
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ILeviathonI, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. ILeviathonI

    ILeviathonI Ancient
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    First off, this map is co-forge between myself and my friend itz Dawkins. He is hosting this map on his fileshare if anyone was wondering. It is part of a mappack we have recently made.

    Most of our maps come into existence with ‘wouldn’t it be cool if….’ Basilica is no exception. Dawkins had been looking at architecture for inspiration for a while now and I had wanted to do and ‘overgrown’ style map, we combined this into a gothic style ruined church, which we both thought would be an awesome idea and im sure we both had our doubts at the beginning on its feasibility in Halo Reach Forge.

    This map took forever to get out of concept. We started to do a Pit-inspiration for our 4v4 map, it got too much like the Pit, I started to hate it, Levvi picked up on and embodied my hate, and natpit died where it lay. While it lay dying, I jumped on my computer and googled architecture. 3 links later I’m looking at Gothic architecture and Levvi’s looking at different cathedrals. We both begin to talk about wanting to do something cathedral inspired, and that began a few weeks of messing with ForgeWorld objects until we got the architecture right.

    We spent a while messing around with different aesthetic styles, one of the breakthroughs being the double Satellite columns, one night I did a rough version and we just continued from there, Dawkins moving the whole map due to some troublesome National Geographics stacked in an inconvenient place. Soon enough we were ready for testing, initial games were promising and the map has only needed to be tweaked since. There are many interesting sniping angles, the long lines of sight being a help and a hindrance as most of them require a player to be exposed. The map could be described as an open style Pit crossed with Epitaph

    I got on one day, and Levvi had a rough building finished. All we really had was high side, and a rough idea where other areas would be. So, over the next couple of weeks, we created the rest of the map. We were at a point where about half of the map geometry was solidified, and there was this huge outcrop of rocks in red base. So, one night, I moved the entire map a few units, and voila we had a symmetrical arena of natural geometry. Aesthetically, we’ve managed to keep a consistent theme of gothic architecture. It wasn’t until Baron came in and mentioned something about this that I realized that this was one of the things that annoyed me the most about other maps. Aesthetics vary greatly throughout the entire map. It’s usually just what the creator thinks looks cool. Picking an actual building and trying to recreate it in forge helped us to create a consistent aesthetic theme. There are a ton of really cool pieces of architecture out there, yet we keep building 4-bases and Amp/Ons syms. If you’re looking for inspiration, look no further than the internet and a google of architecture. You’ll find something you want to build.

    I think this is an extremely original map which pushes the boundaries of forge, maintaining a strong aesthetic theme while delivering solid gameplay. I’m very happy for it to have worked out how it did.



    Tomb – Rockets in TS/Flag, Evade in KOTH, Bomb spawn


    Bases – Snipers


    Altar – OS in TS/Flag, Rockets in Bomb/KOTH



  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    I love the aesthetics! The central area is amazing and all of the objects blend so well. I loved the ruin feel of the map, especially with the cobble stones in the last picture. the circles on the grass are interesting a add to the map. The sniper stand is amazing too.

    I get some games and recomment.
  3. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    wow fantastic map! I love the whole look of the map, and i think its amazing what you did with those large satellites. Gameplay looks like it will be good, but i have to get a game in on this before i comment on gameplay. Your map also kinda reminds me of Epitaph from H3. And that is a good thing. Great job on the map 9/10!
  4. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is incredible! The aesthetics, the layout, everything! The grass courtyard was a significant improvement adding the stone path there! Also, I was glad to play a new version of this map with the improved spawns!


    Though for real, I do enjoy this map. the first time I played this, I was just thinking wtf, but this map grew on me pretty quick.
  5. wcdd7

    wcdd7 Ancient
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    Nice post Lev's.

    Since Pegasi wanted us to post over here, we did. This is a map intended for MLG, and the weapon set is reflective of that. It works well other settings. Thanks for the prop's guys. We enjoyed creating it.

    Updated Map:::::

    Are you talking about V2 or this one? This thread is incredibly old and outdated. I'm going to get some new pics right now.

    The biggest improvements are in terms of layout, in my opinion, but this also has improved framerate. It runs about as good in thre player split screen now as it did with one player earlier. The previous version just didn't use the objects very well at all.

    This tomb, for example, Is now made out of 11 pieces less than on the previous version. It was made out of a 2x3 block in conjunction with columns and even some flag stands for decoration (No **** you had screenlag, noobs.) while you could replicate the shape pretty well with a platform large turned upside down. I still don't understand why you didn't use it from the beggining. Good thing you've got me. I really doubt you didn't know you could do that instead, though. I mean, considering that your maps in avarage are much better than mine. You truly are peculiar.

    These have also been altered. They were made like stairs earlier and the amount of objects it has decreased with is huge.


    I recommend you make this the new thumbnail.
    #5 wcdd7, Jun 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2011
  6. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    It almost has to remind you of Epitaph, in some sense. I hope that's not a bad thing. I'll see if I can get some games on this, and then I may come back with some feedback.

    Oh, and I just realized that wcdd7 was Dawkins. Took me long enough.
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    You have to be trolling. Try being constructive next time you criticize a map. It doesn't help the creator at all if you're just going to whine about how much it sucks and not tell him *why* it sucks.

