Anaroe.V2 Created by o Aranore o DL down. Fixing bugs again. _________________________________________________ Map Description This training compound was designed and developed by the same team who created Chiron. After testing began, Anaroe was abandoned for reasons unknown, leaving Chiron as their main testing facility. During the War, the energy readings from the large amount of teleportation machines were misred as weapons, and in the human struggle for ever more power to win the fight, this compound was re-discovered. Now the facility has been opened up to the battles once again... This Map is a Homage to one of the most ingenious, yet under appreciated maps made for Halo Combat Evolved: Chiron. That being said, all twenty-four (24) teleporters have been used in this map. Anaroe is composed of seven (7) rooms, one of which is slightly hidden. They are: The Main Room, The Roof Area, Rooms A / B, The Hidden Room, and the connecting Hallways to the Main room and Rooms A/B. The hidden room is accessed by 1 of 2 spawn points. Anaroe is considered symmetrical with the exception of the Roof area. During Symmetrical game types, players spawn throughout the level, and all teleporters are active. During Asymmetric game play, spawning areas have been assigned and the level becomes an eccentric hallway. Due to the continual movement, Anaroe feels much larger than it actually is. Therefore, large parties are highly recommended, though one-on-one is still smooth to play. EDITS:The hallways were found to be to long. The action was being slowed down. Therefore, they have been shrunk in size to be only the square room and no adjacent hallway. Also, the warping solution was changed to be less confusing. The Top left teleporter in the main room leads to Room A, while the right leads to Room B [it used to be flipped]. The respawn and clip sizes of all the items have been fine tuned, and should be very accommodating to any game type. Enjoy guys! EDITS for V2: Complete re position of almost every weapon. All respawn times and clip sizes have been adjusted. Minor physical and aesthetic changes. Spawn areas and spawn solution adjusted. Exit Teleporters in the hall ways are now side ways to further help lost souls. The largest room of Anaroe, the Main Room consists of three levels. It is the location of the Defenders turf. The items and arsenal found on the three levels are as followed: Bottom Floor: Two (2) Spike Grenades, 30 second respawn Two (2) Plasma Grenades, 20 and 45 second respawn Three (3) Battle Riffles, 60 second respawn, 0 spare clips. Two spawn at start, one does not Two (2) Maulers, 90 second respawn, 0 spare clips. One spawns at start, second does not Two (2) Oversheilds, 90 second resepawn. One with a delayed spawn for Asymmetric Maps, the other start spawns for Symmetrical maps - Two (2) Barriers, 30 second respawn Two (2) Receiver / Two-Way nodes A Sender node Defenders -Assault/Flag- -Spawn/Plant- point A Hill marker A Territory Middle Floor: Two (2) Fusion Coils, 10 second respawn. A Sender node Top Floor: A Sword, 150 second respawn - Two (2) Two-Way nodes EDITS: Mauler was moved here, along with battle riffle. Barriers were added to give cover for objective game types. Amount of grenades reduced. Shows the different floors of the main room. A different angle. Teleporter to the roof Maulers and Battle Riffles on display. The riffles all only have one clip, so technically you get one full riffle. ~~~ The Roof area is the second highest section of Anaroe, and can be accessed by two (2) Two-Way nodes, and one Sender node found in the Main Room. The Teleporter to Room A is located on the Roof, but to reach the teleporter to Room B, a group of platforms are located on the opposite side, with the teleporter on the ground floor. Therefore, stealthy players are provided a Corner Wall for cover, and a shield wall to stop grenades. This location is the Attackers base and Spawning area. The Weapons and teleporters found here are: Two (2) Spikers, 45 second respawn, 1 spare clips Two (2) Spike/Plasma Grenades, one 45 second respawn, other 20 second respawn (for both grenade types) A Rocket Launcher, 120 second respawn, 1 spare clips - Two (2) Two-Way nodes A Receiver node Three (3) Shield Walls Attackers -Assault/Flag- -Spawn/Plant- point A Hill Marker A Territory - EDITS: Middle shield wall was removed. It was not needed, and encouraged easy camping. Rocket Launcher was moved to bottom floor for balance. Roof shot (not up to date. actual location of rocket launcher is on bottom floor under platforms) ~~~ Rooms A/B both consist of two levels, are mirrored of each other, and are side by side. They are accessed from the Two-Way teleporters found in the Main Room and the Roof area, and the Sender nodes found in the Hallways. Exits are the Two-Ways, and the Sender nodes. Players can shoot to the opposite room through fence walls, and may also pray upon those who spawn under or over them, as a large section of the separating floor is made of fence as well. Both Rooms A and B contain two (2) Two-Way nodes, and a Receiver / Sender node. The two rooms Arsenals and items are: Room A: One (1) SMG, 45 