A video was recently released on the web with new game footage! Todd Howard walks us through, and holy schnitzel I am excited for this game. It's set to release November 11.. blah, blah, blah.. stop reading this and watch the damn video. YouTube - Skyrim E3 Gameplay‏ Edit: Longer, more in-depth video! YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
This looks pretty amazing. The depth of the world is hard to grasp here. This looks to be a game to add to my library for sure! I loved playing oblivion, but something about it got stale. This looks fresh and very interesting.
Watched this video at least 7 times now... I still jump out of my seat and shout HOLY **** when I see the first dragon.
2:18 Holy crap, that guys a tank!! Survived a massive throat cut, wish I could do that. Also, 5:49, dragon execution moves? Yes please. I like how the Mages and Fighters Guild both have cool names, and the Thieves Guild is just the Thieves Guild still. Regardless, I will no doubt ruin several perfectly good pairs of pants when I end up playing this game. Sorry Halo: CEA, youll have to wait for me to play you for a while until Ive finished with this game. Which will be a looooooong time.
Youre god damn right it does . Have you played Oblivion or Morrowind? Or any of the other ES games, for that matter? Ive only played from Morrowind onward, Im pretty sure the others arent FPS/TPP, but apparently they were still pretty boss.
I was kinda secretly lol'ing at how terrible the guy playing in the video was. I really am curious if they took the time to script that last battle with the pair of dragons, or if they simply played until an epic moment like that happened (that WAS a pretty epic moment, if that ever happens in game I would be screaming my ass off on the highest difficulty lol.)
It was Todd Howard. He wasnt playing it during the interview I think, probably pre-recorded. Hence, why there were segues in the video between sections. But I think he may have been playing terribly on purpose, so as to not let anything new or good about the combat slip. Apparently, it was not scripted. They may have spawned a few dragons in one place merely for the sake of the video, but I think it was all gameplay. God damn, I want to fight dragons already...
In one of the videos at e3 the sayd they would be featuring a 30 minute demonstration. Is this true? Because their booth is private, so this is the only way the public will get to see what Skyrim shows at e3 besides the demo. But my god it was good. The animations look lovely, and it's inclining me more and more to make a mage character first. What are your plans on the character you want to be first? I am going to start thinking about mine.
I don't really have any plans for it. I'm just going to explore the game at my leisure and do whatever I feel like doing. I like that you don't have to be constricted to a class to play it, so that players can play in the moment how they want to. I wonder how that will affect stats towards powers and abilities, unless it's a thing where the more you use it, the better you get at it. I'm looking forward to the weirder quests the most. Those have always been the most enjoyable for me.
The more you use it, the better you do get at it. You can learn every skill to the max, but with each skill or level you will have to choose from certain perks. You won't be able to get them all So i am hoping that there will be a benefit to planning your skills and perks, so that they work in correspondence and for increased effect. It's all good having the roundedness and allowing players to change their decisions late in the game, but it should still be rewarding to those who want to plan, and restrict themselves to better there experience in the long run (by not doing everything at once).
Have they revealed the perks yet? I hope there are some fun ones like the Bloody Mess perk in Fallout 3. It wasn't practical, but a lot of fun. I would only use stat enhancing perks or ones that add some ridiculousness into the game. The once a day ones were annoying, because they only worked well up to a certain level and it felt as if you had to plan ahead too much during play to maximize its use.
There are perks associated with weapon types, such as blade, blunt and presumably marksman perks, that all offer different benefits. There are also level perks, which i would imagine are the more interesting ones. Perhaps one that increases the number of dragons, only for maxed out characters? It doesnt matter anyway, modding perks is a five minute job, and they make the game so much better.
As for the player, nobody's that bad. It was obviously done for demonstration purposes, so players could see the detail and the environment. As for the dragon sequence, it's almost definite they spawned a dragon for that sequence (Way too cool), but in game the dragons won't be scripted at all.
im gonna have to go stealth/bow/illusion spells, as i always do. its just the only way i like to play. i assume the wood elf is still gonna be bets suited for it, but that one screenshot of that khajiit is just so sexy i might have to play khajiit. plus its pretty cool having a tail. although those destruction type spells looked pretty damn awesome...
The way the dragons work, if you don't already know, is theres an algorithm constantly running whenever you are outside of a city that uses random generators as well as other factors do decide if its going to throw a dragon into the mix. Its similar to when Oblivion randomly decided to throw up an oblivion gate, but smaller scale and more random. I'm assuming that the dragon numbers increase as you advance the main storyline. So they easily could be showing footage from the construction set, jumping the spawn frequency... And I'm going dark elf as always, give me a longsword, a bow, and minor destruction, I'll have sneak maxed in a week tops with limited game-time.
I wish, at a very low frequency, they'd allow for Dragons to attack you while in town, or even while you weren't in town. How awesome would it be to do battle in a sprawling city with buildings as cover and panicking civilians; or to leave town and come back to find that the vast majority of people have died, and to receive a quest to hunt down the dragon that did it for vengeance?