Check out my Blog and Tell me and your friends what you Think. The Awesome Guide to Forging Here on this post is Every Label for Every Gametype (as of June 18,2011). Also Note that My Blog has more than just this simple Label guide but posts Advanced Setup, and Map Setup. So go and Check it out If you would like to thank me or post what you think is wrong please got to my blog, Navigate through to the post (Navigation Instructions on homepage) and post a comment. Assault June 18, 2011 Spoiler Required “AS_BOMB” - Andy’s cousins (bombs) will spawn from here (Red vs. Blue Reference) Recommended Object: Hill Marker will roll or fall when spawned Capture Plate Will not roll when spawned i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object ii. Object will spawn a bomb, not be the bomb iii. If the bomb resets it will spawn where the tagged object is The Team sets who can pick it up (neutral is both) Must have 1x per team To support Multi-bomb and One-bomb Must have 1x Neutral To support Neutral Bomb and Grifball If you are ONLY setting up your map for One-Bomb Assault you will only need one of these place with the team set to Red.This was Suggested to be Added By MrGreenWithAGun “AS_GOAL” – The place for the bomb to be place. Recommended Object: Capture Plate with shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder 1x per team To support all Assault game types Non Neutral Will have no effect and will not be used If you are ONLY setting up your map for One-Bomb Assault you will only need one of these place with the team set to Blue.This was Suggested to be Added By MrGreenWithAGun Other “Assault” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Assault Games “TEAM_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Team Games “AS_RES_ZONE” – This is for Respawn zones Active when their bomb is not planted Must be a Respawn Influencer or it will have no effect Team Specific and Not-Neutral “AS_RES_ZONE_AWAY” – This is for respawn zones Active when their bomb is planted Must be a Respawn Influencer or it will have no effect Team specific and Not Neutral Notes Multi-bomb is a Symmetric Gametype Neutral Bomb is a Symmetric Gametype One-bomb is an Asymmetric Gametype Red is Defending Their “AS_GOAL” Blue is Attacking with their “AS_BOMB” If a team does not have at least 1 player the bomb cannot be place at their “AS_GOAL” and that teams “AS_BOMB” will not spawn. Red and Blue only: Multi-Bomb and One-Bomb Red, Blue, Green, and Orange: Neutral-Bomb Capture The Flag March 10, 2011 Spoiler Required 1. “CTF_FLAG_RETURN” – A Place for the Flag Spawn and that teams Goal Recommended Object: Flag Stand with Shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Object will spawn a flag, not be the flag If the flag resets it will spawn where the tagged object is Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder 1x per team To support all CTF game types 1x Neutral To support One-Flag Other 1. “CTF” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in CTF Games 2. “TEAM_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Team Games 3. “CTF_RES_ZONE” – respawn zone which is active when your team’s flag is at home Must be a Respawn Influencer or it will have no effect 4. “CTF_RES_ZONE_AWAY” – respawn zone which is active when your team’s flag is not at home Must be a Respawn Influencer or it will have no effect Notes Multi-Flag is a Symmetric Gametype Neutral Flag is a Symmetric Gametype One-Flag is an Asymmetric Gametype If a team does not have at least 1 player the Flag cannot be stool from or brought to their “CTF_FLAG_RETURN” because it will not spawn. Red, Blue, Green, and Orange are supported by All CTF Gametypes One-Flag Round 1 Red is keeping their flag from the Blue “CTF_FLAG_RETURN” Headhunter March 10, 2011 Spoiler Required “HH_DROP_POINT” – REQUIRED – a place where you can drop skulls Recommended Object: Hill Marker with Shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder If carrying/driving the hill you will still get the skull if you pick them up. Chosen randomly Create at least 2 i. If only one it will create an announcer problem Team does not matter Other “headhunter” – use this AND the “gametype specific” setting to create objects that only spawn in Headhunter “TEAM_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in team games “FFA_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in FFA games Notes FFA headhunter is a symmetric gametype. Team headhunter is asymmetric. Supports Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Gold, Brown, Pink Infection March 10, 2011 Spoiler Required “INF_HAVEN” – REQUIRED – a safe haven. Recommended Object: Hill Marker with a shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object If player picks up or drives a weapon/vehicle he will be in the hill and have hill traits. Chosen randomly Create at least 2 i. If only one it will create an