I don't know why I'm posting this but if your a friend with my gamertag and you see "me" online then message me and tell me I'm a ****ing bastard cuz it's not me your messaging it's a theif!
You dont have to ask me twice to call you a ****ing bastard. Just kidding. I hope you get your Xbox back, really. I cant imagine what it must feel like to have your 'box stolen... thats why I keep a spare shotgun under my matress.
Xbox stolen! Xbox dropped! Xbox stolen! Xbox dropped! But seriously, I don't see how someone can 'steal' an account and an xbox. If it's the whole xbox, recover the account on a friend's xbox, like was suggested and change the password to recover. He can no longer go on XBL gold. And otherwise, how can we help you? But if you are telling the truth, that sucks dude. Hope you get it back soon. How'd they take it anyway?
I already changed the password on his account and spent all of his Xbox Live poi... I mean, OH NO, This is terrible! Well, I hope this teaches you a valuable lesson about locking doors. Not that I would know, because I am in no way connected to this.
I don't understand, if I'm a friend with your gamertag and I see you online, wouldn't you be on your gamertag? Which arises the question who was friend?
If he stole your whole Xbox well then that's just sad. If he just stole your account, you can easily recover it on another Xbox.
If I were him I'd not recover my account. If my whole xbox was stolen I might as well let the thief keep it for the sake of talking to him, and have some fun with it. Unless it has his credit card info, obviously