According to the Xbox Press Conference, these are trufax. just wondering if I'll be able to enable wireframe while playing the Kinect...
Indeed. If minecraft was released on console everyone would get it. The problem is that no mods and plugins D:
Dude, I mean, wouldn't it be batshit frustrating on Kinect. Being that most Kinect games are mostly computer controlled and only give you the impression that you really control everything, playing minecraft on Kinect is going to be ****ing annoying. Hopefully you can still use your controller? I don't really know how Kinect **** works.
I think they are pushing for that. Just lurked Notch's tweets back and forth with a couple hyped-up nubz that were interested in knowing the same thing, and apparently Minecraft will support the standard Xbox controller.
Alright, lol it would be a dumb decision not to allow that. I wonder how many people are actually going to buy it. Sure if people can't support the PC version, but with all options considered the PC version is still the way to go. Though I'm sure the casuals will love it.
Lol I do kind of almost feel bad for him. But then again he went with Dj keemstar as his ****ing PR, I mean what the ****. Actually no I don't feel bad fro him, even now he still makes it blatantly obvious that he copied minecraft for money and is now just trying to hold onto anyway that both the games are different. Sad world
I had an idea: What if the moon in minecraft had phases like our moon? Each phase lets off a different amount of light. From full moon being a good amount to the moon being gone and being almost pitch black. Just thought I'd put that out there.
Me and Dave the rave helped with this: YouTube - Minecraft Timelapse - Floating Island and Village‏
That's a censored version of 1.7 changelog, but the "Removed Herobrine" thing from his 1.6 blogpost is still there. He's either taking the piss, or he likes recycling jokes.