Well, my newest map, Shoreline, is close to being completed. It is a Big Team map that takes place along the coastline on Forgeworld. It is symmetrical, with each team having a base and an outpost, with a large bridge in the middle. Aesthetically, the bases are similar to Avalanche's, and the bridge is akin to Uplift's, with a bit of Sandrap mixed in. I don't have any pictures yet, but I'll try and upload them after school's out (2 days). I'd like to get at least 10 or 12 people in a lobby, because my map is very vehicle oriented, but if it's possible, I'm trying to get a full lobby. I'll be making a list of GT's and I may repost this if the map takes longer to complete than expected (right now I'm thinking about a week or a week and a half). I'm usually on from 2pm to 4pm or 7pm to 2am. My timezone is US Central Time. Thanks for volunteering!
This thread ought to go in the Customs Lobby, since that seems to be what you want to set up. Anyway, I might be interested if I'm not busy, even if I only take a look in Forge or something.