announcer problem ii. NOT A SAFE ZONE (STRONG OR WEAK WHICH ARE FOUND IN THE SPAWNING TAB) iii. Safe haven and safe zones are different iv. Setting this as a safe zone will cause players to die as soon as they spawn. This one will take priority. v. Setting this as a soft zone will cause out of area timer as soon as they spawn. Team Does not matter Other “INFECTION” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Infection Games “INF_SPAWN” – DOES NOTHING SPECIAL Must be a Respawn Influencer or it will have no effect Notes Infection is considered to be an asymmetric gametype. Note that humans spawn at “red team” spawn points and zombies spawn at “blue team” spawn points. You MUST have at least one object labeled “INF_HAVEN” for your map to work. Whether or not the havens are actually active is determined by the game options Invasion and Invasion Slayer Spoiler Invasion May 24, 2011 Spoiler Required “INV_OBJECTIVE” – An area that can be captured or to drop bomb/core Recommended Object: Not a movable object Must have a shape to work i. Territories: Hill Marker with Shape Any stationary object with shape will work. ii. Capture Core/Bomb: Capture Plate with Shape iii. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object If player picks up or drives a weapon/vehicle he will be in the hill and have hill traits, including countdown timer. Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder iv. If using bomb place this at defenders base v. If using core place at attackers base At least one in each of the 3 phases i. Set phase by setting spawn sequence ii. At least one is used in each phase, no matter the game settings iii. If more than one per phase all will count for the win Set the Spawn Sequence field to the phase in which this objective will be used (1,2,3) Team does not matter “INV_OBJ_FLAG” – the location where our Bomb/Core object will be spawned Recommended Object: Bomb = Capture Plate Core = Flag Stand i. Not a weapon/vehicle or movable object Object will spawn a bomb, not be the bomb If the bomb/core resets it will spawn where the tagged object is ii. If using bomb place at attackers base iii. If using core place at defenders base Set the Spawn Sequence field to the phase in which this objective will be used (1,2,3) i. Will only spawn 1 Bomb or Core per Phase In order to use this you must set CTF or Assault to the correct phase. i. Must be set in the Gametype options in “Custom Games” menu Bomb/Core will not be reset until picked up or falls out of bounds Team does not matter Other “INVASION” – use this AND the “gametype specific” setting to place objects that only spawn in Invasion “INV_RES_ZONE” – A respawn location. Recommended Object: Hill Marker i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or Movable object Players will spawn where ever it is Team Specific Spawn Order determines which Phase the object is used (0 = all, 1, 2, or 3) These spawns can be used during any phase by anyone on the associated team i. Available to all Fireteams Not an influencer so it can be a Hill Marker “INV_RES_P1” – Only active during Phase 1. Recommended Object: Hill Marker i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or Movable object Players will spawn where ever it is Change the Spawn Sequence property to the fire team value i. 0 = FT1, 1 = FT2, 2 = FT3, 3+ = All Fire Teams Not an influencer so it can be a Hill Marker Team Specific “INV_RES_P2” – Same effect but in Phase 2. See “INV_RES_P1” for details “INV_RES_P3” – Same effect but in Phase 3. See “INV_RES_P1” for details “INV_GATE” – A gated object will be deleted after the specified phase has been completed “Warning: this can have strange behavior on vehicles and weapons” Change the Spawn Sequence property to the last phase the object should be active “INV_WEAPON” – Spawns weapons at the beginning of the phase Change the Spawn Sequence property to the first phase the object should be active will not get a way point when spawned “INV_VEHICLE” – Spawns vehicles at the beginning of the phase Change the Spawn Sequence property to the first phase the object should be active Will have a waypoint when spawned “NONE” – Items with this label will not spawn in Invasion, Invasion Slayer, Race, Rally, and Rocket RaceI would Like to think DavidJCobb for reminding me about this. Do not use “INVASION_CINEMATICS” – as all this data will be deleted on custom maps by default “INV_PLATFORM” label is specific to the Spire elevator lift that is activated in phase 3 of Invasion: Spire “INV_MANCANNON” – no effect; do not use. Notes: Do not setup any objects with the “INVASION_CINEMATICS” label, as all this data will be deleted on custom maps by default Do not assign the “INV_PLATFORM” label to anything as it is specific to the Spire elevator lift that is activated in phase 3 of Invasion: Spire The Assault/CTF Invasion phases are incompatible with the game option “Disable