Hey, guys. Zatherla here, and I brought with me today a map called Small Town, mainly because it is a Small scale map of Town , Constructed in roughly 7-8 hours, over a span of a week. This map consists of 4 blocks ( a block is surrounded by 4 different streets creating a square-like pattern in between the streets which i filled up aesthetically.. I Just want to put this out now As well before i get any rage-comments. that this map DOES NOT play with customs games. i had alot of people yelling at me about that in the messages about how the map is sucks, so i told them to view it in forge and then they cryed because they said i was a hacker/modder and that i would hack them. i went along with it of course. So without further ado, here are some pics Here are the two identical apartment buildings... Housing Apartment 5B *wink wink* Parking lot for the park beside here and the two buildings beside it. Here is a wall blocking pedestrians from entering the back of the Black T Industries. along with a car parked in a no parking zone. At the base of the front entrance to Black T Industries View of one of the main streets in the intersection. Thanks to everyone who has helped me out on forgehub! love ya all!
FIRST. btw, another sick map from you Zath. The freaking detail is bonerific. I have trouble keeping my sanity when I look at those freaking cars. You have too much talent bro. edit: First download as well
small town? more like big town looks more like a central business district to me anyways great work, i love how you boxed it in and made the towers and stuff
lol this makes me laugh just from all the skill of the map and concentration on details. I love how much time this must of taken you! I wish this could run a game mode, but I (unlike others which you'v said) I know why this can't be played on a custom game sadly. I still wanna play GODZILLA in it! lol Great job and good work on the aesthetics, can't wait to see more by you!
thanks all and i cant wait to make more hollow already have a few ideas up my sleeve... hopefully no one takes them before i manage to make them..
Wow man, you don't mess around when you forge. I remember when you showed me this like 2 days ago. This is INSANE, again you have astonished me with your amazing attention to detail.
Wow man, you got some real talent. From apartment 5b to this, they both look amazing. The bike and the cars look awesome, and even the light poles look sick. Great job man, keep these maps coming!
WOW. i think the back of my head just exploded. lol. anyway, AWESOME job, the magnum cars actually look real. and you even made a doorway to black industries! thats what i love about ur aesthetics. u make detail to everything. nice job, keep up ur forging spree, you might even get another feature. =) oh. and i just noticed the bicycle. all i can say is HOLY SHIZZLE FRIZZLE RAZZLE DAZZLE SHTTING IN MOUTH MIDGETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol i have no idea what that even means.... but the bicycle deserves it!
Zath. How? How... do you make this? How do you manage to make my jaws drop from making such things so detailed? How? Well Zath, what I can see from here. You have been on some kind of halo drug which gives you magical powers to make good maps. Or you just voodoo doll me to make my jaw drop. Everyone ignore the bicycle. LOOK AT THE FRIGGEN TRUCK :O
So glad I got a sneak peak of this map. Since then the detail has increased substantially, and it's grown inti an incredibly impressive map. Did you manage to sort the court, or did it get the cut as I thought it would?
It got cut due to budget (tin cups are $100) and item limits. it was way to hard to get a rectangular surface of grass on this map.
Wow, very creative and a keen eye for details. Once again (like everyone else has said) I love the bicycle and the car. I had no clue what the car could be made out of untill D3ATH EYE pointed it out. Your use of color really improves the map. GReat job. Im impressed.
I expected as much. Anyways, I had a look around. You moved stuff around, which confused me, but the map looks spectacular. I really like that truck and the bicycle. Very clever use of objects as always. Still think it needs more Wraiths.
if you make a larger version of this for me i'll make that game for you. other than the overall size of this its still amazing. you do not disappoint, my friend.
The car is made of magnums and DMR scopes. amirite? THE BIKE! OH MY GOD THE BIKE! I totally kept saying that when I saw a sneak preview. And with good reason.
wow. nice map, the detail that you put into the map is amazing, the bike, the cars, how did you make them!!! this map has to be featured. it is one of the most detailed maps i have ever seen, along with Apartment 5B, which is another amazing map that you made. you are by far, the best person i know for making aesthetic maps. great job.