second respawn, 1 spare clips One (1) Spiker, 45 second respawn, 0 spare clips Two (2) Magnums, 30 second respawn, 2 spare clips Two (2) Plasma Grenades, one 45 second respawn, other 20 second respawn - One (1) Fusion coil, 20 second respawn A Regenerator, 120 second respawn A Territory - EDITS: Maulers were moved to main room for defensive games. Moved spiker and SMG from hall ways. Added grenades. Room B: Two (2) Spikers, 45 second respawn, 0 spare clips Two (2) Plasma Pistols, one 120 second respawn, other 90 second respawn Two (2) Spike Grenades, one 45 second respawn, other 20 second respawn - One (1) Fusion coil, 20 second respawn A Trip Mine, 45 second respawn A Territory - EDITS: Moved spikers from hall ways. Added grenades. Room B Plasma pistols and Trip mine in B Shot of Room A Another angle ~~~ The Hallways that lead to The Main Room and Rooms A/B are accessed by Receiver nodes in Rooms A/B. Players may chose to go back into Rooms A/B by means of the inner Upright Sender nodes, or to exit to the Main Room by the outer Wall mounted Sender nodes. The two Hallways mirror each other, but serve only as that: Hallways. This does not mean that encounters never occur inside, just they are self-contained from the rest of the level. Each has two (2) Sender nodes and a Receiver node. The list of items for each are: Hallway to Room A: Two (2) SMG's, one 90 second respawn, other 60 second respawn, 2 spare clips Three (3) Spike Grenades, one 20 second respawn, two 10 second respawn - Two (2) Sender nodes A Receiver node A Hill Marker A Territory Hallway to Room B: Two (2) SMG's, one 90 second respawn, other 60 second respawn, 2 spare clips Three (3) Plasma Grenades, one 20 second respawn, two 10 second respawn - Two (2) Sender nodes A Receiver node A Hill Marker A Territory EDITS: The hallways were found to be to long and caused lag in game play... people were not meeting in them and couldn't find anyone. So therefore, the hallways are now VERY short. Only rooms. Nodes turned to help direct lost souls. SMG's brought in from main room to improve chances of being used. Amount of grenades reduced. The Receiver nodes that get you into the Hallways The Sender nodes. Side ways leads to Main Room The SMG's ~~~ The Final room of Anaroe is the Hidden Room. It is the highest room in the whole compound. You can only get here by spawning, and once you leave via the Sender node, your out until you spawn inside it again. No spawning area has been placed here and since it's distant from the rest of the map, you only end up here by luck (it's based on the order that the spawning points were put on the map). The Active Camo is here, which is why it is beneficial to start here. It has a very short re-spawn time to ensure that one is always there. Again, the items here are: The Active Camouflage A Sender node - EDITS: A corner wall was added, and spawn points were reduced (previous 3: currently 1) Fusion coils were removed: had no purpose. The Hidden Room. These two shots just show how small it is. you get one choice of a way out. Also. you can't see any of the map from here, so hiding in here is completely pointless. You'll only get here by chance __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anaroe.V2 was designed to be enjoyed any way possible, so all game types are available. Supported Gametypes: Slayer All CTF Types Assault / Oddball KotH / Territories Standard, non-specific Juggernaut / VIP / Infection Silly campers... theres more than one way in each room. Shooting through the fences to get the other guy.. Another silly camper.. Rocket Launcher has good uses. Learn the map. Follow the radar. Kill the teleporter. A fight in Room A _________________________________________________ I used the Money Glitch to make this map, along with the Interlocking Item Glitch so if you want to make changes to the map, your choices are limited to weapon and item placement only. EDITS:The hallways were found to be to long. The action was being slowed down. Therefore, they have been shrunk in size to be only the square room and no adjacent hallway. Also, the warping solution was changed to be less confusing. The Top left teleporter in the main room leads to Room A, while the right leads to Room B [it used to be flipped]. The respawn and clip sizes of all the items have been fine tuned, and should be very accommodating to any game type. Enjoy guys! EDITS for V2: Complete re position of almost every weapon. All respawn times and clip sizes have been adjusted. Minor physical and aesthetic changes. Spawn areas and spawn solution adjusted. Exit Teleporters in the hall ways are now side ways to further help lost souls. This is my second map, and the second version. I feel it is well worth a try. I have put over Three hundred (300) hours of work into this map. This includes making, photographing, and testing the level over and over to perfection. I have a huge amount of pride with this level, and I feel anyone will enjoy it. Thanks for any comments and feedback, good or bad. I would love feedback on my map, and Good Luck in your matches!! "Not yet... " -117. Pic of me, Creator of Anaroe DL down. Fixing bugs again.
