First and foremost: I don't know how to use Sketch Up and don't have the time to learn it right now, but perhaps in the future. I know Maya, but it doesn't work nearly as well for this type of thing. What I offer right now is hand-drawn concept art done in Photoshop (using a wacom tablet). Most likely this will consist of a top-down layout view along with 2-3 perspective views to illustrate the depth and elevation. I will attempt to keep the limitations of Forge into mind when designing aesthetics and whatnot. For best results, give me a very simple idea to work from. It can be as vague as, "A symmetrical map with a rock pillar aesthetic," just to kick-start my imagination. I look forward to hearing from you guys and hopefully help give you some inspiration on future projects.
a combination of halo 1 maps beaver creek and hang em high, but using many natural and human elements
A circular map, with a grav lift in the middle to take you between floors. I am currently working on this, but I'm stumped for ideas. =]
A covy feeling map with some Halo CE element . Asymetrical and Playable for more than 6 players PLEASE
I'd like to see some example work of yours...I could see this helping me a whole lot if its as good as I'm imagining. so you're saying you want to do concept art of forge maps? seems like a waste of time to me. if you have knowledge and skills with Maya, you should try to focus on creating concept art for the environments that you plan to model in the program, instead of limiting yourself to something clunky and limited like Forge. you have much more to gain from doing this than from Forge. are you gonna put the sweet Forge maps you make on your resume? No. can you put your fantastic work that youve created from scratch with Maya on your resume? Yes.
Okay, here's the first one as requested by PfhorSkater. I've named it Hangin' Beavers, but you are of course entitled to name it whatever you want. Let me know what you think. I noticed that there wouldn't me much incentive to use the lifts behind the bases. Adding an entrance/exit from the base to the lift would increase its use. That is all. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I'm currently going to school to learn animation, which is also done in Maya. I work very hard on projects to be used on my demo reel when I graduate, but I also enjoy painting around in Photoshop drawing characters and, as it happens, sketching up level ideas for Forge. I do it because I think it's fun and I enjoy helping others create cool maps, not because I seek to gain something from it. I appreciate the sentiment anyways.
Great idea, dude! If you can: a big circular dome, with grass as bottom and with an open hole in the roof. Preferably forerunner style with several levels and entrances.
Oh this looks quite fantastic its nice to see someone else who enjoys doing concept art and im glad most are wanting you to design a mix of previous halo maps I also enjoy sketching out my concepts before starting initial work the map i will release probably the middle of this month maybe sooner is a mix of colossus, construct, damnation, boneyard and longshore with various elements keeping the original designs feel so this is a great thing to see, I myself would love to see something zanzibar, and headlong style if you have some free time with a very urban feel I miss the big epic battles
Hmmm... Could you please make a concept of a map on a cliffside? I'd like it to be circular with some walkways above it.
Hello my friend I would be so extremely pleased if you could create concept art for a map that is like an overgrown ancient ruin with vines growing down giant brick walls and a big court yard in the middle overtaken by plants and such. So far your work looks phenomenal. My map will consist of several - 3-4 courtyards? with mild height variation and beautiful aesthetics. Lol some Skyrim Concept art but still the general feel Moar Skyrim Maybe even a little bit of this
the map is called "Chocolate Rain on Tay Zonday." it consists of a tall box-like structure in which chocolate flavored zombies fall from the top and have to kill the humans mid-descent using rocket launchers and concussion rifles. at the top of the box is a square ledge that goes around the perimeter of the inner area. there is a one way shield door facing downwards to stop zombies form camping the ledge and shooting from there. the ceiling and floor of the map is blue due to grids being right up against it. i'm looking for a cartoon like banner that is 225x225 pixels and has very little arrows or text other than the zombies jumping down and the title of the map. for the picture please just do a cross section with perspective instead of points of view.
A large tower with a dirt path leading up to it, preferably with side routes as this is for invasion.
Sorry the presentation isn't as nice as the first post, but I didn't have time to add color n ****. Also, the scale is a little iffy on the second floor, but I mostly wanted to come up with a lift design. Basically I imagined this working almost identically to Countdown's triple lifts, except in the center of the level as requested. I think adding arrows with floor numbers on the ground would be a neat aesthetic touch and help players know exactly where they're going, even if they haven't played the map before.
That map is like exactly what i was looking for,but any ideas on where i could put this in forge world?
very nice looking grav lift concept that could work really well and with a little designing could definately use something of color as a sort of indicator when exiting room or in route to the middle to use the correct lift, making essentially it easy to call out which floor a enemy or mates are headed to, id be very interested in seeing a map like this created similiar to midship/a countdown mix would be very cool, as far as the courtyard Ive always wanted something along the lines of a new sanctuary map located around natural rocks with maybe a path like the one at the canyons left side nearest the coast inbetween both bases, however ive found it very hard to forge a even ground on that area so far if that could be pulled off itd be pretty epic as well I think so far these are really awesome ideas and id love to see some of these posted
A map with a central, circular platform, preferably with a path underneath and multiple ways to it making the platform the most visited area. Please include either a nuetral sniper tower or one per base. I would prefer this map utilize natural geometry or be in the air.
Wow, there are quite a few of you interested! Glad you guys like my sketches- I hope they're helping. I'm especially stoked to see if any of them actually come to fruition so I can see which parts of the drawing helped inspire the maps. Unfortunately, since there are quite a few requests, I will not be able to get around to all of them. Instead I will be choosing ideas that I find unique and can really envision an idea for. As such, I apologize if I don't get around to your idea, but I simply do not have the time to fulfill all requests. Anyways, Ociee had a really cool idea and I liked that he included concept art along with it to help me better understand where he was coming from. Here was his idea: I envisioned this map being located in the canyon between Montana and Alaska. With some creative forging, I'm certain something can be done with the idea, even though the way it is currently represented is an impossibility. Hope you like it:
You are very talented my friend, very cool stuff. If you get bored you should draw some concept art for JETBALL. jetball = Goin up a huge tower in a jetpack dodging the panels and falling falls and staying away from grav lifts and power downs.