Battlefield 3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    HAHA I WAS WRONG BUT YOU'RE A MORON FOR BEING RIGHT! You ****ing serious? Just because you have a twisted opinion on games and I call you out for having a ****ing stupid unfounded opinion on a game, that doesn't make me the moron -.-

    Rusty, you need to stop being so pompous.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    "i'm Rusty Eagle and i believe that all seismic activity ceases during any human conflict. oh and 18-25 year olds in wars dont say ****. any portrayal of either is stupid because i'm a troll"
  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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  4. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    lights as a gameplay element. holy ****ing ****.

    seriously, thats like.... oh man. so good. it's the little things that will bring this game to the top.
  5. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I still stand by what I said. Military units do not cross open ground when there is an enemy sniper. They do not cross open rooftops. The game will be linear to a fault. There's hardly any combative choice. The AI is retarded, the bridge part where enemies run at the player in suicidal fashion is stupid. It's not a firefight, it's a slaughter fest. Also, gun sway is dumb. That's more of an opinion on how much you're willing to trade off on the game. If you want the game to feel real, then it's nice touch to have. I just wish it wouldn't be in multiplayer.

    The game has great graphics, it really does look good. Can't comment on the game play too much, but if it's like previous battlefield games it won't be that great. It'll be fun to pick up and play for a while, but nothing long lasting if they haven't revamped gun mechanics.

    Battlefied has had more range of play, but the aim mechanics has never been as good as CoD. I want to see more multiplayer gameplay footage, because if they did that glossy aesthetic they did in BFBC2 that washed out all the colors then I won't be getting it.

    So, I guess I wasn't really saying sorry for anything. Game is a testament to the cinematic experience. So, what it really comes down to is if you think a high level of graphical fidelity and a focus on cinematic touches that immerse the player are more important than core gameplay.

    If you do, I think you're a moron. You've already stated that cinematics are the best form of entertainment. So, I don't think you're a moron for that you are one for neglecting every other form of entertainment out there.

    It's rusty eagle. The debate was on whether or not an earthquake was a core aspect to the story. It's not, but it's funny that the creators would use it to put the player in an intense situation rather than have better combat or enhanced enemies or inventive gameplay. I wouldn't mind the earthquake so much, but it's put in for cinematic flair. It takes the controller out of the player's hands. The emp strike in MW2 was so amazing because you, the player got to walk around while **** was hitting the fan, not force the player to watch a building collapse on a helicopter. The f-word was used excessively even in situations that didn't warrant its use. It's only purpose is to give 15 year olds stiffies for having excessive language.

    I will say though, best tank fight I've ever scene. Belongs in a movie, not a game. It doesn't look fun to play.

    Sit, shoot, wait to reload, shoot, reload. Oh no they're hiding in smoke, switch to thermal, then shoot, reload, repeat.

    I'm not pompous for exercising a minimal amount of brain activity to look through all the hot air buzzed around this game.

    In a year you'll be jizzing over the next war game with the best graphics and complaining how you were all suckered into getting this one.

    Gears of War
    Alan Wake
    Rainbow Six
    Ghost Recon
    Metal Gear Solid
    Splinter Cell
    Amnesia: The Dark Descent

    So yea, that really isn't a feature to drop your pants over.
    #85 rusty eagle, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
  6. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    "i'm rustyEAGLE, i'm the anti-hype hipster of FH. brb, going to another unreleased game thread to piss off more fanboys, then after that, i'm going to go get excited for good unreleased games like NeverDead."
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Too much realism isn't good for gameplay.
  8. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I was just about to say this. Only an idiot would argue about Realism. Games that aim too high realism wise just end up failing hard.

    AKA OF: Dragon Rising.

    The game had a high level of realism, and it just wasn't fun to play AT ALL.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    It's amazing how you managed to stem one example, and somehow conclude with this concrete fact. I would suggest you send this message at once to the developers that you care for, because without your assistance i don't see how they will ever succeed.

    For your information all the early Battlefield games were quite focused on being 'realistic', if you want to use that word (because i sure as **** haven't been in a war zone so i can't really testify).
  10. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    rusty, you need to stop acting like your opinion is right and acting like everyone else is wrong. everyone else shares a similar opinion which you don't agree with, stop trolling them.

    and if you're going to start talkin **** about the light as a mechanic, then you might as well add flashbangs in there. you didnt even click the link, because then you might have heard that the torch could be used to blind enemies IN MULTIPLAYER.

    and dont go into gaming discussion and say cinematic experiences dont belong in games, thats completely your opinion and your opinion ALONE.
  11. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Good thing then, Battlefield 3 isn't too realistic. It's still a Battlefield game, and you either enjoy the core game or not.
    #91 Sam, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
  12. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    So yeah man, cool game guys.

  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    @Rusty, I was stating an opinion about film media being much more popular than game media, which is starting to change atm (Possibly due to the introduction of heavily cutscened games). So don't tell me I'm ignorant for not taking into account other forms of entertainment media because, yea, I did take them into account, but it's an opinion, not a wikipedia page, I don't need to show that I've taken others into consideration.

    Yea sure, there's an over the top hype about the game, but hey, EVERY MAJOR GAME HAS THIS AT SOME POINT.

    & This game is about fun-realism, such as destruction. They haven't made the fighting super realistic because an unmanned drone and setting up bases aint no fun, however flying a fricken black hawk with realistic physics, rockets flying left right and center at you is fun.
  14. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Yeah, I feel that Battlefied balances realism and fun really well. Like how they took bullet drop into account, but they didn't make you take in wind position and humidity, like real snipers do. That way its still fun to snipe, but offers more of a challenge.
    #94 Security, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
  15. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Kudos for trying Chuck, you're posts are wimpier than your legs ;). Also you never read what I said. Never Dead's concept is interesting, but that gameplay shown was mediocre at best.

    It's a forum ain't it? You guys can say the game is good. I can say it's bad. Both are opinions and while I am clearly not in the majority it doesn't make my opinion any less valid than you're own.

    For the record, I did click the link. I kinda zoned out though. I never said lights as a mechanic was bad, it's cool, but no one should be dropping there jaws about it. Other games have done it too.

    I think it's valid to have a discussion about the merits fo cutscenes in games. I'd love to talk about it. You guys already know my stance on it, but I think there is common ground to be found and new ways to think about games and their narrations, settings, and character setups.

    I italized the last bit, because I'd love to have a troll free discussion about that.

    This is just a side point, but you make bases in Terraria and Minecraft, so base building can be fun. It is in Ace of Spades. Just a side tangent.

    Fair enough, see this is where I wanted to get at. I felt that you were being ignorant about other media and entertainment.

    ANYWAYS, I'm done...for now. I'll pop back in, in a few months when more and more people start bitching.
  16. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Fun isn't created by just realism, but some aspects of realism will obviously be fun, it's human nature to enjoy some of the stuff.


  17. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    my are posts are wimpier than my legs? sorry rus7y, that doesn't make any sense. I don't speak troll.
  18. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    they really need to drop a bomb of info sometime soon.
    theres barely anything that theyve revealed i didnt know before e3.

    jets in MP action
    customisation - appearances and classes
    light vehicle types
  19. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    i bet jets will only be in pc version.... just saying
  20. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Nah dude, they won't do us dirty like that. Planes were in BF1943, and while Jets will probably be more intensive on the console than planes were I doubt they would have Jets exclusive for PC when they have already made a sort of big deal about it.

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