Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Wait wait wait, does this mean there will be no more DLC for Reach? Cause that was kinda the point of the ODST MP disc, that it was the 'complete' experience. I know that haven't specified the same reasoning here, but I still wonder. I do, however, know that they put out two more maps after the H2 Multiplayer Map Pack disc, so it could go either way I guess.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright I gotcha.

    I'll probably buy the remastered, chill at my friends house, and beat legendary that night. Then go back to Halo: Reach multiplayer for a while then.

    I don't know now dude with Halo 4 announced, it feels different. Lol it was sort of unexpected :(. I wish we could go back to like early 2007 with the believe teaser announced thinking wow Halo 3 is ****ing amazing.

    Still though November 2012 is a long time away...so we'll see.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    This holiday season is gonna be awesome
    - MW3
    - Gears 3
    - HALO CE
    - Battlefield 3

  4. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    And that's just in the shooter genre. Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Forza 4, and Uncharted 3 are just a few games in other genres that are worth picking up.

    You really should have mentioned Metro: Last Light and RAGE, though. Metro: Last Light was the sequel to one of the most underrated games of 2010, and RAGE was made by id Software, so that's enough reason to pick it up there. All you gotta see is "from the creators of Doom and Quake" and you'll have to buy it. This year is looking great for gaming. I don't think a better year has come along for a *very* long time.
  5. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I'm a shooter guy, and those are pretty much my favorites.

    This year is looking to be probably the best year for gaming, for me that is.
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Possibly true. Maybe we'll get a free map on Bungie Day. Or one of the 7 maps has the new forgeworld :p
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yeah, they haven't specified all that here. I half expect Microsoft to keep the DLC as paid and only put the new CE maps plus the default Reach disk maps on the disk.
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Dunno if it was posted earlier, and I can't provide a link, but among the E3 hubbub today I heard someone from 343 say that the gameplay is the same as Halo CE, and that the pistol is still the powerful beast it once was.
  9. Security

    Security Ancient
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    They said that in the Vidoc that was posted on Waypoint. Frank O'Connor said it, I believe.
  10. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    looks like forge hub is still in business.
  11. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    1 of the 7 multiplayer maps is confirmed to be a firefight map based on an area from ce, it was in an article someone posted a couple pages back
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I honestly can't see them doing that, gotta say. They way they're talking about it definitely makes it sound like the Reach MP is playable off the disc, like ODST rather than an install deal like H2. Therefore it has to at least have the default maps too, and thus leaving out the 2 DLCs would just kill the idea of putting out a new MP disc.

    I can't rule it out, and I can see why Bungie would still want to make money off the DLC that's come out kinda recently in relative terms. However, the flip side of that is that putting all the maps on this disc will attract more people in to buying it, hell it'll probably be a major reason for many people buying it to the point that not doing it would hurt sales (based solely on the MP disc appeal, quite aside from the campaign bit obviously). Overall I'm 99% sure it'll have all the DLC on it.

    And if so, that quite possibly means it'll be viable for MLG to have Tempest maps on the circuit, even aside from the vague possibility that one of the larger maps in the 7 is forgeable in the same way as Tempest.
  13. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Nah, these HCE maps will kill MLG forging. I try to put up an optimistic face, but there's just no two ways about it. The pros and 60% of the forum members will throw fits until the circuit includes Hang Em High, Prisoner, Chill Out, Damnation, Derelict, or whichever combination of those make the cut in the game. Plus if Anchor 9 is usable at events finally, there's that too.

    It's probably going to benefit MLG overall if I have to be honest. But even if Damnation fails completely and plays worse than Reflection, people like the pros will just refuse to accept that it isn't on the circuit.
  14. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    He means there is the option to toggle back and forth between the original and updated graphics in the game. Like Monkey Island Special Edition on XBLA.
  15. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    That was such a great game
  16. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    We had a few games on some decent Anchor 9 MLG variants. I thought they were pretty good.

    The pros will have to eventually accept that remaking a classic map into a different game isn't always possible. What they want may not always be the best decision. I doubt they would leave just because one map isn't included. If it isn't included. Hang Em' High and Beaver Creek just have to make the cut, though.

