Has anyone here at Forgehub presented how maps at Forgehub will be evaluated for submission into Bungie's community playlist? Or who are our reps? What criteria will our reps be using to choose maps to forward up our maps?
We have no clue. The best we know is that, for now, maps will be chosen from Forgetacular submissions. In the future members of the community at large will be chosen to be part of the "community cartographers" group. I have an idea of one member, but he doesn't know what's happening any better than anyone else.
I know that the reps from the various community are on board already. HBO's reps have already posted on their site how they intend to move forward. I would assume our reps would share their plans with us about now also, but haven't seen anything yet. Who are our reps, anyway?
I thought the Community Playlist was for Forgetacular submissions ONLY. So it's actually a community playlist, and not some fancy name given to the playlist to make Bungie seem ninja? This changes everything... Now I might actually go into the playlist without playing some BS campers map and maybe play some real maps from sites like GoO, RP, MLG, and perhaps even here at FH.
I don't think that FH has a representative. The Community Cartographers are to search out maps in whatever method they feel necessary. They will then come together as a group and test their suggestions and make a joint decision. Whatever maps they feel are good enough to pass on to Bungie will be passed on. Nobody knows what kinds of tests they will run, but I am presuming that there will be minimal testing. I am assuming this because about one third of the Community Cartographers usergroup at Bungie are actual Bungie members and may be supervising the other members.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/117672-community-announcement.html Hoping to see a lot more diversity in the playlist. Symmetrical maps are kind of bland.
Well, if you look at the HBO announcement, you get the impression that their members have a say into the process. Someone else who is a veteran of the forging community also told me that we need to find out how they are "looking" for maps if we want to improve our opportunities to see our maps in MM. I just want to understand the process better - who do I contact to see if they even heard of me or my map, that's all (I know one of them does, but you get the point...).
Our members don't have a say in the process as we do not have a Forgehub representative. Yes, once we know how they are finding maps, we can get maps noticed easier. As for how to contact them I doubt that they'd like to peruse hundreds of messages, so sending a message is likely not the way to go. They will contact you if they feel your map is 'almost' there to suggest improvements.
I would imagine this would be correct. Any person claiming to be a representative is going to be flooded with "please show them my map" and similar messages. I believe your best bet to get a map noticed is to post it across many community sites (as well as having a genuinely good map in the first place). That ways you aren't being intrusive but you're allowing a larger part of the community to be exposed to your work.
I ran across another way to try and get maps out there, this is an awesome thread, and Bungie DOES listen to us; Bungie.net : Optimatch : BUNGIE: This is your playlist given from the Gods! Hit it up and maybe, just maybe Bungie will throw us a bone.
Forge Hub got overlooked for representatives in the "Cartographers" group. Instead members of "The T00L B0X", "WorkPlace", "HBO", "GAF(?)", and HaloCharts were chosen. To the best of my knowledge, FH, XF and RP were all left out. And MLG of course has control over their own playlist. Just a heads up, expect to see more Joeski and Rascal Cat picks.
So I know about HBO and HaloCharts, but where are these other groups? The TOOL BOX, WorkPlace, ... And what is RP? anyone know?
No idea about the T00L B0X, but The Work Place used to be Halo 3 In the Work Place and is basically an invitation only (AFAIK) group of older gamers. RP is ReachingPerfection, it's the site that GodlyPerfection (aka. AZN FTW) started.
Is TOOL BOX an unsearchable group? I searched for it, but I come up with nothing. I assume it is also invite only???
I found the T00L B0X and I was immediately accepted into it, only to find that no one really hangs out there much any more. It is dying. So I guess the reps went to the BluePrint or other forums?? I don't know myself, but it is sort of sad to see so many dying groups these days. I guess a lot of people are done with forging - at least for a while.
Blueprint seems to be the largest and most open group (within bungie.net) that has an organized effort to get maps into MM. My map Precipice was sent to the Community Cartographers through that group (who then later sent the map through to Bungie), although I had been working with just about everyone on that map, lol. If you're looking for some place to start, Blueprint is where it's at. Although with 343 taking over the reins of Halo Reach, we're not sure if and when they'll have a system developed for getting community content into MM. So it's a bit up in the air at the moment. I know Homeboyd has been in conversation with BS Angel about transitioning, but I don't think anything has become of it yet.