This is my first forgehub map entiteled "Pandora's Descent." Heres a quick little machinima type vid to set the mood of the map and give you an idea of what it looks like. YouTube - Pandora's Descent‏ I set the map up for infection and safehavens, though safehavens may play out a little strange based on how i built the map. heres some quick details of the map contents Weapons assault rifle: x6 shotgun: x2 sniper: x1 DMR: x1 grenades: x4 Safe Haven count: 3 Map size: borderline medium This map is completely inside as i wanted to make it feel like you were in a deserted space station type scenario. I took alot of inspiration from the movie "Pandorum." I even simulated a space view from one of the windows on the ship with stars and what-not. there will be a pic of that below. Now about the gameplay. Just like in the video, most of the survivors start off in a cryogenic sleep chamber. There are also three other spawns outside the main room. those unlucky three survivors will have to sit tight for a while as the rest of the survivors at main spawn cannot exit the room immediately. The main spawn room comes with a fully functional hangar door, which you might have seen in the video. However, this door will not work until 60 seconds after the game has started. Zombies can beat on that door all they want until then. This is also not the only entrance to the room. There is a ventilation system on the map which leads right into the main spawn room. This is why i put a timer on the door. When zombies spawn, they spawn right into the ventilation system. If you have normal gravity settings, the humans should not be able to access the ventilation system. i can see them getting up there with some kind of trick jump, but even if they do, they can't reach the zombie spawn as it is at a different elevation in the ventilation system. Now if the survivors are able to make it through that 60 second defence, they can go up to the motion-sensitive door and it will open to the rest of the ship for them and they can unite with the rest of the survivors. (supposing they made it too) Then the rest is up to them. they can find a place to steak out or they can run and gun through to the end of the ship, which is ultimately a hold-off type area. I believe i got the balance of the map right.. The ventilation system should rule out a lot of camping spots and the only camping spots available should'nt be to hard to overrun making it a struggle for the humans rather than a sit-back-and-pick-off-zombies kind of thing. now heres the screenies space view to add to the atmosphere Escape pod type thing at the end of the map Escape pod room Locker room Zombie spawn Main human spawn And thats about it folks. tell me what you think, and possibly give it a download!
OMG!!!! This map is AMAZING! I cant wait to play it! Congrats on this! Really nice how u did the space view, and the details are fantastic! If the rest of the map is as good as the pics then you might get featured. Well, I would feature this
This is looking good, I like the space theme and your choice of structures in this forge, and the colouring adds great depth for infection games. Looks like this will play well. Go one of the screen shots the wall double connected to another doesn't look too good as the off centered wall doesn't look right to me. Minor though. I will take a closer look shortly and see if can get some customs. Nice job
I liked the short machinima themed video. Gave me the feel of Dead Space. Watch the video with your speakers up and room dark sets a creepy mood. The map is brilliant in design. The working doors and vent systems. I personal love infection maps with crawls spaces for zombies/ humans. (in this maps case zombies) Nice job!
First off I like to point out that that movie is amazing. Okay, The video is great. I love it. Definitely gets me excited about the map. Its very proffesional. The map looks like it would have great aesthetics. And I want to know how you did the stars. I can wait to play this. Ill recomment on gameplay afterwards. <3 Squidman33
omg!!!! nice map!!! this has to get futured, the movie is amazing!!!!!!!!! The door!!!!! how did you make this!!! and this is your first fh map! wow! i can't w8 to have a game on it!!!!!!!! keep up the good work, there is just one question, can the humans Not open the door, and keep the zombies out the entire game??? if they can you should try to fix that. one more question, is there a game type for it, or is it just default infection?
From the post, what I gather is default infection with weapons on map to map default and weapon pickup enabled for humans. Not sure if there should be any point variations or if there's a custom powerup etc. I wouldn't be surprised if this got featured, because it's definitely a well forged map.
nope, everyone can open the door after the timers up. thanks for the positive review! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I have to admit.. the gameplay right now is probably flawed. haven't really gotten the chance to test it yet and i haven't gotten any bug reports on it yet. but if i get people to send reports on it, it will be polished in no-time! [br][/br]Edited by merge: finally fixed the huge issue with spawning that made the map unplayable. it now works fine. credits to user MrGreenWithAGun.
impressive I love the design, though I have to ask, why are there no spawns/respawns inside the actual structure, also, as the star field is an obvious selling point, why is the window so small/hard to see out of? coliseum windows would provide a much clearer view (and would save your budget)
What exactly do you mean by actual structure? the playable area itself? as for the window, there wasn't much i could do to make it easy to look out of. There were some FX that made it easy to look out the window but they didn't match the theme of the map.