I'm pissed, this wisdom teeth stuff is holding me back... tonight we are having manicotti because its just cheese noodles and sauce... And how the hell did I forget loveshack? That place is great too. Not as good as kincaids but I think its cheeaper and I like their fries better.
You should ask for pudding, when I got mine out I ate a **** ton of pudding, popped vicodin, and played halo 2 all day. It was as the /b/stards say "cash"
I haven't watched Se7en, but it has one of the most iconic endings of all time, so if you don't want to know how the film ends, I wouldn't tell anyone else you're about to see it.
I've got hydrocodone, and it is just like taking extra advil, nothing noticeably different, must not affect me much. Blue Bell Coffee Ice Cream Carnation Instant Breakfast (Chocolate) Blender ohmygoditsamazing. But you gotta actually make the instant breakfast, don't use straight up powder. Its delicious and nutritious!
I may come over there and steal some. Depends where you live. If it's easier I might just make some myself.
Holy **** a new episode of Salad Fingers came out and I remember watching it yearsssssss back when I was way young probably around 10 or 11, and holy **** did I not understand it then....and still don't understand it now. But I must have been creeped the **** out at 10