Weapon Pickup” as it will also prevent players from picking up the bomb or flag Spartans are assigned to red and Elites are assigned to Blue Invasion is considered to be an asymmetric gametype. NOTE – in order to use the “phased objects” and “gated objects” features (that is, objects that spawn or get deleted in certain phases – the “INV_WEAPON”, “INV_VEHICLE”, or “INV_GATE” labels), the objects MUST have a respawn time set on them. Safe and kill volumes cannot be spawned by phase changes in Invasion like a weapon or vehicle, but they can be removed as gated objects. To emulate a spawned safe zone, fully overlap it with a gated kill zone. When the kill zone is removed, the safe zone will appear to have spawned. The core carrier cannot mount any vehicle, even though there is a “Core Carrier” movement property of various vehicle use settings. However, the Core Carrier movement property does affect the Invasion bomb carrier’s vehicle use. Spartans are assigned to red and Elites are assigned to Blue Default Invasion Elites attacking Spartans defending Territories Territories Capture the Core Invasion does not use normal spawning. Invasion will not use Respawn Points and Respawn Zones It will use Initial spawns and items labeled with one of the 4 spawn labels for Invasion Invasion Slayer May 24, 2011 Spoiler Required “INV_SLAYER_DROP” – REQUIRED – An area that can be captured for weapons and vehicles to drop Recommended Object: Hill Marker with Shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object If player picks up or drives a weapon/vehicle he will be in the hill and have hill traits, including countdown timer. Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder Create at least 2 i. If only one it will not select a new objective Chosen Randomly Spawn Sequence does nothing Other “INV_SLAYER” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Invasion Slayer Games “INV_SLAYER_RES_ZONE” – A spawn location (team specific). Spawn Order determines which fireteam can use this object. Recommended Object: Hill Marker i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or Movable object Players will spawn where ever it is Team Specific Not an influencer so it can be a Hill Marker “NONE” – Items with this label will not spawn in Invasion, Invasion Slayer, Race, Rally, and Rocket Race.I would Like to think DavidJCobb for reminding me about this. Do not use “INV_PLATFORM” – no effect; do not use. “INV_MANCANNON” – no effect; do not use. “CREATED_VEHICLES” – this is an Internal Tag for the Vehicles Spawned in Invasion Slayer. It will not spawn vehicles with this tag. Could not get to spawn Vehicles. “NONE” – will be deleted in invasion Notes Invasion slayer is considered to be a symmetric gametype. Spartans are assigned to red and Elites are assigned to Blue Invasion Slayer does not use normal spawning. It will use Initial spawns and items labeled with the spawn label for Invasion Slayer Juggernaut May 21, 2011 Spoiler Required There are no required labels for Juggernaut and it can be played on any map Other “JUGGERNAUT” – use this AND the “gametype specific” flag to make an object only spawn in Juggernaut games “FFA_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in FFA games Notes Juggernaut is an asymmetric gametype. For an unknown reason Hammers (as Assault Rifles) and Swords will spawn in Juggernaut. this is despite the label and setting Game-Specific = TRUE. King of the Hill May 22, 2011 Spoiler Required “KOTH_HILL” – REQUIRED – the hill! Recommended Object: Hill Marker with Shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object If player picks up or drives a weapon/vehicle he will be in the hill and have hill traits. Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder ii. Set spawn sequence in incremental values starting with 1 For when the “move in sequence” is fixed iii. Create at least 2 Will Cause an announcer problem Other “KOTH” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in King of the Hill Games “TEAM_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Team Games “FFA_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Free for All Games Notes KOTH is an asymmetric gametype. The “move in sequence” game option does not work correctly; Unless you have a new KOTH File from matchmaking or This file. : Halo Reach : File Details Oddball March 11, 2011 Spoiler Required “ODDBALL_BALL” a ball spawn point Recommended Object: Hill Marker will roll or fall when spawned Capture Plate Will not roll when spawned i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Object will spawn a skull, not be the skull If the bomb resets it will spawn where the tagged object is Team does not matter Create at least 3 for 3Ball Oddball Other “ODDBALL” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in ODDBALL Games “TEAM_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Team Games “FFA_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Free for All Games Notes Oddball is an asymmetric gametype. Race Spoiler Race May 24, 2011 Spoiler Required “RACE_FLAG” – REQUIRED – a race checkpoint. Recommended Item: Flag Stand with shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder Use the spawn sequence to set what order you have to hit them in. i. You can have more than one checkpoint with the same spawn sequence, In which case the driver can hit either one to get the checkpoint. ii. They will go in sequential; if you skip a point the game will skip that number and keep on going. iii. Starts counting at 1 Create More than 1 or the first person to enter the area will automatically win Other “RACE” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Race Games “RACE_SPAWN” – This is a spawning Label Only apply to Respawn zones This Respawn Zone only works from start to the first checkpoint. From there they will spawn at the last checkpoint the player went through with a vehicle. Players will not spawn at/in Spawning Places with a Label of FFA, The Gametype prefers this label or will spawn in locations with no label. “NONE” – Items with this label will not spawn in Invasion, Invasion Slayer, Race, Rally, and Rocket Race.I would Like to think DavidJCobb for reminding me about this. Do Not Use “NONE” – will get deleted Notes Race is an asymmetric gametype. Rally May 24, 2011 Spoiler Required “RALLY_FLAG” – REQUIRED – a rally checkpoint. Recommended Item: Flag Stand with shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder If a weapon and holding the weapon when that rally point is selected it will automatically score a point. Create More than 1 or the first person to enter the area will automatically win Other “RALLY” – use this AND the “gametype specific” setting to create objects that only spawn in Race “RACE_SPAWN” – DOES NOTHING Only apply to Respawn zones “NONE” – Items with this label will not spawn in Invasion, Invasion Slayer, Race, Rally, and Rocket Race.I would Like to think DavidJCobb for reminding me about this. Notes Rally is an asymmetric gametype. There is no way to cause the rally points to move in a predetermined order. The Closes thing is to use my Hill in the Middle guide and have it start in the same place and gradually points as the maps go on. Rocket Race May 24, 2011 Spoiler Required “RALLY_FLAG” – REQUIRED – a rally checkpoint. Recommended Item: Flag Stand with shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder If a weapon and holding the weapon when that rally point is selected it will automatically score a point. Create More than 1 or the first person to enter the area will automatically win Other “RALLY” – use this AND the “gametype specific” setting to create objects that only spawn in Race “RACE_SPAWN” – DOES NOTHING Only apply to Respawn zones “NONE” – Items with this label will not spawn in Invasion, Invasion Slayer, Race, Rally, and Rocket Race.I would Like to think DavidJCobb for reminding me about this. Notes Rally is an asymmetric gametype. Rocket Race is a Variant of Rally, and it will use the same labels for its game There is no way to cause the rally points to move in a predetermined order. The Closest thing is to use my Hill in the Middle guide and have it start in the same place and gradually points as the maps go on. Rocket Race Supports Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Gold, Brown, and Pink. Matchmaking Games support 3 players in each Red, Blue, Green, and Orange. Although you will not need these to see the required Labels you will need them to play Rocket Hog Race can be found in my File Share Here. : Halo Reach : File Details Rocket Race can be found in my File Share Here. : Halo Reach : File Details Slayer Spoiler Slayer Spoiler Required There is no required labels for Slayer and it can be played on any map Other “SLAYER” – use this AND the “gametype specific” flag to make an object only spawn in slayer “TEAM_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in team games “FFA_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in FFA games Notes Slayer is an asymmetric gametype. BroSlayer May 21, 2011 Spoiler Required There are no required labels for Slayer and it can be played on any map Other “SLAYER” – use this AND the “gametype specific” flag to make an object only spawn in slayer “BRO_SPAWN_LOC” – a designated spawn location for Bro Slayer Recommended Item: Hill Marker i. Not a Weapon Will be visible but become unusable as a spawn and as a weapon ii. Not a Vehicle or armor ability Will be usable as both a vehicle and spawn location but player will spawn around that vehicle (even if driven by enemy and/or in air). With Vehicle there is no player chosen directionality. Will be usable as both an armor ability and a spawn location but player will spawn just behind the Ability (even if warn by an enemy). Player will get to choose