lol RST if that's true you need to get off the internet before you get a virus or delete your system 32 folder
Remember how awesome RST was? Man, that guy was so funny, he could make me laugh and laugh. Unlike this 'Wings of Icarus' tool. You would have liked him Icarus. His inherent cool would have rubbed off on you.
I'm banning Wings of Icarus when my TGIF is over. RST claims it's his friend, and the account user claims he knows nothing of him when it's clear he does. One of them is lying, and I'm leaning toward it being a proxy.
Godfuckingdamnit. Parents make me go to bed to get a "good nights sleep" (cause apparently 12:00-8:00 is different from 2:00-10:00) because I had wisdom teeth removed yesterday. So I have to quit playing Patrician Hunt right when its getting funnier, and am forced to go to bed (by which I mean play pokemon in my bed with my lights off)
Tell them if they wanted to give dental advice, they should have dropped out of medical school with all the other dentists.