Their accents. And they didn't show a lot of things that most people like. All that interested me was Ghost Recon Future Soldier and Assassins Creed. Sony had Dubstep in their intro, but then they mixed "Fus Rho Das!" into the mix, and I was :/
I lol'd a little bit when they announced that. I guess those Fortresscraft guys better watch out. I did too a little. You ever go back and play Halo CE's campaign? That did not age well...not well at all. Impressive for it's time, I'll probably end up playing it at some point, but Halo, for the most part has died for me. Not too great. I'd rather have a Halo 2 HD upgrade, now that'd be something to get up in arms about. Updated maps, good ones at that, in a mediocre multuplayer doesn't make it any more outstanding. Reach is still eh. Halo 3 was better and Halo 2 kicked ass. It was pretty awful. I only tuned in halfway through, right before they had a kinect fest, so that doesn't help my opinion. I will watch all the conferences in HD when I can. I was excited about Kinect Fun Labs, I think that will be one of the best things to come out of Microsoft's conference. It's sad that they underplayed it. There's some really cool stuff out there. Too bad. Casuals don't pirate, are willing to go in on more variety of IP's, etc. I just wish devs wouldn't shovel crap on them though. That's what hurts the industry, when you don't care about consumers. It's not that casuals don't care, they will care when they're given an experience to care about. It's just that no one has really made anything for the casual market besides Kinect Sports (I lol'd when the lady boasted that it was the highest selling game for Kinect, like really *****, it's a first party game that comes in the bundle). Sesame Street.............Tim Schafer, I'll...I'll try and forget that. I respect you for trying. Disney World was something I don't even know how to describe. I hope someone mods zombies in that ****. I'd pay to see Mickey eating some kids brains and then having the pleasure of blowing the overbloated icon's head off. The People Scanner was cool and again I wish they had shown Kinect Fun Labs off more with something of substance. I hope in the coming year some good IP's come out of that they take off. I'll have to watch it tomorrow I guess. I do want to take a moment to compare Gears of War 3's boat fight with Uncharted 3's boat fight. I think Uncharted totally shat on Gears. That level had better aesthetic, better graphical fidelity, and better level mechanics. The entire boat moved up and down with the motion of the ocean and the hull filling up with water was impressive. The gears boat didn't move at all when the Kraken was raping it. Just a side thought. I wish more devs would put care into the single player experience. Also NeverDead. It will probably end up being mediocre, basically hit or miss for most people, but I look forward to it. A premise I haven't seen before and the Frog guy they showed in trailers is one of the most creative characters I've ever seen in a videogame. I think more games could use whacky outlandish stuff like that. It's great too because the game seems like it's taking on a more serious tone, so the humor should play off nicely. Edit: I forgot Infamous 2. Anyone played the demo? Jizzy jizz jizz that game is a lot fun. If any of you get the chance to play it, do it. It's a lot of fun. I wish it had a little bit more in the range of destructible environments and more ways to battle, like with Crackdown, but overall I've enjoyed the demo more than all the hours of Crackdown.
What about Zealot and Countdown? Less so for the last one, but seriously. Some of Reach's maps aren't that bad. Now that we have these maps, it just makes it far better. Zealot was the only map that was good in its default version. It was made better in the MLG version. Countdown is good, but only truly so in the MLG version. Reflection and Sword Base were jokes, just as their predecessors were. I'm defnitely looking forward to the release of these maps on November 15, 2001.
Their show was soooooooooooooo boring, though! They barely managed to catch my attention. And a lot of that was because I wanted to see if they would announce any more Valve games like they did last year with Portal 2.
Dude, Infamous 2 comes out tomorrow and I will be standing outside Gamestop to get it. ****ing cannot wait! Didn't play the demo because I knew I would love the game regardless. How was it boring? Sure, there were times when they might speak for 2-3 minutes simply describing something, and I don't really have an interest in Move, but everything else was awesome. They opened up with UC3 which was amazing with the detail put towards the boat and water effects. Resistance 3 was solid. I groaned when they began to talk about 3D, but the price of that 3D television was surprisingly low, and the technology behind using 3D to have two people each have an entire screen to play on was just mind blowing! A new Sly Cooper was announced, so **** yeah. Bioshock Infinite looked just as amazing as the first time we saw it, plus the tease of a Bioshock game on the PSV. Uncharted looked awesome on PSV. The fact that you could play Ruin on the PSV and then continue where you left off on your PS3 is exactly what I want from a console. Finally, they drop the bombshell that was the price of the Vita. I didn't think it was possible for it to be under $350, but they did it. At this point, it's a day one buy for me.