directionality. “TEAM_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in team games “FFA_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in FFA games Notes Slayer is an asymmetric gametype. Requires the BroSlayer Game Type found Here. : Halo Reach : File Details PowerSlayer May 22, 2011 Spoiler Required There is no required labels for Slayer and it can be played on any map Other “SLAYER” – use this AND the “gametype specific” flag to make an object only spawn in slayer “TEAM_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in team games “FFA_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in FFA games Do Not use “BRO_SPAWN_LOC” – This will only effect Bro Slayerand will not effect Power Slayer Power Slayer uses default spawning points and will not allow choosing where you spawn Notes Slayer is an asymmetric gametype. Requires the Power Slayer Game Type found in my File share Here. : Halo Reach : File Details Stockpile May 21, 2011 Spoiler Required “STP_FLAG” – REQUIRED – a flag spawn point Recommended Item: Flag Stand Object will spawn a flag not be a flag Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder If not a flag stand it may spawn more than one in this position 7x all neutral for 7-Flag STP If not all flag stands are being used, they will be chosen randomly Blockages If flag-stand is covered by an object it will spawn the flag next to the object If not the first and something is in the path of the flag when spawning it will still spawn in the flag stand Note that if the flag’s middle is not in the range of the player’s pickup range it cannot be picked up. Keep this item outside of the ares set to the “STP_GOAL” or it will not spawnI would Like to think DavidJCobb for reminding me about this. When Placing these keep them at least 2.7 Forge Units away from each other or they will count as one “STP_FLAG” and will be chosen from at random.I would Like to think DavidJCobb for bring this to my attention. “STP_GOAL” – REQUIRED – a flag drop point (team-specific) Recommended Object: Capture Plate with shape Must have a shape to work Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder 1x per team Other Labels for Stockpile “STOCKPILE” – use this AND the “gametype specific” setting to create objects that only spawn in Stockpile “TEAM_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in team games Notes for Stockpile Stockpile is an asymmetric gametype. “Stockpile will create strong respawn zones around the drop points. I’m not 100% sure about the unit conversions but I think the dimensions are cylinder, 15 radius, +5 height, -5 height.” This is from an informal interview by members of the Forge World Group to the Bungie Employee JonnyOThan. This response was the 8 post on that page. JonnyOThan. “Subject: Dear JonnyOThan…..Spawn Guide?” 14 January 2011. Bungie. 14 January 2011 < : ForgeWorld : Private Forum : Dear JonnyOThan.....Spawn Guide?>. Territories May 21, 2011 Spoiler Required “TERR_OBJECT” – This will be the Territory to be captured. Recommended Object: Hill Marker with shape Must have a shape to work i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object If player picks up or drives a weapon/vehicle he will be in the hill and have hill traits, including countdown timer. Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder Spawn sequence is used for the territory number i. Must not be 0. Will not do anything if 0 ii. Create 5 (1 in each sequence 1-5) For 5 territory gametype iii. Supports multiple per Spawn Sequence Each territory counts for the win, not each Sequence Team does not do anything Other “TERRITORIES” – use this AND the “gametype specific” setting to create objects that only spawn in Territories. “TEAM_ONLY” – use this label for objects that only spawn in team games Notes This gametype, territories, is a symmetric game unless the “Style” game option is set to “asymmetric.” 3 Plot territories and Land Grab supports Red, Blue, Green, and Orange. Territories support Red and Blue. Insane Spoiler Halo Chess Updated May 22, 2011 Spoiler This is probably the easiest game to set up in proportion to how hard it plays. Required “BOARD_CENTER” – This does every thing – Literally Recommended object: Hill marker Use any object that is by default has Physics set to phased If not a hill marker, but a rock for example, it may cause the pieces to reset in to the rock and glitch a lot May Rotate by Y or Yaw Axis If by X or Z will cause players to not be able to move Create 1 of these If more than 1, only 1 will spawn Best Practice for clearing out a box area from the Hill marker Width = 9, Top = 7, Length = 14 Automatically creates a Soft Safe zone around this item Predefined area (unable to edit) After Each Player’s turn or death they will automatically respawn at the predefined spawn location based off of where this hill is Will automatically create the Chessboard This chess