of the game with the N64, and now look what they've got
So you think they showed their hand too early? Could this possibly lead to their ideas being copied and modifed, to later be shown in MS ans Sonys new consoles? I can see Sony doing that, but MS, Im not so sure. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I think in Sonys case, they just wanted the moneys.
I don't think they showed it off too early, (they did show it off early though) I just think that overall their whole "trying to appeal to a new demographic" thing is going to be a failed attempt. 90% of what they've presented was aimed at children and middle-aged to elderly people. I'm honestly surprised Sony's new V-- I forget the name, doesn't have a monitor/tv cable so you can use it on both.
Vita. And I agree with whats said before. Nintendo were so far ahead of the mark with the 64, and maybe the Gamecube wasn't the greatest console ever, but the Wii just set them back. They have a reputation of aiming to please kids now.
It is unfortunate that theyre seeming to be aimed for the kids now. This console seems to have a lot of potential (Ive heard that theres heaps of devs clamouring to make games for this now), but I think the stigma of beings a "kids" console is going to stop people from wanting to get one. One things I do like about the tablet control that I didnt mention before is the sketching pad thing. That looks pretty cool and Im wondering if youll be able to load your images onto their servers or something for people to critique, like or something. I dont know if youll be able to produce images as good looking as the one thats shown in the trailer, but its still an awesome idea.
i suppose that would be kinda cool but why waste your time on something like that when you can just get a tablet and CS5 and log onto deviantart and do it the regular people way, and probably get more recognition for your work as well.
I honestly hope that it is more powerful than the Xbox or PS3. I would love to see Nintendo dominating the market again... However, it doesn't seem like it'll happen. I just don't see a way for them to attract any more gamers than they currently have to their console by revamping it this way...
If they could use multiple tablets per console I'd love to see a new Four Swords game. The idea for the whole thing is pretty neat, I just don't see myself buying a second console, unless they produce a stellar lineup including Zelda being great, Kirby Air Ride 2 (Or you know, ANY Kirby game where he actually can use his ability, unlike the last 3 or so...), Smash being awesomer than Brawl and some great third party games.
Its a selling point, I guess. Tablet PCs have a habit of being expensive, and (a legit copy of) Photoshop isnt cheap, either. This would be a much cheaper alternative. Although I do one day aspire to have a nice tablet and get back into concept art, it wont be any time soon. Bills suck, and I dont earn a great deal of money. Also, reading back on some previous posts, I just realised how much I repeat words and phrases when Im tired and typing. I should go to bed earlier.
this console is already totally misunderstood and i love it. Nintendo president puzzled by investor reaction to Wii U | Reuters Even you guys here thinking its merely a minigame console for kids. this thing is going to blow minds, and it's not until its out and kicking ass are people going to realize it. The possibilities are truly endless. goodbye HUD With the streaming tech, the controllers shouldn't be as expensive as people think, and will pack the punch of an entire console. It's such an obvious idea, and that's the genius of it. Their target audience is set in stone, and even if hardcore gamers dont get into it, they're still fine. you all watch. and did anybody else instantly think of Sega Dreamcast when watching the reveal? screen on controller. i always thought that was awesome. (please dont bring up the fact that the dreamcast killed sega consoles ahahha)