I don't see how you can think that. Zealot is a great map. The mechanics of Reach may not show it, but it was better than both Derelict and Desolation. Why? Because you're a blind CE/2 fanboy and can't accept that the map design of Zealot was very good? MLG Countdown plays a lot like Construct too. If you can't see this, then you're only being blinded by your own stupidity. Sorry, but there's just no way you can think Zealot and Countdown are bad maps unless you're a fanboy. Tell me why you think that the design of Zealot and Countdown is bad and I might take you seriously.
Space sections... Gameplay revolves around the outer ring and player movement in an out of the middle is delegated only to moving to the man-cannons to get to the outer ring. Countdown's all right, a little campy for my tastes.
I was speaking of MLG Countdown, not the default variant. The default variant encourages camping with weapons like the sword and shotty throughout the map. MLG Countdown works much better by using snipe and rockets. Countdown became a great map just by changing the placement of weapons. The only map I find to play well in the default variant is Zealot. That doesn't make it a top-notch map, but it's good by Reach standards. An above average MLG forge map is far better, though.
I knew this would happen, Microsoft would explode on stage with a big flashy show, and then fail. In my opinion, they plugged Kinect way too much. Its an impressive device, but theres little to no reason for a "hardcore" gamer to play any of its games, let alone own a Kinect in the first place. Apart from Blackwater, Rise of Nightmares, and to a lesser extent Ryse and ME3 (which has Kinect compatability, but only voice commands, which could have been implemented by use of headset ala EndWar), not much else would convince me to buy one, and with such a heavy emphasis on all the Kinect games coming out it just feels like theyre catering to the kids, mostly. We all knew H4 and CEA were coming, and personally, Im not that excited for GoW3 or ME3, but we also knew they were coming, so they didnt have a whole lot more to win with at their show. I think this article from pretty much sums it up succinctly. Does anyone else agree with this or am I just speaking (read; typing) out of my ass?
Correct me if I'm wrong (I don't pay attention to Kinect because I don't care) but doesn't the Kinect have its own processor and software and such built in separate from the 360's capabilities? What I mean is that the Kinect is running the voice recognition stuff separately from the 360 and then feeding in the results on a game like ME3, whereas something like EndWar that used headset based voice recognition was diverting some of the processing power that could have been used for gameplay into decoding the voice commands and thus sacrificing gameplay for a gimmick. If the processing is housed in the Kinect itself however, very little processing needs to be used to interpret the Kinect's output and the gameplay is not noticeably degraded at all by having to run voice recognition and normal gameplay at the same time.
I was hoping so much for Borderlands 2 to be revealed. Was very disappointed about that, but the promises of new Halo games more than made up for it.
It's boring, the map lacks dynamic movement. It has complicated long lines of sight, so combat is focused in pockets with a lot of grenade spam. (I know there are key areas where there are good lines of sight, but those are few and far between.) It also takes a lot of time to adjust to that style of play, so it's really only fun for competitive players. They're the only ones who will take the time to get good at something and play through the flaws as long as it's official. It's a good example of directed movement in a combat zone, but still very stale. Countdown is ugh. It's really not fun to play at all. So much of the map is cut off from other parts that teams are forced to roam together. It's such a cluster****, there's no room to breathe. The flow of the map is so messed up too. I've literally taken a macro of countdown before and redrawn it to make for a more intuitive flow. Anyways, sorry to derail discussion a bit. We can take it to pm's from here. I'm watching through the Microsoft Conference now. MW3 does look good for a rent. Laura Croft too, good characterization there. @Shataki, my friends' have PS3's so I'll play it at some point. I really like the fighting now in Infamous 2. Just by changing the camera angle when you enter melee fighting really draws you in. The transition in and out it is smooth and the animations are awesome.
E3 is not exclusively for you, the hardcore gamer. The audience of E3 is made up 90% of game journalists and 10% investors. These investors know jack about games and need to know the product they are investing in will appeal to the largest amount of people. Wii has sold millions more units than Xbox and PS3 for a reason despite it having mostly casual party games. I actually thought the kinect games they "plugged" were of much better quality than what we saw last E3. The RYSE game looks hawt. Again, the Kinect is here to stay with Xbox until the next console comes out so deal with Microsoft plugging it.
The highlights for me were Skyrim and Battlefield 3. The open world of Skyrim looks amazing and they have improved so much from Oblivion. Battlefield 3 looks and sounds amazing. The destruction is way more advanced than Bad Company 2 and the gameplay looks fantastic as always. Microsoft's conference featured far too many Kinect titles, most of which look very childish. Playstation I couldn't give a rat's ass about, but at least they didn't lean mostly towards motion controlled games as Microsoft did. Nintendo. Haven't seen. Don't intend to.
I can't wait till they show more of skyrim if the schedule on page one is correct... From what I've seen of skyrim, I only have two hopes that I still need answered. I want to know if Levitation is back which would help answer my second, is the whole world connected more like morrowind or is it like oblivion where cities are independent?