this is a sick map and a blast to play it reminds me so much of the level cortona and i love the grenades in the flood pods brilliant 5/5 for atmosphere and game play because it's always good to take a break from foundry once in a while
Glad to see Conquest on Isolation finally, its practically built for it. Gasp! You left out that I named this map also! haha no worries.. you know i'm a big fan of this map. the crazy spike grenade explosions bouncing all over the place and the long snipe hallway make for some frantic fun. Always a blast G04, can't wait for your next 14 Conquest maps or however many you are forging.
Goes and Fixes the error...of WHO NAMED IT!!!!!!* Thanks... as well How did you know I was going to finally end up with 14 conquest maps? Who told you?... IS my secret out?
The same way he got your mom, VERY EASILY =O...jk But could you edit in some more screens or somthing, these were cool, but i didnt learn anything about the map besides its on isolation
Tex For this map It supports any size Conquest party size...but usually that falls in to 5vs5 or 6vs6
I still think I will hold out until you get some actual screenshots before I download, those tiny panoramas just aren't doing it for me.
I have to have this map. Looks so sweet, it looks so simple yet has creative elements to it. That grenade spore thing, awesome. I never wouldv'e thought of it. Its a great way for the players to interact with the environment more.
Everyone should check out the first panorama it looks awesome and u can enlarge and see the wall that were built and all the dead bodies.
Just noting I updated the main picture.. for those that wanted a Screen shot...and thanks for all that Comment so far...
Very creative. I have not seen many isolation maps but this seems like it would play nice. Are the side bunkers open or did you block them off?
Yes I like your ideal but I think you should work on your thread a little. Maybe take off the Isolation conquest and just leave leave the name of the map. Also your screen shots do not do your map justice, I think you will get more DL's is you add some more, or make the one's you have better. Good work thought, keep it up...
I use them... The bases set up so instead of running to a teleporter... you can Attack the spwaning enemy that way...I blocked off the opposite side as well as the back Door... Well.... I noted the map and game type for it... I don't get much of the point of stating it... I have had trouble in finding good pictures...not because they aren't happing but...because I want to show the scope of the conquest ... I keep saying scope because that is what Conquest is... I looked at all the featured and not featured Conquest maps...and they all failed in explaining the feel of conquest gaming is... I was trying out a Pam... I really don't want to just have random picture...of the bases... you have seen that before... and I want to make a stern fact it is Conquest..Got any idea's Chron?
Best Conquest map in a long time. Even on an old map! I could never get sick of the blast-away wall, or the holes you can shoot through from the bases. I really love it.
Nice panorama! Tesai's pretty good at those I see. *takes a mental note for his next map release* Awesome map G043R, and you get awesome bonus points for having the only Isolation map I have ever downloaded and kept. Great, fun stuff and the harvesting grenades thing is genius!
I know that There has been mixed thoughts on the presentation of this map...Buts I really feel that This is going to be one of the best maps I have ever made..or will ever make...Basing off of Creativity... My Forge habits..and the over all theme...I loved how it came out... If it doesn't go well...I am really happy that the few members that loved it... keep it on there Hard drive... that means lots to me... If you notice a break on the map... some one Pm me... I will look into fixing this one up..because It will most likely never come off my File share...