Hey man, I played the 5/21 version the other day. The geometry and pathways are exactly the way I envisioned it. Great stuff man. I think there needs to be a little bit more contrast/color in the map. It's monotone and the floors blend in with the walls. Adding color to the walls could work, but that means adding more objects. I would suggest opening up outer walls and using those materials to roof the center room a bit. The flow and gameplay are there, but the aesthetic appeal isn't quite there yet. I forget what it was called, but Adelyss's Halo 3 tourny map from a while ago did the same sort of thing. Open aired courtyard surrounding the roofed central room. It was appealing and I think the same could work for Ambiance as well. Also, I'd like to seem a few more weapons like a plasma repeater or rifle. Just something that would be fun to pick up and shoot. I felt the grenade launcher and sniper rifle worked well as power weapons. I think the sniper rifle should move about ten feet from the inside corner of the hallway to the outside corner. Maybe put it on a cone pedastool as well? That portion of the map is pretty dark, so the sniper blends right in. These are all minor details, but just a little bit more polish and it'll really shine.
Diadem, I think. You're gonna have to talk me through all of this. Sorry. Big map designer rusty words confuse the bad forger Erupt. >.<
Instead of complimenting him on using jargon you will understand relatively soon, criticize his incredibly choppy sentences Also, you got a new xbox Rusty?!?
Haha, yea. I tend to jump around a lot. It's my nature. I can't stay on one topic for too long if there's a lot to talk about. Also, no. I was at a friend's house playing. Anyways, I'm not sure there's too much to walk you through Erupt. Remove outer walls, but keep some railing and pillars. Use that to make a semi-plausible roof, like Diadem.
Are you kidding me right now? I'd have to redo all of the floors because the overlap and... Are you sure?
No. If it requires starting from scratch on the floors, no way man. I wouldn't even do that. This is what sucks most about forge. The Texture Pallete sucks.
Alright, here. I started a new version awhile ago because I foud a few useful things I could do to make it easier. Such as those 1x1 corners. So, I'll release this version and slowly make the other one and use less blocks, then have walls and a "plausible" ceiling. Sound good?
Erupt, stick with perfecting it because I really like this from a visual perspective and Rusty's designs are often awesome so I dont doubt gameplay is there. When this is finally released, I'd find it hard to not feature it. Work with it, make it perfect.
At this point it's really up to you. I'm more than happy with what you've built. It really is a solid map. All criticisms I've had are things I critique about my own maps. If you love the map enough to work on it more then yea. It really depends on what you think is worth the time you have and could put into it.
Your video is the only reason I'm considering just releasing it. I mean, the new version will be a lot like the old one, so it's not like I won't get to use the video...
Use your eyes fool. Erupt: Why would this not receive a feature? I'd happily raise it for discussion if the gameplay is there... but you're yet to let me play it. *****.
Oh lol. Didn't realize your appearance in the thread. I'll fix that right up. Also, I agree. I would raise it for discussion if I could
Wellllll. As you can see from the above comments, I've been talked into redoing it. So once I finish the redo that I now call Ambience, I'll need to mess around with it a bit longer. But since it will only really be aesthetically different from the last build, testing and tweaking won't take long. I'll try to get you in on a game sometime, if you don't want to wait for release. Anyways, since I'm posting here. The new build of it has in fact been renamed to "Ambience," the English spelling of the word. I think, at least. I built it in a different location so I could use grass for the center room. This was very tough because the lift room is lower than the center so I had to have an incline going down out of a natural landscape. That was tough. But yeah, I have 3 of the rooms finished so far. Keep me motivated, guys. ;D
Yea I know. Grass totally kills the map's design, flow, gameplay and aesthetics. Blows man. I can't believe you're making it better! What were you thinking? /obvious ignorance.