Discussion for the various series that expand upon the slender man mythos. The main one being Marble Hornets. Suggested viewing order. Detailed Wiki. Speculation and Miscellaneous Thoughts There's also Everyman HYBRID and Tribe Twelve. I know next to nothing about any of this, merely started the thread for the express purpose of saying: YOINK.
He's like Jack Skellington, but like, scary. Not really. But yeah... I've seen a couple of episodes of Marble Hornets, and I got bored quickly because of how... "not scary?" it was. Yeah, man.
If ur looking for scary you might wan to check out the everyman hybrid series. The actors may be goofier and the script not as good. But the monsters are creepier. And its the monsters your thinking about when your taking out the trash at 2:30 in the morning /shudders
God, where to begin? Uhm. Lets just get right at it, Entry 41. 1:40 - "TTA" found in the water. 3:10 - "Hoody" Questions: Who is Hoody? Jessica? Alex? Tim? Jay? If Jay booked it after meeting The Operator, why is his car still here? Did Alex show up? Are Entries 29, 40 and 41 connected? UNFICTION THREAD
Pop slendyman quiz: Where was the inspiration for the operator symbol derived from First to answer wins an intangible prize
By far the creepiest parts of EH is when Slenderman's head is like skitzing before the door slams the door in episode ". . ." and when the Rake is crawling in the forest after killing that girl in episode "Cops Checked, No Body". To this point I'm nearly convinced that the hooded masked figure is Jay. When jay puts the camera in the car he never shuts the door meaning he could have set the camera down and gotten back out. Another thing is, had the masked man been someone else, wouldn't Jay have reacted more strongly to Blasky passing by his windshield? Another theory I have is that Jay never had the camera. Whoever was filming, in this case I think Blasky, returned the camera to Jay's car. Which would mean Jay is still in the woods or in the hands of Slendy as it appears was about to happen at the end of Entry 40.
I think the man who passes by does have the camera during the video, but I don't know who it is. My guess is Masky because that hoodie looks familiar, it could even be Alex.
I believe the point was that that person WAS the person filming. But the question I have is, why a hood? Could they be hiding their hair? Their long hair AKA Jessica?
I thought maybe Jessica, but then you have to account for the order things are happening. This is still Jay watching the tapes he found in the safe after Jessica disappeared.
But it could still be her, thats the thing. She says she thought she remembered Jay, but doesnt know from where. Also, Im now waiting for the totheark video.
Uhhh, yes. The one entry where Alex and Jay go to the shack, and Masky attacks... Alex takes the mask off and breaks Tim's leg.
No no, like is he civil? I know you see him when he gets unmasked, but is he ever seen unmasked and like talking or being talked to?
Hmmm... Well my guess then is that people don't exactly some back from "possession" so that makes think Blasky is not Jessica, but possible another antagonist in the future.
It's been speculated that during the times Jay can't remember anything, he was "possessed". For example, Entry ######. He doesn't remember posting it, but it was linked in both his twitter and uploaded on youtube. And there was tweets that he didn't tweet.