it looks like it would be hard to get used to, but fun, and don't you think naming a map after yourself is kind of vain?
I couldn't think of any other title to give it. It's the only thing that I feel disappointed with. I switched the letters to still try to give it's own...
the map looks good, but i have to say that 200 hours is a little excessive. Also, your post there was huuuuuge ... and impressive.
getting lots of views and a couple DL's but no feedback U_U guys should i change anything in it? is this map a fail? forge veterans lend me your aid xD
Im not big on maps with a lot of teleporter but the uniqueness of the map is getting the d/l for it ill will play and tell u how i like it.
thanks. and as for the camming comment, i tried my best to make that impossible. I ran out of places to put spawn points. and spawning areas are assigned for asymmetrical gametypes to prevent spawn killing.
Sorry guys that the download isn't up and running right now. I made some changes to the level and forgot to send the map to file share. so before anyone DL's it I want them getting the real one that i intend. As soon as i get back from Newfoundland, I'll be fixing this map and posting my newly refined map , Aptunosis.
Very nice and clean map, I don't see a wall or box out of place so I've got nothing to complain about there. And weapons placement looks well thought out. There might be a couple gameplay issues though. Those shield doors being so close to each other and all of the teleporters make it kinda seem camper friendly, and with the infamous maulers that could be a problem. Also, I read that you have to spawn to get the camo, which would mean you also have to die. Doesn't it seem a bit unfair to award players for dying?
the teleporters lead to teleporter camping, but the big room with all those entry points makes this look like a badass ffa map
to the last three posts: there are some "paths" but generally speaking there are more points of entry then can be covered. once i had a full game where everyone covered one teleporter each. 16 people.... out of 24 teleoprters. once we realised that was happening, people simply walked through the teleporters backwards and poped out the other side behind the camper. and with the multiple entries you can get around campers in smaller games. the duals and weaker weapons respawn from 10-30 seconds with no or single exrta clips. anything larger than a brute shot (battle, mauler, rocket, sword) has 90 to more respawn. the trip mine is to be used to set traps. 30..or less (I blelieve) second respawn. the regenerator is HUGE asset if used correctly in team games. 60 or 90 seconds (cant remmeber.) camo has 10 second respawn. reason why..: there are only 3 out of (i think) 72 spawns in there. that being said, that room is very high up and no spawning area, so it will only spawn you there based on Spawn Placement Order of Placeing. its luck. last note: I get home from New Foundland tommorow. DL link will be back up with new screenshots, along with a new map "Aptunosis" THANKS for the feedback.. I love forge hub. AND congrats to forge hub for the Bungie Favs. EVERYONE LOVES US!! ^.^
YES! You sold me with the when you said Chiron. That was one of my favorite maps in Halo, and thanks to you, it looks like i'll be playing it again in Halo 3. Just a minon suggestion though. The weapon placement looks a little uneven. You put weapons and equipment that could be used together very effectively very close to each other. This might cause less movement on the map, or cause a rush to a specific location where everyone camps. Other than that, this is a terrific map that does great justice to it's predecessor.