What do you Hate about Halo 3 Match making?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by iahamp240, May 13, 2008.

  1. iahamp240

    iahamp240 Ancient
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    What do you hate about Matchmaking in Halo 3?

    I hate when some 7 year old comes in screaming over the mic about how good they are then they only get 2 kills.
  2. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Oh, there's so much that I hate. Where to start? It's generally the people I hate on live more than any specific aspect of it. I shall arrange them into several categories. Yes, this is somewhat inspired by the "Player types" post:

    Banshee Boys: These children have not yet hit puberty, and their voices can shatter glass at maximum volume. Perhaps because they do not realize this, or perhaps due to some insidious yet insipid strategy, they insist on shoving their microphone deep into their mouth, which results in the volume of their voices being magnified a thousand fold. As if this is not enough, they are notorious for unleashing torrents of meaningless gibberish at the top of their lungs, which culminates in making most participants in the game wishing they had a hammer nearby so they could break their microphones and make the megadecibel screeching come to an end.

    The Tourette's Guy Impersonators: For some reason, their vocabulary has not yet developed past phallic references, homophobic remarks, references to the mother's of their opponents and the ever immortal word "****", among other profanities. They often will attempt to combine the five in interesting, yet aggravatingly cliche insults such as "You knob gobbling ****ing **** lover, I ****ed your mom last night you ******!" They usually possess an intellectual capacity near to that of a common tree stump or a coked-up ferret with half a brain, so attempting to engage them in intelligent conversation or returning their mindless cursing with a meaningful and witty retort is not recommended: This will only serve to infuriate them further, causing them to launch into even more near-incoherent curses, perhaps even resulting in them evolving into "Humpy Mcgees". Often, Banshee Boys are also Tourettes Guy Impersonators.

    Humpy Mcgees: For some reason, perhaps due to some gross sexual inadequacy, or possibly simply because they haven't quite graduated past the stage when it's still funny, these players feel the need to 'hump' the corpses of every single opponent they kill, often pausing in the middle of a firefight to repeatedly crouch up and down upon the head of a fallen opponent. Often, the trash-talking variants who have no other way of communicating with their opponents will resort to this method. Hilarity ensues when they receive a sniper shot between the eyes as payment for their immaturity.

    Self-Proclaimed Gods: While many casual players think of Halo as a video game, or, failing that, try to play with some degree of respect, Self-Proclaimed Gods know nothing of honor or dignity. Skill level often has little to do with the persona of an SPG, for often even when a chimpanzee would show better hand-eye co-ordination than them, they will have an excuse at the ready, such as "Mai controllor iz brokn" or "OMG hax" or "U guyz hore weponz". They will often attempt move the game from simply a form of entertainment into something personal, and are known for making comments like "You suck so bad, you should just go kill yourself now". They seem to care little about anything but the game, and so one is inclined to think that they are compensating for something in reality by being (or pretending to be) really damn good at Halo.

    Cry Me a River, I'll Build You a Bridge: Players who fit under this categorization all have one thing in common: They *****, *****, *****, *****. Their controller is sticky. They couldn't get the weapon they wanted. OMG the kill that guy got on them was bullshit! The man cannon didn't work. What the **** that was a stupid death! Everyone complains once in a while. What makese CMARIBYAB's so annoying is that they NEVER ****ING STOP. Every five seconds they find something new to complain about, and by the end of the game their own teammates are shooting them in a desperate attempt to make them shut up.

    Quitters: Self-explanatory. In Social matchmaking this isn't much of a problem, but in ranked, it gets rather annoying when someone throws a hissy fit every time they see a game they don't like.

    Wow. I really AM bored.
  3. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    azrius, wow man, I feel the same way but damn man, thats quite the wall you've got there :)
  4. E93

    E93 Guest

    • Getting teamed up with jerks. It's okay to curse once in a while, or complain about something or someone, but all the time just makes it flippin irritating. Get a life jerks. Blame yourselves for once.
    • Getting teamed up with SERIOUS n00bs. ''Umm, what button do i press to throw a grenade?'' Or the kind that goes: '' Dude, I am so 1337! I am a Seargent Grade 3! Yeah! Suck eggs Brigayder (the ones that dont even say it right)''.
    • Getting teamed up with a 4th grader that thinks he's superior than everyone, and feels the need to cuss because his parents can't hear him. I'll give you a real-life example: The kid starts swearing like a drunken sailor. I tell him to stop. He tells me i can't tell him what to do. I tell him he probably doesn't ever swear in real life because his parents would beat him up and he's afraid of that. He tells me he rules his parents and starts making a fake conversation. We tell him to stop, it's not working, it's fake and we know it. He quits.
    • Letting the other team get all the good weapons and p0wn you left and right. Say on Valhalla, the other team steals your sniper, now having two active snipers, they also have the Splazer and Shottys, and maybe a warthog. You're most likely doomed. You might almost recover in the end of the game, but sometimes you dont.
    • L-A-G Lagging pisses me off. Nuff said
    that's about all i can think of right now. i'll edit this later if i remember something else.
  5. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    The Warthoggers:

