Glad you like it. If you play it, or if you have already, let me know what you think. Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it dude. I can't take all credit though. Levi is really the one to be complimented on the flow. I changed a couple things (the tall room), but I can't take design credit. It was a beautiful design and I'm glad I could bring it to life. I can however take credit for the weapon set and placement, and I will. I did a good job. /cocky No but really, I'll pass the words on to levi. I'm sure he'd love to hear such great things said about his design. If anyone wants to get a round on it, and no one is on, hit me up Rho your boat Best regards
Gud map is gud. I had no idea you already released this baby, makes me feel a bit sad, really. I have like two maps waiting and ready to be released, but I just hold onto them whispering my precious. --Regardless, this map does play really well, and even though you stomped my face the one time we played it together, (which, for the record, I'm just throwing it out there that you have hidden power weapons that only you know the location of.) that shall not hinder my opinion of it. Next time, you shall see what the underside of my boot looks like, rho.
I look forward to that boot later But seriously, I'd love to play you . I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the comment. As for the guy above me, I'm not sure what reminds you of orbital, but I think it's a good thing. So thank you? I had tried to set this up for other gametypes, because I think 2v2 5 flag would play really well, but I gave up because it got all broked. If anyone wants to set that up and tell me how it goes, that'd be swell I think KoTH might play well also. I'll work on it at some point. Again guys, thanks for all the feedback.
Grats on leading the way in FHF. Overall, the map is amazing, nuff said. The weapons are perfect, the layout is ****in' awesome and just like all your creations, looks sexy as hell. Hopefully this map gets some front page lovin' sooner or later. Keep up le gud verk.
Thanks for the love bump. Not sure you're really supposed to be talking bout the voting, but I appreciate it. I am happy so many people enjoy the map. That's really the only thing that matters. If you guys like playing it, my work has been done. Not to say that front paging wouldn't be sweet
Ok, so I've been thinking about the teles on this map. At first I thought it might just play better without them. However, a response about back grass hill on the MLG forum thread (and how getting trapped there can be annoying if your opponent is holding top mid/OS) reminded me why that escape route is necessary. On the other hand, the fact that it's a 2 way turns this escape route in to an attack route on this position too. Similarly, I don't think that Sniper hall needs another exit, it has enough routes as it is and so I think may be the two way nature of the tele system is what irks me about it. Have you considered putting a sender up at the top grass point, and a receiver in Sniper hall? Tbh I'd also still like to try a no tele version, but at a guess I'd say a single way system might work best.
The entrapment was why the tele went there initially. I put it there before I played it though. The thing is, top custom doesn't have a big enough view of the room to totally trap you. Cade and BT said the no tele version was better, but I wouldn't mind trying a send version. Having it send you to where it was before. I'll work on that this weekend to get a solidified final final version. Someone else suggested putting a camo where custom was, and I'd like to try that too. Couldn't hurt. If you'd like to play, add me
Nice map, I like the use of the platform XL as sidings for the walls, and im glad that people are starting to get away from using 5x5's as flooring, or at least using another object to spice them up, 5x5's get boring to look at very quickly, and you did a nice job of changing the way objects are supposed to be used...also the rocks look very smooth, and i cant quit figure out what kind of rock that is. only criticism i have is that teleporter frames for teleporters are really boring now, try and make something diffrent than just using a preset anyways nice map keep the good forging
Glad you like it. The teleporter frames weren't actually made of teleporter frames. If you look closely, they are upside down walkways. Anyways, in the updated version, the tele's are gone, so it's not a big deal. If you get a round on it, let me know what you think. Thanks a lot Rho
Just played my first game on this last night, and loved the layout of the map! We did notice that the spawning was weird for FFA. There were five or six times when I would spawn directly behind a player giving me an easy kill. Also not sure if I just downloaded a weird version but we didn't find any weapons? Was there a version that was uploaded briefly like this that was pulled down and replaced? I'll try downloading again.
Damnit Atlas used my opening sentence. It screwed me up. I thought, 'did I just post this and forget'. Aaanyway, I just played my first game on this last night, and loved the layout of the map! I ran around confused as hell while my buddy kept popping out of everywhere killing me repeatedly. Maybe it just seemed that way. I mean, he did constantly have the hologram that I never got to find. At first I questioned wether there was much to the asthetics on this map, but by the time I was done there was no denying that this was in fact an attractive, very playable map. It's too bad that we are so limited in forge. I think this map could look so much better if we didn't have to worry about lag and we were given the ability to texture it ourselves. It's easy not to notice the attention to detail in a map when it's mostly textured the same. Great map. I look forward to adding unnecessarily excessive firepower to this small confusing space. Thx, Preacher001
I've fixed the links, both the one in the the details at the top and the one in the text body itself should be working now.
Wow sorry guys. I forgot to update this thread with the newest version. Thanks peg. Hope you enjoy it Gorilla. Sorry again.
So, I finally played a game on the newest version of this map. It was not enjoyable... Did I mention Kuroda slaughtered me? That's why. He pulled off this twisty-reload strafe thing and grenade launcher me coming out of his 360[sup]o[/sup] rotation. It was insane. I quit. Anyways, I just wanted to post on this since I never did and finally got a game. Great job, Rho. <3 -Your #1 Subscriber.
Finally got to play a little on this map, I love the layout, reminds me a lot of what I strive for in my designs, simple, intuitive with good flow and lines of sight. That said, its pretty ridiculous that this isn't set up for FFA, we spawned on the ground outside the map. Simple fix. I really liked the "latter" with one-way shield doors, though I wish it was a little more obvious that it was there, people have a hard time figuring out that its there, except by accident. Other than that, great job, its a really cool, simple map.
Definetely the best asymetrical map I have ever seen. I even think chuck norris couldn't even build a map better than this. My only suggestion is to increase the size a little bit, so it can be played with MLG settings.