Ok guys here's the deal. I'm going to remake a part from the legend of Zelda. The only thing is i dont know which one. Please give me a couple of pics of the place Thanks So Much
Yeah. That would be a great ascetic map, but gameplay would be difficult. Maybe spawn a teleporter inside the wall behind the altar (or inside the altar) that leads to the sword room.
I had a sweet idea, what if you do the Lost Woods, and use teleporters merged in walls slightly for it. I like my idea soo much that if your going to do it, you must PM me and FR me. I really think a spin on the lost woods with different looking stuff in each opening of the forest would be a cool spin on the classic. But I don't know if it should be confusing where some of the teleporters send you to the beginning, and you can't tell a room apart from another when you first get out.
If you are going for something easy, go for the platform on which you fight Ganon in the Oracarina of Time. As for the temples, my favorite was always the sand temple where the Garudos are. In fact... the Garudo camp would be really fun with all those rooms and unique ruin layout. (oracarina of time).
i like ur idea maxwell can u get me a pic of that somehow of the platform and maybe omne of that temple?
I think he wants a temple only, but still, I love this idea soo much too. You should do it. Right now. Go.
I like maxwell's idea but when i have time i'll make mealon's idea and y does mealons seem so familiar
So far there has been a lot of spam in this thread.I thank those who gave me ideas but i need pics of those ideas and and im goin to do the platform where u fight ganon in ocarina of time.Some please get me a picture.
i have made one of the temple of time already. It is on myother account. Here is the link http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2138&highlight=temple+time I have also made one of Kakiriko Village http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1919&highlight=temple+time