board will be where the Hill marker is and be Phased when spawned Will automatically create all needed pieces where they are suppose to be Symmetry must be set Both Do Not Use (These have No effect and are only used by the game internally) “BOARD_GROUP” “Z_GRID_CELL” “REPLACEMENT_CELL” Thanks to DavidJCobb for confirming my suspensions Notes This game does not spawn Symmetric or asymmetric items only both In order to see and add these labels you will need the Halo Chess Variant found in my file share Here. : Halo Reach : File Details Haloball May 21, 2011 Spoiler Labels for Haloball Required Labels for Haloball “BALL_SPAWN_LOC” – Spawns a Golfball for the Haloball Game Recommend Object: Capture Plate Not a Weapon, Vehicle or Movable Object Object will spawn a golfball, NOT be the golfball If it resets the golfball will reset where that item is Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder This item will spawn the Golfball that will count for points if place in the area of “HB_GOAL” Spawn Sequence and team does nothing Will NOT spawn a golfball if an object with “SKEE_BALL_OBJECT” is spawned Create at least 1 for this gametype. “HB_GOAL” – Guessing it is short for “Halo Ball Goal” Recommended Object: Capture Plate Not a Weapon, Vehicle or movable Object Object will be the goal Objective can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder May Cause an instant win if move this object to where “BALL_SPAWN_LOC” or “SKEE_BALL_OBJECT” is Spawn Sequence determines how many points it is worth if a value -100 to 0 the goal will still be worth 1 point if the value is 1 to 100 the goal will be worth that many points Team Specific Red, Blue, Green, Orange x1 per team (that is on the map) Can have multiple for each team each one may have different points this label may default its self to “SKEE_BALL_OBJECT” if does not have team or Shape set Other Labels for Haloball “STOCKPILE” – label and “game – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Stockpile games even though this is a Haloball game found in the Insane Game type it is still considered a stockpile match. “TEAM_ONLY” – label and “game – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Team Games “SKEE_BALL_OBJECT” - This item will be the “ball” for Haloball gametype This object will be the “ball” and count as the ball if it enter the area of the “HB_GOAL” If a vehicle/weapon/armor ability you will get-out/drop the vehicle/weapon/armor-ability and it will disappear It may leave you with no weapon or armor ability This Item will have to spawn in to the games and must have a respawn time “GOAL_NOISE_MAKER” – Makes a ‘Insane’ shower of skulls when a goal is scored An Item with label (as mentioned above) will make a small fountain of skulls shoot from it. This item is team specific This is because when a team scores their noise maker will go off Must have a Spawn Sequence paired with an “HB_GOAL” in order to work Example: if you want a shower of skulls if a player scores 5 points, then set this and the goal to 5. Make sure that the spawn sequence set the same in both. Thanks to FyreWulff for bringing the “GOAL_NOISE_MAKER” effects to my attention on 3/31/2011. Do not use for Haloball “GOAL_NOISE” – will have no effect on the object and will not spawn Will not make a noise Will try to spawn but get deleted in the game as soon as it spawns (try it with an armor ability to prove, this is because the armor ability retains the logo for about a second after deletion) GOAL_NOISE_MAKER” – will have no effect on the object but will spawn Will not make a noise Notes for Haloball Haloball is an asymmetric game type Haloball and Hockey have the same labels In order to see these labels you will need the Haloball game or the Hockey gametype from my file share here. : Halo Reach : File Details Hog-Potato May 21, 2011 Spoiler Required “ODDBALL_BALL” a Warthog will spawn from here Recommended Object: Hill Marker will roll or fall when spawned Capture Plate Will not roll when spawned i. Not a Weapon/Vehicle or movable object Object will spawn a skull, not be the skull If the bomb resets it will spawn where the tagged object is Team does not matter Create at least 3 for 3Ball Oddball Other “ODDBALL” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in ODDBALL Games or Hog-Potato “TEAM_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Team Games “FFA_ONLY” – Set This label and “gametype – specific” to “TRUE” will cause to only to spawn in Free for All Games Notes Oddball is an asymmetric gametype. Team Oddball and Team Hog-Potato support Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Gold, Brown, and Pink teams. In order for the “ODDBALL_BALL” to spawn a Warthog you will need the Hog-Potato Variant from Here. : Halo Reach : File Details Speedpile May 21, 2011 Spoiler Required for Speedpile “FLAG_SPAWN_LOC” – Spawns Flaming Flags Recommended Object: Flag