Remake Colossus

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by pajama dad, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    I'd been looking for a good remake of Colossus that was not built into the coliseum and could not find anything. So I went ahead and made my own.

    In retrospect I think the coliseum is the way to go- the lighting is fantastic and having an enclosed area is easy on the budget, and the changes in scale and shape are probably not too sever, but having finished I'm pleased with the overall feel. Reminds me quite a lot of the original, and stood up to the actual gameplay comparisons in my and my sons' opinion.

    The architectural layout was based on a wireframe overhead pulled out of the pc version of the original (thanks to dt192 for his help).

    (for comparison, map with top removed)

    It ended up slightly shorter due to budget constraints. I may have to go back and see if I can correct that with some creative substitutions of structures.

    Spawns were determined by excessive amounts of suicides in the original in free for all and team based gametypes. Weapons are fundamentally the same except I used spikers in the bottom section in place of Plasma Pistols and needle rifles instead of needlers in the middle sections. And I chose to have a focus rifle spawn in free for all games and the standard sniper in team games.

    The budget is all but used up. I believe I have 4 buildings, 1 incline, and 5 dollars remaining. There is some room for fx and additional weapons (I suppose grenades could be bumped up a bit. I've limited them- same places, but far less numbers- given the general boost to damage in classic settings) if you were to delete the additional grav-lifts in front of the man a cannon. They're functional, allowing you to jump down from the sniper roost into the lift without taking any fall damage and such, but they do eat at the budget and may cause some frame rate issues when looking across the map at the extreme ends.

    It plays well normally, but feels like your playing Goldeneye when you go to split screen- the frame rate suffers at a constant when split.

    Forgot to mention this was built for classic settings. but if you were to use AA's I'm sure normal settings would be fine.

    Lets go for some screenshots then (some of which are not linking properly.... I'll work on that):





    #1 pajama dad, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  2. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    there are a few sectons on the sides (below the platforms) that are a little more crowded than the original. However, It is my opinion that much of the difference in feel between Reach and the previous games is in how the engine renders the polygons. I think Halo 2 draws the angles slightly more acute than Reach making distances look farther, making you view wider, and making you movement seem faster. But thats all based on opinionated observation and not anything substantial.

    If you use Classic settings... say 100% move, 125% jump, 150% gravity and throw in sprint for fun, you should have a good experience.
  3. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Okay so Sorry to say but I immediately skipped the beguining paragraph. I think you should use color in your post and interest people as a reader. Doesn't REALLY matter though. Okay so I was scanning through the first few pictures and then I see the fourth picture from the top and my eye light up. I absolutely loved this map from the old halo. Nice job. You definately get a Dl.
  4. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    Good writing should interest readers. no colors. But honestly, I didn't really expect people to read much of what I wrote. Thats what the title of the map and pictures are there for. :)

    I'll do a proper write up with weapons lists in a bit. I was having issues with the images and got a little frustrated so kept the opening post brief.
  5. ScareCrow813

    ScareCrow813 Forerunner

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    This is a blast to play on and i was proved wrong, there no crowed spots. But with more people maybe. You did a very good job at remaking this it brought back memories.
  6. konradtacular

    konradtacular Forerunner

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    this map looks great. There is enough cover everywhere. I like the use of multiple levels so that it makes the game a lot more interesting. My question is that does it get confusing to walk around because there is a lot of stuff going on.
  7. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    This is an accurate remake of a old Halo 2 (?) Map, Not a new idea.
  8. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    If the scale proves accurate (which it should be pretty close given my method for creation) then it shouldn't be any more crowded than the original was. Halo 2 colossus could get a little hectic at times around the sniper/shot gun spawn, but that was a good thing.

    I'm glad the design translated well for reach. I enjoyed colossus immensely on H2 and so far I've liked it as well in Reach.
  9. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    (Facepalm)...So much potential...ANWAYS, I think you've done a fantastic job on this to be honest. The forging looks amazing and the brightness of the map is absolutely perfect. So much vivid color and it really sticks out. The attention to detail and the perfection in the layout is bringing back so many memories. Great job, Mr. Potential ;)
  10. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    yes... another remake. :) But I think I'm done with remakes. I have almost all of the maps from previous halos that I love (more so with the announcement of the CE remake and the maps its coming with), so I should be able to focus some attention on original maps. I have a few from when I first started forging that probably deserve some attention of reimagining. The problem is they're all small maps designed for 4 player games with me and my sons.

    We'll see what I can come up with.
  11. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Man this is a solid remake.... I was checking this out the day. A map that interested me as I seen a few videos of the original, and thought it would be an interesting map to remake. I have to say you have done a great job. Very well forged, all areas look accurate and to size. The mancanon is great fun and smooth. Looking forward to running some customs on this along with other remakes. Great job.
  12. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    thanks. It was really tough to get it all together within budget and with the available pieces.

    I've recently went back and started looking at the map again... Made some aesthetic sacrifices (most notable the flooring of the bottom-most level) in order to get a little closer to the original. There were some pieces of cover that didn't make it into the my remake, and the two pits next to the overshields were left out.

    I've managed to get the additional covers and the pits AND managed to get the Juicy effect in... which is almost a must for me on forge (though I prefer it to be paired with Color Blind but that ain't happening with this budget unless I delete a bunch of stuff). I'll update the OP with the changed map.

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