    Plus, this map is made by multiple members of the MLG community. I find it unlikely that a community that makes many top-notch maps would make a map that, from your incompetent review, seems deserving of a 1/10.
  8. wcdd7

    wcdd7 Ancient
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    Haha, was that actually posted? If so, that's pretty awesome. We definitely need some haters for the map, otherwise what kind of map would it be? Obviously, not everyone's going to like this style, and that's their right.

    On the other hand, this was just blatant trolling. So, lulz on that side of things as well.
  9. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    How many people that have rated it 9/10 have even played it. That rating does nothing to help them improve the map.

    That aside, I agree with them that it's awesome. Having played it, it is easily one of my more favorite mlg maps right now. The gameplay matches the aesthetics, which is impressive. Great job Levi. Now go design me another 1v1 ;)
  10. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    i got to play two games on this the other day. After half a game i had a pretty good concept of the layout and rifles were abundant. everything appeared top notch and only saw one bad spawn. i have no pointers or suggestion on anything gameplay related but there is one thing that bugs me. the series of 1x4s in the middle dont touch the roof, is there any way you can (budget allowing) extend those upward or maybe bring the roof down to touch them? anyways SOLID map big thumbs up from me : )
  11. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    Very neat map here, and i love how there are pillars and the Antannae large everywhere, it really provides good cover, and lowers the value of rockets because the rockets have a high chance of hitting this cover. For this reason, however, you should not have the evade. evade is a hoplessly useless "weapon" on this map. And i may be slightly biased, cuz I hate maps with Armor abilities.

    BTw, this reminds me of Epitaph slighltly
  12. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, part of my comment (including the rating) was sarcasm as the average forgehubber.

    The only issues i used to have with the map were the spawns, which i mentioned in-game, but the spawns have gotten better, so I don't really have any issues anymore.
  13. wcdd7

    wcdd7 Ancient
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    We're going to redo cloisters so that we can get rid of those potentially laggy 1x4's. We haven't had framerate from them, but why take chances? Hopefully, it works out well.

    Did you look at the map in forge only? The evade is for KOTH only, because of the low hill. Rockets spawn tomb in Slayer, Flag, Bomb, and Altar for Koth.

    Also, if you think evade is useless, check out some MLG VOD. It's practically impossible to kill a good evade player.

    Knew it was sarcastic, it wasn't an 11/10 hahaha. Yes, we redid spawns and they have been functioning much better.

    I usually don't respond to feedback from pics only because it's wrong 99% of the time. Framerate is good on this map. It isn't so hot for Hill, and that's a Bungie issue of the hills being laggy. There is literally nothing we can do about that. We'll try though.

    Spawnkilling - if you're not working with your teammates, and you're playing a good team, then yes it is going to happen. However, there are going to be plenty of safe spawns in cloisters, glass stairs, low pillars, and courtyard. It shouldn't be a problem unless you are horribly over-matched.

    Hey!!! It's a co-forge hahaha.

    You're completely right though. We need feedback and not just compliments, guys!
  14. MKI Forge

    MKI Forge Forerunner

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    Great map - I enjoyed a few test games on this prior to posting. Very distinct look and feel to it - it has a real 'wow' factor when you first enter the map. I like maps like this with a strong aesthetic style. The map is pretty open and play was fast on a 5v5. For my taste - and maybe my DMR skills! - the map was a little too exposed, but those who could shoot straight seemed to be having a great time!
    Lovely work - clearly lots of thought and care have gone into this one.

  15. wcdd7

    wcdd7 Ancient
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    Thanks for the compliments, man. We had fun forging it.
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I heard you were trying to rework the map to get rid of some lag... and I have an idea you're going to hate....

    ...remove the stairs...

    There. I said it. I didn't want to because they're pretty but someone had to say it, lol.
  17. wcdd7

    wcdd7 Ancient
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    You're right, and that's definitely needs to be done.
  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Just got a game on it. It was a 2v2. The map is way too small to have 2 snipers. A neutral sniper rarely works well. I suggest removing both snipers and changing where it previously spawned to some kind of ramp or something. I really liked how you used the rocks in this map though. You did well aesthetically, but it was a bit disappointing gameplay-wise, to be honest. The game was decided after the beginning rush to the sniper. A game should never be decided by one decision. I also don't feel that the rockets work well in the spot they are at, but that's not really a problem in itself. Gotta give this a 7/10. I had to think something was wrong when this reminded me of Epitaph, but the map has potential. I hope you aren't finished with it, because I can see this playing well in the future.
    #18 4shot, Jun 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  19. wcdd7

    wcdd7 Ancient
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    Sorry, but I stopped at 2v2. The weapon set is intended for 4v4 and plays well with that set. Thanks for the comments.
  20. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Which is why I didn't delete it from my HDD. I'll give it another chance for a 4v4, but if it plays badly then, I won't be sure what to say. Not every map is expected to be great, and though I'd imagine most of your maps to be great, that's not always the case. That's what ForgeHub is for. To change those maps that are not good into great maps.

    Admittedly, the feedback is pretty useless outside the MLG section more often than not, but the occasional good feedback comes up every once in awhile, and it's pretty useful to learn from that feedback. Again, getting good feedback isn't too common here. Without the Review Hub, the ones who wish to improve their maps would probably have gone to the MLG forums by now. I'll come back for that feedback when or if I can set up a 4v4 game.
    #20 4shot, Jun 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011

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