Stand This will Spawn a Flag, NOT be the Flag Not a weapon/vehicle or movable object object can be carried/drove to/from to make winning easier/harder All items with this label will spawn flags Blockages if flag stand is covered by an object it may spawn the flag next to the object if not the first and something is in the path of the flag when spawning, it will still spawn in the flag stand but may not be able to be picked up. set the spawn sequence to how many points it is worth can be positive or negative; -100 to 100 will add or subtract the values set in the sequence. although the flag will only represent by the number above it with 1 to 9 it will still be the value set in the spawn sequence. Keep this object out of the boundary of “SPEEDPILE_GOAL” or the flag will not spawnI would Like to think DavidJCobb for reminding me about this. When Placing These keep them at least 1 Forge Units away from each other or they will not spawn until the surrounding flags are picked up, then they will spawn immediately.I would Like to think DavidJCobb for bring this to my attention. “SPEEDPILE_GOAL” – A Capture Location for flaming Flags Recommended Object: Capture Plate with Shape Must have a shape to work Keep “FLAG_SPAWN_LOC” out of the boundary of this object or the flag will not spawn Not a weapon or vehicle or movable object object can be carried/drove to/away to make the win easier or harder 1x per team Other Labels for Speedpile “STOCKPILE” – Use this AND the “Gametype Specific” to create an object that will only spawn in Stockpile Games Even though this is found in the Insane Section is is classified as a Stockpile Variant. “TEAM_ONLY” – Use this and the “gametype Specific” to create an object that will only spawn in Team Games. Notes for Speedpile in order to see the labels for Speedpile you will require the “Speedpile” game variant found on my File share here. : Halo Reach : File Details
I'm not certain if off-site links such as this are allowed on ForgeHub. That said, that's a very comprehensive setup you got there. Must've taken a ton of time to setup. Good job.
If not Im sure you can just copy and paste, though I can't see why it would be a problem. I had printed out a guide from a long while ago, they had a guide on all gametype labels and one set aside for invasion and I just copied them am printed. However this guide is much more current, that it has labels for Haloball and such. Thank you for providing us all with this excellent guide! I will be replacing my old one I think.
I'm not 100% sure with this tbh. You're technically advertising other sites, and there's nothing verifying that what you've linked is actually yours... I'll leave this up to the mods i'm afraid. Also, just a heads up.. not everyone has adobe reader to view .pdf's
Black Theorem won't link to any articles that are not on the Reach Forge Discussion thread. I have articles in my blog here at FH and because they are on my blog, he won't link to them. So I don't see this getting into the compendium. But it is a good link. It covers a lot.
You Helped Make it very comprehensive. Good Job to you as well Thanks . . . . . . . I Think? There is a reason I have the Same username on Xbox Live, My Blog, and Here. It is so People Know that it is me. on the printable concern: I will find a way to have an embeded Viewer of the Document, and a link to a Free open source PDF viewer to calm your concerns. I was thinking about making it in to my Forge Hub Blog Entries but MR Green (above) says that will not work either, so I guess I can Try. It will take a while. YES
He also has individual listings of the labels for each gametype. If you use the "Gametype Labels" nav menu to select a gametype, you'll see this: The link outlined in yellow is the PDF holding all labels. The link outlined in red is a normal web page containing information on the labels for whichever gametype you picked from the menus. Hope that clears up any confusion.
I have update the Printable Label Page. It now contains a link to my Sky Drive so you can view it in your Web browser. A link to the top level category the contains all of the Post (so people can find it easier). hope you enjoy Gametype Labels Printable « The Awesome Guide to Forging
The content is good, but the background is so noisy and bright it makes it difficult to read the text some times. When I put my blog up I purposefully chose a solid color that is earth tone to make it easy to read. Just my two cents on how to improve your site.
If, in the meantime, there's something on there you need to read, you can pop this into your address bar while on one of the site's pages, and hit Enter:"#000 none !important";alert("Background nuked."); It'll set the background to pitch black for ya, until you refresh or leave the page.
All here on Fore Hub now I have Copied the Gametype Label to ForgeHub now. Hope this make it in that Compendium.