    This may be somewhat off-topic, but speaking of pros, I just realized that I beat a pro (before he was pro) checking back in my game history and stuff. The Only Toxic was his name. I think he was on Soul or Reality Check in Columbus.
    #96 4shot, Jun 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2011
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Only Toxic is on RC, thus not actually a pro but a high level AM. Hell I trampled on Darkscorpion from N49, they were pro for a brief while in H3. However, I got utterly carried by Phain7 + Polak (the latter isn't a pro either, just an old school known kid) and Goofy + Brake in two separate games on the same day, so that probably more than cancels it out...

    Also Ladnil, I'm not sure you're totally giving the pros enough credit. I don't doubt that maps like Damnation are guaranteed a ticket on to the circuit as soon as they drop, but I think you're underestimating how willing pros are to focus on what actually plays well (within bounds of what they're comfortable with), and abandon that which doesn't. Ultimately they want to win, and thus maps with which they are familiar get an overly strong look in since they initially appear to be a shoe in for good games in a proven format. However, just look at how quickly Reflection was cast off, and no one even batted an eyelid, cause it just sucks for MLG. Also look at Warlock, there have been more than a couple of comments from pros basically saying 'we don't want Warlock.' When you've got people like Roy, FiS and even Ogre freakin' 2 saying that Warlock flat out sucks and doesn't work, I think you have to be a little more forgiving about how likely a remake that plays badly is to stay on the circuit, even if it getting a good shot is basically a given.
  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I thought Warlock worked pretty well on the circuit. Fearitself and OGRE 2 are probably just tired of seeing the same old maps. They were pros back in Halo 2, after all. I thought that Element played pretty similar but better, so there's really no point to having both Element Warlock on the circuit. It's a good map, but there was bound to come a better one eventually. Element was that better map. And there's going to be something that succeeds Element one day too. Halo's future just got extended by 10 years after 343's announcement. This chain of maps will continue on forever.

    With that being said, you should keep practicing on forge, Pegasi. I think you have potential as a forger, and that potential will be better used as forge continues to evolve through the years. I'm hoping forge becomes on-par with PC map editors in the future. That'll be the day.
    #98 4shot, Jun 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2011
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Ivory Tower got booted from the Halo 2 circuit as well. Nobody liked or respected it, so everyone was ok with seeing it get the boot from Reach as well.

    As for Warlock, I believe that Element was the main factor there. It's so similar to Warlock that lots of people including the pros find the two redundant and were able to more rationally compare the two on their merits.

    Damnation, Beaver Creek, Derelict, and the other classics are still in a league of their own in terms of reverence.

    On a positive note, how many of you are crossing your fingers that Sidewinder is delivered as part of an improved Forge World the way Blood Gulch was? It would then be very easy to include prefab structure for building Boarding Action as well, similar to the prefabs that build Lockout and Ascension on Forge World.
    #99 Ladnil, Jun 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2011
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Man that was a lot of posts to read.

    As far as the Halo 4 TEASER is concerned, I know people have a tendency to over react to anything they see but remember people, it is the TEASER trailer. Halo 4 is tentatively scheduled for Holiday 2012, that is not an iron clad promise that date will even be the final release date. What they showed is a classic, "get your hype up now so its in your mind", and that will increase the influx of Reach players who have renewed "Halo" interest. (As is evidently being seen on this forum).

    That whole trailer was also done in CGI, not in-game graphics. That means an art team turned some concept drawings into a presentation to show here at E3 and that MC should not by any stretch be considered what they will go with when we start seeing actual game trailers.

    The only thing players should take away from that teaser is that MC is back, he has Cortana with him, and he is about to leave his ship. Also I think it is safe to say some sort of upgradable or customizable weapon system will be applied for Halo 4 as that was a fairly specific thing to draw attention to. (MC even attaches a silencer to his pistol at the very end of the video).

    And the whole, "Halo 4 sound bad"...what would you call it? Everything you call it would still make it Halo 4. Sometimes simpler is better and that conveys it is a direct numbered sequel which is how that works. Ask Final Fantasy fans for confirmation on that. ;)

    Halo CE is what made me interested in designing games and why I own every Halo book and consider the Halo Universe to be one of the best Sci Fi stories ever. So of course I will be buying a game that improves on graphics plus adds 7 maps to Reach. Also Silence I think it was pretty literal in the video that players (probably through the start menu) will be able to toggle the remastered version on and off. That whole talk about a "graphics filter" is what that was about. It is actually not that difficult to drastically change how the game looks. All the objects are basic geometry, the texture map is applied LAST. Having a simple if statement control a graphics overlay based on what the user selects is not that memory intensive.

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