Hey can someone help me build a new infection map on forge? My idea was to build a quite big town with lots of buildings and streets that you can walk/hide on, you are not supposed to be able to waik in to all buildings. You are going to be able to take shortcuts between the different streets, for exaple there might be a low wall that you can jump over to get to the street right next to it. There will also be deserted tanks/warthogs/falcons etc. on the streets in garages/helipads on a higher level. Send me a msg on my GT: xXTERRORFISKXxx and I'll invite you as soon as i can. P.S. I've already started building it [br][/br]Edited by merge: I hate to bump my own thread but i really need some help/assistance with my map. And i was thinking that i might make it support normal slayer aswel
make lots of hiding spots, but keep them all for about 1 person only and make sure there is a big open space between them that the zombies can kill them when they go out into, by that i mean zombies start on rooftops and jump down. maybe have mongooses as vehicles but warthogs are just a tad overpowered (UBER UBER OVERPOWERED), so keep them out, and make building that you can go into are small areas, but easy to camp in, so the only chance is to be overcrowded and out manned, apart from those kinda rules(?) go wild and try new stuff
Did you intend for humans to drive the vehicles, or just use them as aesthetics? You can create a custom game type that prevents humans from driving, but then if someone plays your map with standard infection, it breaks.
If you use the right envirornmental features you mights be able to make the vehicles look like piles of rubble. but it might require a lot of credits.
I've made it look like some are there becouse they have crashed the vehicles and some so it looks like the UNSC droped them off to try and stop the infection from spreading