interesting... parents are trying to convince me that if I were to interview for a job at an ice cream shop I should wear a blazer and slacks... to "impress"...
Well ****, Halo everywhere in dis *****. I'm excited to see what 343i has done with the franchise since Reach was kind of a disappointment for me.
Reach is definitely the best Halo game, but I was just never able to get into it as much as I thought I would have.
maaan, im just recently hitting my second wind. going off into other games and coming back, **** does reach feel superior by a longshot. i think the series is just hitting it's end, im not too into the idea of another halo game.
I don't know, it was kind of downhill from ODST. Probably because of the amount of people at Bungie that shifted over to 343i. The armor abilities kind of killed it for me and the physics aren't as fun as previous games. I don't know, I don't mind Reach, but it's just a preference.
I tend to only enjoy reach when using a specific set of settings and gametypes I made. If they made those in matchmaking, I'd play every day.
see i love so many playlists there now. team slayer, squad slayer, big team battle, swat, snipers, ****, also mlg. i was even recently converted into loving action sack. not to forget about customs, competitive and mini-game. now since it seems to be a time for shocking statements, i guess i should say i never cared for the story or any of the mythology of the series until reach. ahah. ive been questioning why i play halo games for years, and reach is the closest thing to an answer.
I love the playlists and all that. I just hate the armor ability loadouts. They should be rare and picked up. Like equipment in 3. Speed 110. Jump 125. Gravity 150. Then I'd play.
Reach competitive maps all look the same in terms of Forge and the gametypes absolutely blow because of the restriction put in place. It's just not the saaaame. Still a good game though.
I won't even acknowledge Halo 4 for the Halo trilogy (Well I count ODST in there). Reach was whatever for me, and this just looks.....I mean they ****ing named it Halo 4, does that not bug anyone else besides me lol?
[3:06:44 PM] Mechie Carlin: so Halo HD is going to be like ODST [3:06:55 PM] Mechie Carlin: the campaign will be on one disc [3:06:59 PM] Mechie Carlin: which has enhanced graphics [3:07:02 PM] Mechie Carlin: more powerful than the reach engine [3:07:15 PM] Mechie Carlin: and you can switch between the new graphics or the old 2001 graphics with the touch of a button [3:07:17 PM] Mechie Carlin: which is ****ing awesome [3:07:18 PM] Mechie Carlin: that' sjust campaign [3:07:20 PM] Mechie Carlin: but it has online 2 player co-op [3:07:29 PM] Mechie Carlin: it'll come with another disc [3:07:32 PM] Mechie Carlin: with 7 new maps [3:07:37 PM] Mechie Carlin: 6 MP maps and 1 firefight map [3:07:44 PM] Mechie Carlin: the FF map is from CE's universe [3:07:49 PM] Mechie Carlin: these maps will use the reach engine [3:07:54 PM] Mechie Carlin: and you'll have to play them online with reach [3:07:57 PM] Mechie Carlin: which means...AAs and Bloom [3:07:58 PM] Mechie Carlin: which is gay [3:08:06 PM] Mechie Carlin: however, remember the new helmet everyone saw? [3:08:10 PM] Mechie Carlin: they can't add that without a title update [3:08:19 PM] Mechie Carlin: and 343 has already shown interest in one [3:08:23 PM] Mechie Carlin: which means we're getting a title update [3:08:26 PM] Mechie Carlin: to patch the bugs [3:08:29 PM] Mechie Carlin: patch the game mechanics [3:08:31 PM] Mechie Carlin: and add new features [3:08:37 PM] Mechie Carlin: so in other words [3:08:40 PM] Mechie Carlin: Halo HD will save reach [3:08:42 PM] Mechie Carlin: by adding 7 new maps [3:08:46 PM] Mechie Carlin: and a patch [3:09:15 PM] Mechie Carlin: here are some screens [3:09:15 PM] Mechie Carlin: Halo: Anniversary Gallery - Halo Official Site
You'll have to shell out the $40 is suppose, or wait, like how the last map pack in halo 3 wasn't released separate from the ODST package until months later.