Final Frontier

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RoboArtist, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I made this a while back and find it somewhat enjoyable.

    power weapons:
    1 sniper rifle
    1 plasma launcher
    1 shotgun
    1 spartan lazer
    (all 180 sec respawn)

    Spoiler: shoot the mines under the reactor for it to blow. it gives a cinimatic experience to the map.






    YouTube - ‪Final Frontier‬‏
    #1 RoboArtist, Jun 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2011
  2. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
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    There are so many things I like about this map. You made excellent use of the natural layout incorporating all the trees and such into the aesthetics. I really like how just a few lights could change the atmosphere and give each location its own distinct feel. Areas that I especially liked were the laser spawn and the top ridge.
    I kinda got a feel for the weapon layout from the video but could you possibly post a list just for clarification? Thanks

    I can't wait to play on this. Terrific job!
  3. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Im glad you like it. yeah i wanted to make a unique but simple map and it turned out better than expected. and its also the biggest map (so far) that ive made.if you need any help forging a map, tell me, im sorta bored
  4. Legacy of Mercy

    Legacy of Mercy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright yeah that set seems like a pretty even balance for this type of map. It's nice to see a good map without rockets...

    From the pictures I can't figure out for the life of me where you forged this so I'm looking forward to finding that out once I run through it.

    And yes, I've got two maps that are almost done and I would love any help/feedback on forging them so I'll send you a friend request next time I get on.

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