    These people have the need to run and gun too much. In this case it is drive and gun. On Valhalla this happens frequently. They will always find a hiding spot and watch your base until they are sure you are out of the following: Spartan Laser, Missle Pods, and Plasma Pistols. Snipers require much skill to take down a Warthog driver coming at you so they do not fear for that. As soon as you run out they jump into a warthog with some buddies and go up into the base and spawn camp. They can die but the only problem after them are Banshees. Usually as soon as these Warthoggers die they spawn get into a banshee and repeat the process.
  6. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    Well what azrius said is true but immaturity is what people do in xbox live.Its either that or they try to act like someone the're not.I have seen this many times b4 to myself."have ur balls dropped yet"My response is always the same thing."I have heard of this many times b4.If u cant think of something new ur just like all the others that said that.It's either u have no life and only go on xbox to make fun of children because ur always made fun of everywhere else at school.Ur not fooling anyone.Quit the act and get some decent friends.Stop wasting ur life on makingg fun of children and get some friends."There response."Ye whatever ur balls didnt drop yet so im not scared of u."What im trying to say is that older people can be twice as annoying as younger people.
  7. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    i agree, but i do have a squeky ish voice or so i've heard
    plz don't kill me
  8. NOTW22

    NOTW22 Ancient
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    **Waiting to play** Let's get this game started already!!!!!
  9. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    The little nine year olds who insist on counting up someones experience against their grade a judging them,not shutting up about how the brigadier only has 900 experience and has played 2000 games and that he sucks.AS IF ANYONE GIVES A RATS ASS!
    They will then proceed to tea-bag him even though they are losing ,will ***** and moan about it and refuse to acknowledge the fact that between double xp weekends,quitters,and social (as in not infuriatingly competitive-i dont care if i win) games halo threes XP and rank system are deeply flawed.
  10. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Free For All: I like the idea but I am trying to get up my rank in Free for all, so I can level up but I get put in games with people who are ether really, really good or bad so I go up and down a lot which is annoying.

    Team Killers: Sure we all make a mistake or two here and there maybe a miss fire, shot the wrong way but when you purposely kill your team mates. It just annoying to lose by 1 point because of a team killer.

    Getting Spawn camped.: Oh how annoying that is to spawn only to get shotgunned in the spinal cord.
  11. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    ooh, the lag. the lag sucks ballsy balls
  12. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    The ranking system is horrible. Enough said.

    Everyone has already summed up the obvious about assholes and little kids playing Halo.
  13. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Yea, I despise 7 year olds who use the mic more than their weapon. I also hate it when people take a power weapon, then use it unwisely, then when a vehicle situation occurs, they don't have any ammo, or do, but miss every shot. Called M.S.L, or Misuse of the Spartan Laser
  14. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
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    i hate never getting blackout that much.
    blackout is the only level i like to get in double team
    but we ALWAYS get team battle rifles on CONSTRUCT. <-- worst level ever
    and also we get narrows alot too. <----also the worst level ever
  15. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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  16. tmt95

    tmt95 Ancient
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    the one thing that i hate about mactchmaking is the freakin lag. i try to play but it is hard when people lag out the game:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  17. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Bungie Favorites, The new File Forums, matchmaking, and ummm lag.
  18. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    I don't really have too much to complain about, however the little kids or 'squeakers' as my buddies and I call them. Sure, I can mute them, but I really hate having to mute teammates in an objective game simply because I can't stand their voice.
  19. RacoonSniper 13

    RacoonSniper 13 Ancient
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    I hate forge. On my 360 forge is not co operating. It is evil.
  20. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    Well, that really isn't matchmaking, but I see your complaint. It usually takes a lot of time to get used to forge (not saying you aren't if you are). It takes me about 2 minutes to make a 90 degree wall, however one of my buddies (who forges a LOT) can do it in about 10 seconds.

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